IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


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The purpose of my researching work is giving characteristic of biological rhythms and physiology which connecting closely and both have impact upon lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle is “the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants, and thereby improve their health” [5].

The mode of the day is a base of healthy lifestyle.

Daily mode is the first component of healthy lifestyle. It is strictly follow to the mode of the day. Wake up, eat, work, relax, go to bed – all should be at the same time every day. The human body needs a steady mode to be strong and training. The human body strictly observes the regime of the day like well-regulated clockwork which will work years and years without failures. The correct mode of the day begins with training. Then it is breakfast, study or work, lunch, rest, dinner, free time and sleep. The observance of a day regimen has a deep physiological meaning: develop conditioned reflexes that determine the stable daily periods of readiness to different types of work and rest. Significant deviations from the usual mode of the day leads to a more acute follow of fatigue and, as consequence, to serious diseases. The mode of the day is individual for everyone. But you should plan your mode of the day in accordance with the biological rhythms of the body.

1) Biological rhythms

Biorhythmology (chronobiology) is new as a science, but the concept of the circle of life known to man since the ancient time, it is present in all philosophies. The oldest mention of the structure of cycles is the Chinese “Book of changes” – it is about 25 centuries. The interrelated system of physical cycles is characteristic for the human body. Biological rhythms are controlled by the pineal – gland of the brain, which are genetically provided by the alternation of waking and sleeping, duration of lifetime and other characteristics. Scientists have proved that life is inseparably linked with time. All life on Earth has a biological “clock”. The result of following it is a long life and a health. The most important regulator of these”clock” is alternating of light and darkness, day and night; the signal – sunset and sunrise.

There are three groups of biorhythms (two main and one additional):

  • daily

  • multi-day

  • lunar

They all form a common system of fluctuations in the level of human’s capacity for work. They play the role of a multi-stage mechanism which smooth too large vibrations and eliminate the effects of the tension.

The formation of individual biological rhythms begins in the womb and continues in later life. It occurs according to the laws of heredity and variation: the body tends to resemble his parents in physical, mental and other ways, but at the same time, actively adapt to the new conditions of the environment in which exists.

The stars, as well as the moon, sunrises and sunsets have an influence on people. That is why in the Middle Ages almost every noble person had their own astrologer. Now astrology and astronomy continues these traditions. Besides the powerful cosmic objects which affect us, there are quite earthly factors: family upbringing, the working collective, educational collective and sports team. The formation of a person’s organism feature can be explained only by studying all of these factors in combination.

The duration of circadian (circadian rhythms) is 25 hours, not 24. If you put someone in a dark room, the circadian cycles will return to normal. That’s why many people forced to use an alarm clock and a coffee in the morning to wake up and a sleeping pill in the night. But if compulsion is a bit little, circadian rhythms will be normal again, and the intensity of the physiological functions will accord the sleep and wakefulness again.

Science has established that the cause of most part of mental disorders is a disturbance of circadian rhythms and, therefore, it is need special attention to “biological clock” to improve well-being, creative achievement, health, physical activity, long youth and life, prevention of various diseases.

Just daily mode which formed with accounting of circadian cycles can be absolutely right; it would be possible with this regime to use all the apparent and hidden resources of the organism, without harming health.

2) Daily mode and physiology

The daily mode is connected with human physiology closely. The reactions of the nervous system to a various irritant, change of environment are divided into:

  • unconditional response (innate);

  • conditioned reflexes (acquired).

All unconditional reactions are formed at the gene level in the womb, conditioned reflexes - during a life. They are following: when we need to wake up, what is the period between meals, what time to rest, when to take a break etc. So, reflex is the body's readiness to do anything and if you systematically forget about some reflexes (example of these reflex is breakfast just after morning exercises), it will cause a serious disease.

Thus, the reflexes which are developed thanks to an accurate observance of the daily mode form a stable daily periodicity, which helps the body to work more correctly and smoothly, which ultimately prolongs life.

In addition, it is need to consider in the preparation mode the fact that man lives in "the sun clock" and for his body tend to be in line with the sun, its rise and set. Perhaps this explains the fact that ancient people didn’t know, unlike us city dwellers, what is fatigue, drowsiness, stress – they were closer to nature, woke up and fell asleep with the sun.

Science has proven that then closer the clock by which we live to “sun clock” then healthier the nation. For example, when the discrepancy with the “sun” time was two hours, the number of calls “ambulance” increased by 30%, compared to the time when the difference was only one hour.

Our nearest star’s explosions impact on a people too, because human brain contains tiny crystals of magnet, and when there is strong explosion on the sun accompanying with a stream of charged particles which in 1-2 days reaches the magnetic shell of the earth, causing its fluctuations (magnetic storm), particles of the magnet in the human brain fluctuations too. “Weather-sensitive” people feel a terrible discomfort because these processes. Discomfort is pain in different parts of the body (such as the place of old serious injury) or the feeling of weakness, fatigue, and headache. Scientists have learned to predict the approximate time of the nearest strong solar flares, so at the time of occurrence of the magnetic storm “weather-sensitive” people should not plan any serious deal. Should be more relax and more carefully follow the mode of the day, because disregarding of daily mode itself leads to poor health, reduced efficiency of work activities, and in combination with the magnetic storm can be a cause an exacerbation of any chronic diseases and even death.

So, it is need to monitor their health, lead a healthy lifestyle which are based on right daily mode developing according to biological rhythms of organism and its physiology to be healthy, to live a long and happy life, not clouded by diseases and ailments, and achieve success in all activities, including sport (a main indicator of health).


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  1. Виленский, М.Я., Горшков, А.Г. Физическая культура и здоровый образ жизни студента : учеб. пособие / М.Я. Виленский, А.Г. Горшков. – М : Гардарики, 2007. – 218 с.

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  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_promotion

Просмотров работы: 370