IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


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Word is the main lexical unit of a language, which is represented bysound or complex of sounds having a value and is used in the speech as an independent entity.2 The material basis of the word is the sound envelope. It does not reflect any phenomena of reality.The meaning of word, the content of word representit's inside, and sound envelope - it's upside. The outside is form of the word. Word - is the unity of the inner side, or the form and content.Sounds combination is not word, if itdoes not filled with a certain content. The set of external and internal sides of the word gives the word a number of features that distinguish it as the main lexical unit by any other linguistic unit.

There are five most essential features of the words:2

1.Phonetic clearance. Always word is a certain sound, consisting of at least one phoneme.

2.Only one accent. This feature allows you to clearly distinguish adjacent phenomena vocabulary and phraseology. The word, in contrast to the idiomatic expression always comes as a hammerless, or as having one main meaning. If we have a unit that has two main stress, it is not the word, but a more complex entity: idiomatic expression or a free combination of words.

3.Semanticalvalence. There is no word that has no meaning in language. Every word - is not only a certain sound, but also a value. That's what the word is different from the sound that can distinguish the sound of words and morphemes, but does not have value.

4.Lexical and grammatical relatedness. Each word must belong to any significant or performance of the speech.

5.Tightness. This immutability, permanence of word structure. This property is typical absolutely for all words.

Lexical meaning(inner meaning), have not all the words, but only those that can express the concept. Such words are called independent. From a grammatical point of view, these include: nouns, adjectives, numerals, verbs, adverbs, pronouns.Reserved word, modal words and concepts do not represent interjections, and they are not connected with the objects of reality. These words have special significance: itexpress the feelings and find a relationship to anything: certainly, fortunately and so on. The basis of lexical meaningis the concept, but equality between lexical meaning and the concept is not. The concept is a copy of the object of reality in our thinking. The concept of the word is always the same, and the value may be more than one.

For example, the concept of green can be the following values:

• Green pencil (color characteristics);

• Green fruit (the degree of aging, compare: ripe fruit);

• Green face (characteristic of illness, the degree of fatigue);

• Green age (level of social maturity).

Only if the word is a term,conceptequal to the value. For example: suffix, root, phoneme, etc. The main difference between the concept and value that concept is a copy of the exact designation, but it is always a part of the emotional and expressive coloring (modality).

There is also a grammatical meaning in any word. Grammatical meanings complement lexical meanings and reflect words affiliation to a particular grammatical category. Grammatical categories are the values ​​of gender, number, case, declension, collateral type, etc. Grammatical values ​​help to classify the vocabulary of language.

Lexical meaning in all languages ​​are formed in exactly the same (thing → concept →sound shell →name). Grammar meanings are formed differently in different languages. That is why the Russian language, 6 cases, in the German language - 4, mortality, and in the French and English languages ​​they do not exist. The carrier is a lexical meaning of a word. For example: high, higher. Grammatical meaning is expressed by the endings, suffixes, prefixes, accents, auxiliary words. If you change the lexical meaning, grammatical meaning of the word will be changed. This is particularly noticeable when moving one part of speech to another. Thus, the word, is a unity of form and content, it is the unity of sound and meaning of the shell, thus represents the unity of the lexical and grammatical meanings. Every word, calling this or that object or phenomenon, always saysabout significance. For example: Grab me this flower. The word «flower» has two functions: it denotes a particular subject that I need at the moment, and it refers to the subject at all, it is an object with some certain characteristics by which a person learns it from other objects.

The phenomenon of ambiguity occurs in many systems of language,but in English, it is burning issue. The linguistic term meaning this concept named polysemy, which means the presence of a single word ormultiple values of lexical unit.3 Such units in the vocabulary of the English language is infinite. It is very important to keep in mind when translating texts, communicating and carrying out various tests.Polysemy of English words is much more than Russian. Here, depending on the context and lexical environment most common lexicon of words can change its meaning or semantics. The study of English words should be closely connected with remembering different phrases in which they carry some meaning.Most Valued English words are make, get, run, set. Some sources emit them to several hundreds of values. For example: The jeweler can set the stone several different ways.We set an extra place at the table for our guest.


  1. Шанский, Н.М. Современный русский язык, ч.1 / Н.М. Шанский, В.В. Иванов – М: Просвещение, 1987;

  2. Песина С. А. Полисемия в когнитивном аспекте: Монография. — СПб.: Изд-во РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена, 2005

21,2Шанский, Н.М. Современный русский язык, ч.1 / Н.М. Шанский, В.В. Иванов – М: Просвещение, 1987

3Песина С. А. Полисемия в когнитивном аспекте: Монография. — СПб.: Изд-во РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена, 2005

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