IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Аветисян А.М. 1, Смирнова Е.В. 2
1МAОУ № 187 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов
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«Generous, wide and spacious

The majestic Volga flows.

Skittish as a bird – free,

All the springs gathering ...»

- Tatyana Lavrova

The Volga Caspian basin plays an immportant role in economic, social and cultural development of the countries sharing its territory. In the 2000s many different national and international projects and programs were launched to improve ecological health and natural resource management in the basin. They were based on state of the art scientific principles, methods, data and results.

So it is essential to have better understanding of the process of saving and protecting the Volga Caspian Basin.The Volga river is the largest river system in Europe. It springs in the Valday hills and flows 3530 km towards the Caspian Sea. The Volga river basin area covers 1358 million square kilometres [1]. There are more than 200 sizable tributaries many of them are navigatable. They are the Oka, the Kama, the Samara and the Vetluga. Navigation is possible between the Black, the Baltic and the Caspian seas.

According to the data the Volga provides approximately eighty percent of total river discharge in to the Caspian sea, the largest closed water body in the earth. In comparison: annual water discharge of the Rhine is 79 km2 and the Volga 254 km2. The area of the Caspian sea is three million square kilometres where forty seven percent relates to the Volga basin [2]. Biodiversity of the Lower Volga region is of global importance and uts wetlands in the delta are considered the best conserved in Europe. No less than 15 globally endangered bird spicies are registered in the Lower Volga region. Also there are spawning and feeding grounds of 4 threatened sturgeon spicies include in the Red List. One salmon spicies is on the edge of full extinction. After construction of the dams many fish spicies such as beluga sturgeon, sevruga, starred sturgeon, Caspian lamprey migrating from the Caspian sae disappeared from the Volga upstrem of rhe Volgograd reservoir. Unfortunately, only Saratov and Volgogarad dam structures have fish elevators but though they are not very efficient.

European part of the Russian Fedeeration has more forest areas than the rest Europe. The total forest cover in the Volga basin 32 million hectares. It makes 23 percent of the total area. The Volga basin is very important body which is shared by 39 subjects of our country as well 2 areas in Kazakhstan. The basin includes the most populated and industrialized regions of Russia.

In conclusion, it should noted that sustainable development of the river basin necessitates an integrated basin wide approach. The interdisciplinary approach of the resource management implies public participation and the representatives of the civil society and local authorities` activities [ 3;4;5;6;7]. Further development of the programms and projects can assists in rehabilitation, environmental management, planning and promotion of sustainable use. Some other projects and programs need full consideration and consultation in the planning process. It`s our duty to save the cultural heritage of the Volga basin. If we don`t do it today – tomorrow it can be too late!


  1. https://ru.wikipedia.org

  2. Стратегия сохранения биологического разнообразия Нижегородской области. http://www.uic.unn.ru/dront/lr-strateg.ru.html

  1. Правительство Российской Федерации Распоряжение от 27 августа 2009 г. N 1235-р (в ред. распоряжения Правительства РФ от 28.12.2010 N 2452-р) http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_91329/

  2. http://www.nngasu.ru/str/miepm/unesco/about/history.php

  3. Программа «Живая Волга»15-й Международный научно-промышленный форум«ВЕЛИКИЕ РЕКИ» 2013 г., Нижний Новгород

  4. http://lib.volsu.ru/virtvyst/?p=4341

  5. http://fb.ru/article/230905/reka-volga-rasteniya-i-jivotnyie-reki-opisanie-ekologiya

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