IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Суслов И.Е. 1
1«Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых» (ВлГУ)
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Requirements described in the document:

Annex 11.1 to the "regulations on the procedure for obtaining the status of wholesale market subject and maintenance of a register of subjects of the wholesale market" "Automated information and measuring system of commercial accounting of electric energy (capacity). Technical requirements"

The documents of the Department of Metrology

  • Metrological part

  • Measurement technique

  • Algorithms of calculation of losses in electric grid elements between the measurement points and the delivery points

  • Passport protocols

  • Documents for type approval measurement tools

  • Questionnaires

Problems with the source data for the development of project documentation

  • Compilation of questionnaires the subject Approval of Single line diagramsRegistration of groups of supply points

  • Obtain current certificates of calibration for all measuring

  • The preparation (updating) passports-protocols for measuring complexes

  • Acts of distinction carrying supplies – the basis for the development of algorithm of calculation of losses

The list of delivery points and measurement points, single line and block diagrams, acts of distinction carrying supplies

  • Analysis of documents allows to evaluate the correctness of the documents and avoid mistakes when developing the algorithm of calculation of losses.

  • All points should be indicated on the single line diagram provided, the location of points should be confirmed by documents.

  • When analyzing the schema and documents you need to obtain information about the measured points is coincident in location with the points of delivery, to allocate in any network elements have significant losses measured power.

  • It is necessary to evaluate the completeness of the source data used to calculate losses.

  • By the block diagram it is necessary to understand, where all measuring components, to get an idea about the functioning.

Verification certificates or formswith the existing marks on the calibration

All measuring tools included, must have valid proof of verification. Also sufficient is the provision of form (passport) with a mark of verification. Verification shall be made in accordance with the verification Technique of this means of measurement. All the technical and metrological characteristics indicated in the verification Certificate must correspond to the data contained in the type description. It is worth to note that the Calibration interval specified in the verification Certificate must correspond to the type Description. In some cases, it is possible to reduce the calibration interval, but increase it.Accuracy class should not be underestimated, if this class accuracy is not in the type Description.

Documents at the counters of electrical energy.

Upon receipt of the form at the counter must check the following points:the type and modification of the counter;serial number;accuracy class;date of issue;date of verification with the signature and stamp of verification officers.In addition, to work on measurement Technique will need:nominal (maximum) current counter;nominal voltage counter;bidirectional or unidirectional counters is;the power consumed as of each series and each parallel circuit of a counter;the temperature range in which the meter can operate;values of the main and additional error counter indicated in the instruction manual;GOST on which the counter produced.

Documents on current transformers.

When obtaining the passport or the certificate of calibration on the current transformer to monitor the following information:the specified type must match the type description;the accuracy class and the load secondary winding, must also meet the description of the type;if you specify a year, it must be specified not earlier, the number of registry;please indicate the number.It should be remembered that in case of loss of labels or the information on this plate, when checking the type to be culled and issued a Notice of unfitness.

Papers on voltage transformers.

When the passport or certificate of calibration at the measuring voltage transformer need to check the following information:the specified type must description type;the accuracy class and the load secondary winding, must also meet the description of the type;if you specify a year, it must be specified not earlier, the number of registry;please indicate the number.It should be remembered that in case of loss of plate on the voltage transformer or of the information on this plate, when checking the type to be culled, and it issued a Notice of unfitness.



Data provided for the development of measurement Techniques passports-the protocols of the KIC are subject to a thorough analysis.Checks whether the indicated counters, transformers, contained in the Certificates of verification, passport, a description of the type. Verifies the correct type, data verification, and its technical characteristics.In addition, the checks listed in the passport-Protocol of the actual value of the load secondary winding of the transformers to the requirements specified in 7746-2001 GOST and GOST 1983-2001.



Assessment of the value of the actual load :For current transformer:- types of measuring instruments and other devices installed their consumption;- the length, type and section of cable calculated power dissipated in the cable; - take the maximum possible power dissipated in the circuit based on their total resistance.The total load in accordance with GOST 7746-2001.



Assessment of the value of the actual load :For voltage transformer:Assessment of actual secondary load of the transformer is more complex and has a more approximate character. To calculate the load you need to know the number and power consumption measuring devices and other devices connected to the secondary winding of the investigated transformer. In the part of the passport Protocol, this information is not included and to estimate the secondary load should refer to the detailed project.



Also checked the correctness of voltage losses in the secondary circuit ( less than 0.25%)According to the requirements of the regulations for electrical installation the voltage drop in the secondary measuring circuits of the voltage transformer should be not more than 0.25 %.



In the diagram of the secondary circuit included in the passport-the Protocol should include all instruments and devices prescribed by the text.- A fragment of the single-line diagram available for this accession must comply with the General single-line diagram included in the Methodology.- In the analysis of passports-protocols of connections connected to one sectional to the transformer, should pay attention to the fact that the actual load should be the same in all passports-the protocols.


Order of the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation No. 1081 "On approval of the Procedure of testing standard specimens or means of measurement for the purpose of type approval, procedure of approval of type of standard samples or type of measuring instruments, Procedure for issuing certificates on approval of type of standard samples or type of measuring instruments

Requirements described in:

GOST R 8.569-2002. ICG. Metrological assurance of measuring systems (is);MI 3290-2010. ICG. Recommendation for preparation, execution and review of test materials measuring instruments for the purpose of type approval;- MI 2999-2011. ICG. System automated information and measuring commercial electric power accounting. Recommendations for describing type.

In accordance with GOST R 8.569 AMR are designed for specific objects (groups of model objects) of the components of IP produced, as a rule, by different manufacturers, and accepted as finished products directly on the site operation.

Type approval is carried out by:1. For single copies of the AMR system designed for specific sites (used in the wholesale electricity market). 2. For AMR, set to a standard design at various sites, with the issuance of the certificate of type approval for a period not exceeding 5 years, with no limitation of how many instances of AMR. This design organization equate to the manufacturer AMR (it is recommended to apply on the retail electricity market).

When developing software "Pyramid" was based on Automated system of electricity metering.

"Pyramid" is intended for measuring electric energy and capacity, commercial and technical accounting of energy resources, automated collection, accumulation, processing, storing and displaying information about power consumption.

For automated accounting systems of electricity, installed on a standard project on various objects, you can use the information-measuring system of control and accounting of power consumption "Pyramid".

"Pyramid" is designed to create multi-level automated information-measuring systems (aims) integrated accounting of energy carriers, in particular systems for commercial accounting of electricity and power, as well as in complexes of multifunctional remote control devices and automated systems of control of technological process.

"Pyramid" has a certificate of type approval of measuring instruments and entered into the state register of measuring instrumentsNo. 21906-11

Metrological assurance includes the following activities:- the valuation, the calculation of the metrological characteristics of measuring channels;metrological examination of technical documentation;

- tested for type approval; type approval and testing conformity to the approved type;- certification;- verification;- the metrological supervision of production, installation, commissioning, condition and use.


Metrological examination is subjected to the following documentation:- The certificate of calibration of all measuring components;Passport-protocols in the form of Annex 11.5 to the "regulations on the procedure for obtaining the status of wholesale market subject and maintenance of a register of subjects of the wholesale market";Measurement technique;Detailed design;Passport form;The software documentation (Certificate of attestation "PYRAMID 2000" metrologically significant modules).

The above documentation is passed to the organisation accredited in the established procedure in the area of ensuring the uniformity of measurements on the performance of tests of means of measurements or organization, accredited on the right of attestation of measurement methods that will approve the type of measuring instruments.Also executed a power of attorney to the contractor to be an applicant for approval of a type C and to represent the interests of the customer in the All-Russian research Institute of metrological service, Rosstandart and in the framework of the contract, stamp duty paid.


Description type consists of the following sections:1. The name of the measuring instrument2. The appointment of a measuring instrument3. Description of the measuring instrument3.1. Function3.2. Methods of measurement of electrical power and energy3.3. The measurement channels3.4. The organization of the system time3.5. Software – under MI 3290-2010 (indicating metrologically significant modules)

4. Metrological and technical characteristics4.1. A list showing the measurement components.4.2. Indicate normal operating conditions and measurements including the network settings4.3. Error characteristics of the system time 5. The sign of type approval6. Completeness measurement

7. VerificationSection reference verification8. Regulations9. Recommendations for applications in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurementsManufacturerThe applicantTest center


Tests for type approval and type approval carried out to the automated electricity metering system to be applied in the areas of state metrological control and supervision.

Programmes implemented by the computing component, are subject to metrological certification if they affect the results and errors of measurements, but not used in the process of experimental verification of measurement channels during testing or an integrated component or is provided the option of modifying these programs in operation. The program must be protected from unauthorized access.

Tests in certification systems and components subject to mandatory certification in the GOST R system or other systems in accordance with current legislation, should precede the approval type.

The test results develop and execute the following documents:The test programme for the type approvalTest reportsThe act testVerification procedure

metrological adjustment

Calibration is subjected to measurement channels, which circulated the type approval certificate to be applied or used in areas of the state metrological control and supervision:initially when you enter into permanent operation after installation or after repair (replacement) of components that affect the accuracy of the measuring channels, and periodically in the process of operation

In the development of 530 RF Government Decree had to be developed "Rules of commercial accounting of electric energy in the retail markets of electric energy".

Methods of calibration of measuring channels of automated system of energy accounting:measuring channels is subjected to a component-wise (element by element) checking the installation location while controlling all the influencing factors acting on the individual components. Note — If necessary, the permissible value of the metrological characteristics of measurement channels, test at the installation site, determined by calculation according to the normalized metrological characteristics of measuring components for the conditions prevailing at the time of verification and are different from normal conditions.


GOST R 8.563–2009. ICG. Techniques (methods) of measurements. RD 153-34.0-11.209-99. Automated systems of control and accounting of electricity and power. Typical methodology for measuring energy and power. Moscow: RAO "UES of Russia", 1999. RD GOST R 8.569-2002. ICG. Metrological assurance of measuring systems (is);MI 3290-2010. ICG. Recommendation for preparation, execution and review of test materials measuring instruments for the purpose of type approval;- MI 2999-2011. ICG. System automated information and measuring commercial electric power accounting. Recommendations for describing type.

GOST R 8.563–2009. ICG. Techniques (methods) of measurements. RD 153-34.0-11.209-99. Automated systems of control and accounting of electricity and power. Typical methodology for measuring energy and power. Moscow: RAO "UES of Russia", 1999. RD 34.11.333–97. A standard methodology for measuring the amount of electrical energy. Moscow: RAO "UES of Russia", 1997. Annex 11.1 to the "regulations on the procedure for obtaining the status of wholesale market subject and maintenance of a register of subjects of the wholesale market" "Automated information and measuring system of commercial accounting of electric energy (capacity). Technical requirements«

Manual on calculation and justification of standards of process losses of electricity in electric networks. (Appr. by order of the Ministry of energy of the Russian Federation of 30 December 2008 No. 326)

The loss of electricity. Reactive power. Power quality: a Guide for practical calculations / Y. S. Zhelezko. – M.: ENAS, 2009. – 456 p.

Annex No. 11 to the Contract on joining to trading system of the wholesale market. The rules of commercial accounting of electricity and power

Просмотров работы: 404