IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Шмонина М.А. 1, Смирнова Е.В. 2
1МAОУ № 187 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов
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Migration processes in Russia play an important role in socio-economic and demographic development, contribute to the active development of trade-economic, scientific-technical, investment and cultural ties with the other countries. Migration is any territorial movement of the population, associated with the crossing both external and internal boundaries of the administrative-territorial units with the aim of changing permanent residence or temporary stay in the territory for educational or employment purposes [1]. In narrow sense the legal policy in the sphere of the migration relations can be understood as a system of administrative, organizational and law-making methods and practice of its application. In the modern globalized world there is a stable rise of migration flow scale. It results on the growing world market labor force [2].

According to the data presented by UNO today more than 200 million people are external migrants while approximately 1 billion is internal migrants. Nowadays labor migration is considered to be one of the key components of the migration flows. The movement of labor resources covers all branches of world economy, out and within the national borders. Russia is getting more and more involved in the system of world labor division becoming one of the support centers for migrants and refuges. The resettlement of migrants for the permanent place of residence in the Russian Federation becomes one of the sources of the population growth of the country and its regions. According to statistics, the number of migrants came to Nizhny Novgorod in 2016 from: Uzbekistan 83076; Tadzhikistan 3832, Azerbaijan 8 869; Armenia 7362; Ukraine 3817. 40 % of labor migrants are employed in construction, 30 % in trade, 10% in industry, 7% in agriculture, 5 % in transport, other activities - 8 % [3]. At present, the number of refugees coming from the Ukraine to the territory of the Russian Federation has significantly increased. Based on the data presented by the Border Guard of Russia, since the beginning of 2014 about 700 thousand citizens of the Ukraine moved to the RF. Obtaining the citizenship of Russian Federation is the final the stage of rather long and complex process of consecutive changes in the legal status of foreign citizens who wish to live and work in the Russian society. But the requirements for these individuals should to be special, in order to prevent receiving a Russian citizenship to persons who have serious violations of Russian legislation. In conclusion, the authors note that global market of labor force is a sophisticated, debatable phenomenon which requires a detailed study.


1.Vorobyova O. D. Migration of population: theory and state migration policy // Problems of legal regulation of migration processes on the territory of the Russian Federation / Analytical Bulletin of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation 2003. № 9 (202) p.35.

2.Smirnova E.V., Strelkov D.Y. /Bologna process today. Eurasian Union of Scientists. 2015 №4-6 (13) pp. 140-141. 3.http://www.fms.gov.ru/about/statistics/data/details/90901. Official statistical data - Data on migration the situation in the Russian Federation 2016/

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