IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Клюкина С.С. 1, Лаврова О.П. 1
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Public spaces contribute to defining the cultural, social, economic and political functions of the cities. They continue to be the first element to mark the status of a place from a chaotic and unplanned settlement to well-established areas. The value of public spaces is often overlooked or underestimated by policy makers, leaders and developers. There are a number of reasons for this, such as the lack of resources, understanding or capacity to use the possibilities of public space as a complete, multi-functional urban system. Often the lack of appropriate enabling frameworks, weak political will and the absence of the means for public engagement compound the situation.

Characteristic of the flower beds` location

The designed flower beds are in the entrance area of the day patient facility of the rehabilitation center for the pensioners. It is located on the Stanislavsky street№ 24A in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The first mix border is just before the front door. It can be seen from one side along the pathway and from the windows of the building. The mix border area is designed in a natural garden style and makes 9,46 m2. Two other lower beds are next to each other from the left side in the direction along the pathway. They can be observed from the path leading to the entrance and from the windows of the building. The area of the projected flower beds is designed in natural garden style and makes 5,8 I4 m2 and 1m2. The relief is plain.

The design brief: is to design the floral decoration of the front entrance area of the day patient facility building state budgetary institution "Social service center of the population". Transit flower gardens are located at the entrance to the territory. They can be seen from different view points: from internal pathways and windows of the center. The size and location of the flower beds has been prearranged. It is necessary to find the range of phytoncide plants that will provide a continuous decorative effect from early spring to late autumn and resistant to the climatic conditions of Central Russia: frost and drought resistant.

Flower garden N1:

Mixborder with a total area of 9.46 m2 is designed in a natural garden style using the perennial phytoncide plants together with the groups of bulbs in spring. Flower garden is a landscaping design. It is made in pink and purple scale which has a decorative value throughout the season. Flowers are planted in clumps. In spring the flower garden is particularly decorative because of the blossom bulbs –Tulips. Blooming these plants form a pink-purple colorful scale. Then they are replaced by such plats as plants creeping thyme, geminate horsemint and wormwood ludoviciana, (front view), their color scales corresponds the main idea of the flower garden. In mid-summer ornamental emphasizes by blooming of hyssop, golden wave, creeping thyme and common Saint-John's wort. Later in autumn they are replaced by a pair of Japanese Anemone and Asters Novo-Belgian. Stable decorative look in the summer-autumn period is provided by phytoncide plant –peppermint.

Flower garden N2:Mixborder with a total area of 5.8 m2. Flower bed is designed in a natural garden style using phytoncide plants with bouquet planting of tulips in spring. In the given mixborder the main idea of the garden flower is presented. In the first half of summer peppermint, blood-red geranium and catmint having violet and purple color (middle plan) give the pretty decorative look to the garden. Autumn accents are Astra Novo-Belgian and the catmint (the background).


Mixborder has a total area of 4.1 m2. The flower garden has an oblong rectangular form. The flower bed is designed in a natural landscape garden style. To create this flower garden the range of phytoncide plants is used. It emphasizes themes 1 and 2 of flower garden. For the spring period bouquet planting bulbs (tulips) have been selected. The plants are placed in free clumps. In the period from June to October flower garden in given a decorative look by the peppermint and geminate horsemint (in the foreground) catmint , Daylily Hemerocallis hybrid and Catmint Mussina (in the middle) , and geminate horsemint in the background.


  1. Voronina O.N., Lavrova O.P. Documentation of the University educational activities on the subject "Flower". Course work "the Project of flower"./ Voronina O. N., Lavrova O. P. N.Novgorod, NNGASU, 2009.

  2. http://www.green-portal.ru/stati/1085.html

  3. Lecture couse on the subject "Flower"

  4. http://www.green-portal.ru/stati/1085.html

Просмотров работы: 320