IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Осипов О.А. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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The role of the quality of products increases gradually in the modern world. By this result improvement of technology, changes in consumer demand. Every year more and more people prefer the quality of the price.

Production of high quality products increases the competitiveness of the company. Some types of products, mainly medical and food are not allowed on the market without a certificate confirming their compliance with the requirements of international standards of production, and an introduction that other products in the absence of the certificate, should be sold at a lower price.

Problems related to quality became an object of study in different countries and ways to address them will be the subject of the science of quality control.

Quality - a set of product properties that determine its suitability to meet certain needs, in accordance with its purpose in the standard GOST 15467-79.

The object of quality control is the process of creating a product in which it is influenced by the quality of management subjects.

The subjects of quality control are the leaders of all levels of administration; each of them influences the process of creating products through the implementation of its functions.

Companies develop favorably in a highly competitive environment, only increasing the product quality control. Product quality problems exist in all types of services. Consumers interested in the quality and competitiveness of the company in its products, to eliminate the risk and obtain stable profits. If the company does not pay attention to the quality of the product, it will be ruined inevitably. It is necessary to create such a product quality control, allows along with improved consumer properties, reduce or stabilize prices of products.

Total quality control model was proposed by Armand Feigenbaum in the early 50s.

Under the total control of quality Feigenbaum realized a system that allows to solve the problem of product quality, and its price depending on the benefit of consumers, producers and distributors. Feigenbaum proposed to consider quality is not as an end product of production, and at each stage of its creation. According to this concept, the model of total quality control as follows:

the first stage - the development of quality;

the second stage - the maintain of quality;

the third stage - the improvement of quality.

Improving quality can be achieved by using one of the most outstanding methods in identifying defects, Pareto diagram.

Pareto chart is constructed in the form of a bar chart and shows in descending order of relative impact of each cause to the overall problem. Moreover, the chart result is usually accumulated percent cumulative curve reasons.

Pareto Chart allows you to analyze the problem from any sphere of activity companies, including in the sphere of quality control. Reasons for changes in quality are divided into two groups: a few essential and nonessential numerous. By eliminating the causes of the first group, it is possible to eliminate almost all of the losses caused by a decrease in quality.

Pareto chart is expedient to apply along with causal diagram.

Created Feigenbaum total quality control system has been introduced into the practice of Japanese companies by W. Edwards Deming.

It is necessary to delve into the history of the development of quality products in leading countries.

In the middle of the XX century, the goods produced in the United States, of poor quality. Even leading the American companies believe that quality is an integral part of the production, it said so on in order to reduce production costs.

About a quarter of all the company resources was spent out to detect and correct defects released products in consequence.

American specialists in the field of quality control believe that it is the low level of its main obstacle in the development of competitive products. To solve this problem have resorted to the duty to protect the national product from competitors. Many scientists were ardent opponents of the low quality decades ago, but that American experts developed and tested the most effective quality control system.

The measures have been taken to improve the quality of products have been developed in parallel to the two countries in the United States and Japan, but have been tested in the United States. The following steps in no time raised the level of product in the level higher than it was:

  • the motivation of workers;

  • improvement of statistical control methods;

  • quality improvement of the programs;

  • material stimulation.

Improving quality in the form of quality groups have been borrowed from Japan, but not always work effectively due to the fact that there has been comprehensive adaptation to the social and cultural environment of the United States.

The national average by the 80 years of XX century in the enterprises had improved product quality, therefore improved the psychological climate in the collective, there was satisfying of work.

In the 80s two well-known work face, "the father of the movement for quality" E. Demingit was: "Quality, productivity and competitiveness" and "Out of the Crisis", in which he discloses his famous 14 principles, then became the basis of the theory of general quality.

Any expert works on improving the quality of products, should use these principles:

1. Focusing on the production of term goals.

2. Complete rejection of the production of defective products.

3. Elimination of control bodies control.

4. Reducing the number of related supplies for producing of products.

5. Application of Statistic Methods in order to identify sources of marriage.

6. Continuing professional training of workers.

7. The use of statistical methods of quality control at all stages of production control at all stages of decision-making.

8. Creation atmosphere in company, eliminating the fear of being punished for omissions in the work, for the report on breakdowns and accidents.

9. Provision of comprehensive assistance to someone who is trying to make the production process any improvement who seek to research.

10. Failure to use the empty calls to increase productivity without providing these appeals related to specific actions from the side leadership, without an established professional training system.

11. Continuous improvement of work methods, periodic rejection of older technique.

12. The general training of employees based on statistical quality control.

13. The intensive training of personnel system in the field of materials, design, equipment and production methods.

14. Maximum use of knowledge of the personnel, the constant focus on the talents. [1:165]

There are the following control methods of control cards, histograms, graphs the production process. To solve the problem tasks - "Delphi method", a method of "black box", diary method "method 66", "brainstorming".

Delphi method allows you to select from a series of options offered by most acceptable. Members of the group in a certain sequence assess each option. Each member of the group puts on a 10-point system, the defect level. At the same time for the highest score is accepted unit. As a result, the two results for each alternative are multiplied with each other, and is the sum of products. The smallest sum and identify the primary, underlying cause.

"Black box" method offers a solution to problems through analysis of specific situations. The panelists discussed the possible defects and in addition to this concern causes. In order to develop the debate, there are special questions to help in this. The essence of the method is that the causes of the defects are revealed themselves simultaneously in the process of discussion of the company.

Diary method provides that the members of the group for a certain period of time write in the a notebook all the ideas arising on the problem. Then discusses the record at the next meeting, they made a collective analysis, summed up. As a result, the meeting adopted the average solution, smoothed all drastic measures.

Brainstorming method is an operational method of solving the problem by stimulating creative activity, in which participants discuss the offer to speak as much as possible the number of variants of the decision, including the most fantastic. [2:23]

The above methods for solving the arising problems, focused primarily on the development of a single, collective opinion.

Measures taken in recent years by American scientists in the field of quality control:

  • tight control of manufacturing quality products with the use of mathematical statistics;

  • manifested increased attention to the production planning process in terms of volume and quality parameters;

  • further improve the management of the organization as a whole. [3:35]

After all of these measures to the identification of problems in the quality of products, the company assesses the quality of products, to verify whether the correct hypothesis was, and helped any changes in the approach to production.

Assessment of the level of quality of production consists of a set of measures that are carried out in order to support best quality control solutions.

In general, the evaluation process includes determining the purpose of the evaluation, the selection of indicators of quality of nomenclature, definition of values of quality indicators, the choice of the baseline, assessment of the quality level.

From the purpose of assessing quality, as will be shown below, it depends on the sequence of events and a list of the process, the selection of the range of indicators of quality, it also determines the choice of the numerical values of the basic quality indicators.

Nomenclature of quality indices must be defined for each type of product. When choosing a nomenclature strive to ensure that it was necessary to achieve the purpose of the assessment. An important stage in the level of quality of production assessment - the choice of the base sample and the values of the indicators.

The base sample can be taken really existing product, for which there are requirements that contain values necessary indicators. Core samples at the same time may be defined as a specific product, the standard documentation or the conventional product. Conventional basic pattern typically used to assess the quality of the projected product. Selecting the base sample and the baseline values are determined to assess.

To assess the quality level of the differential use, integrated and mixed methods.

The differential method is a sequential comparison of individual indicators of quality of production with the base. For this calculate the relative values of quality indicators according to the formulas:

q i= Pi/ Pib , (1)

q i= Pib/ Pi, (2)


Pib - the value of the i - th indicator of the quality of the evaluated products;

Pib - value of the corresponding baseline figure. [4:56]

From the formulas (1) and (2) choose the one in which the relative increase in the index corresponds to the improvement of product quality. For example, a relative measure of heat resistance is calculated using the formula (1), as this increase in index indicates the improvement of the quality and relative index allocation of dangerous toxins in the atmosphere is determined by the formula (2).

Complex method of quality evaluation involves the use of a generalized quality index.

On the basis of this method is to determine the level of quality necessary to find the ratio of the generalized indicator of the quality of the evaluated products to the generalized indicator of the quality of basic sample.

With this method, the level of quality determined by the ratio of the generalized quality index Qots evaluated products to the generalized indicator of the quality of the underlying sample Qbaz,


All the complexity of integrated assessment is an objective finding of a generalized index.

Differential and integrated methods for assessing product quality level is not always solve the tasks. When evaluating a complex product, which has a wide range of quality indicators, using the differential method is virtually impossible to make a general conclusion, and the use of only one complex method does not allow to objectively consider all the significant properties of the evaluated products.

In these cases, the level of quality assessment is made a mixed method, using single and comprehensive quality indicators. In this method, individual quality indicators are combined into groups ( destination indicators, ergonomic, aesthetic) and determine the complex index for each group. The individual, the most important indicators are not combined in a group, and is used as a unit. With the resulting set of comprehensive and single indicator measures the level of product quality differential method.

Among the factors that determine the quality of the products, it should be noted:

  • constant increase of social needs;

  • the growing role of the pace in the development of science, technology and production, the entire international community;

  • improvement of services and structures produced goods and raise the profile of their functions;

  • acceptance by consumers with a relatively low level of quality of goods and services;

  • increasing competition, both foreign and domestic markets.

A variety of methods of quality management helps to develop each company a scheme to improve the quality of products. All these methods can be applied as a quality control at all stages of the life cycle of managed objects (products, services), and any improvement in activity. If you use all the methods of quality management in the development and manufacturing of products it is possible to identify technical problems and marriage in the early stages, thereby minimizing costs, costs and prevent the loss of potential customers.


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