IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Эвсен С.С. 1, Темников А.А. 2
1Стамбульский университет Кемербургаз
2Стамбульский университет медицины
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Appendiceal infiltration is a form of limited peritonitis, its outcomes are very variable. At congenial course in most patients it is subjected to resorption. However, in some cases it can transform to abscess that is manifested in increased pain in the abdomen, a further increase in temperature, the increase of leukocytosis, deterioration of general condition, increase infiltration size.

Perforation usually develops in 2-3 days from the start of an attack in destructive forms of appendicitis and is characterized by a sudden intensification of pain expressed by the appearance of peritoneal signs, clinic of local peritonitis, increase of leukocytosis.

Appendiceal abscess develops in the later period, often being a consequence of suppuration of appendicular infiltrate or delimitation process at peritonitis. Develops in 8-12 days after onset of the disease. All abscesses are subject to the operation - opening, sanitation and drainage by the general rules of surgery.

Common signs of an abscess opening: deterioration of general condition, fever, sometimes with chills, increase in the number of leukocytes.

Sign of opening of abscess, in addition to general phenomena, is the increase in the size of the infiltrate or a hault of reducing it.

Pylephlebitis is ascending thrombophlebitis of the portal vein, which is a consequence of the spread through mesenteric veins. It is a very serious complication, is accompanied by a high, hectic fever, recurrent chills, cyanosis; an acute pain in abdomen. In the following - multiple liver abscesses. Usually it ends in death within a few days, sometimes with sepsis.

The most constant symptom in clinical picture of peritonitis is pain. Pain that lasts longer than 2-3 days after the surgery in the stomach, surgeons should always be aware. Yet peritonitis often progresses as a result of poor sanitation of the abdominal cavity and insufficient treatment of peritonitis already existed before the operation.

Просмотров работы: 400