IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Аветисян С.М. 1, Смирнова Е.В. 2
1МБОУ «Лицей №8»
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The theme of interaction the man and the nature has always been discussed over the centuries. It attracts attention of the specialists of different fields of science. All living oorganisms interact among themselves and form a part of our environment. The given paper intends to examine the relationship between the man and the nature and their mutual impact. Nature has served men as a source of their life. People have always lived in harmony with the nature and thought that they were endless. However, over the centuries men's interference in nature has been steadily increasing and many territories have been polluted. Vast forest areas have been cut down by the logging companies and a lot of rivers changed their direction. In fact, it modifies the environment.leads to the imbalance on the earth [1; 2].

Such environmental issues as pollution, rapid migration and increase in population, unplanned urbanization etc. are common problems in all the urban areas.Man's careless interaction with nature causes ecological crisis that is why the governments should take meaningful steps to create a programme of world ecological protection. Created new technologies should use less natural recourses. The authors note that some countries members of the United Nations Organization have organized the agencies on environmental protection to solve the problems in ecologically poor regions also the Greenpeace has been doing a lot to save our planet.

Ecology is the scientific study of interactions that take place among organisms and their environment. Most people believe their sickness is a result of radiation and negative impact of various pollutants [3]. However, the specialists have found out that in Russia today the influence of the environment on human health is only 25-50% from the total influencing factors. Meanwhile, only in 30-40 years, according to the experts, the dependence of physical condition and health of the citizens of the Russian Federation from ecological factors will be 50-70%. However, the strongest influence on human health has his shelter and the living environment as well as work location. Based on the data people spend approximately 80% of their spare time inside the buildings and the indoor air is much worse than the outdoor because of the different chemical pollutants concentration (according to the data on average 4-6 times more); content of radioactive radon is ten times as large (on the first floors and in the basements maybe hundreds times as large); for aero ionic content 5-10 times as large. So, it is rather essential for the human health to take into consideration several factors when choosing a place to live such as: the floor he lives on, what material it is made of, the cover of the floor in the dwelling, the quality of furniture he uses, the number of plants in the house etc. What of the ecological damage influence human health more? According to the statistics it is air due to the fact that we breathe 24 hours a day. However, the air pollutants get into the human body not only through the lungs but also through the skin. It happens when a person is sweaty in summer and doesn`t take a shower at home, harmful substances have a chance to penetrate deep into his body. Day after day the air is getting more polluted with such dangerous substances as manganese, arsenic, selenium, xylene, asbestos, styrene, etc. It affects respiratory system of the human bodies and can be a cause of asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, lung cancer etc. [4; 5]. Carbon monoxide emitted from motor vehicles and cigarette smoke greatly affects the central nervous system, as many probably noticed lately people have become more aggressive and imbalanced due to the harmful effect of these substances. According to Barry Commoner, American environmentalist: «Ecological pollution is the incurable disease. It can only be prevented by fundamental rethinking of the production process» [6;7]. To conclude, people can change the nature, but it also can change us. Will the people have time to adapt to the new environment before it destroys them?


1. The concept of modern science. A course of lectures. -- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2003. - 250 p.

2. Dmitrienko P. K., Nature knows best // Chemistry and life-21st century. - No. 8. - 1999. - pp.27-30.

3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air pollution

4. http://knol.google.com

5. http://environmentengineering.blogspot.com/2008

6. Commoner B. Closing the circle. - L., 1974. - p.32.

7. Krylasova E.A., Smirnova E.V. Innovations in the field of «Green technologies». VIII Международная студенческая электронная научная конференция"Студенческий научный форум 2017",с.98-104.

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