IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Темников А.А. 1, Эвсен С.С. 2
1Стамбульский университет медицины
2Стамбульский университет Кемербургаз
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Polyneuritis is a disease which is based on multiple lesions of various nerves of the peripheral nervous system. The main symptom - symmetrical flaccid paresis of muscles, a violation of their power, that is, the appearance of atrophy and reduction or complete absence of sensitivity. There are numerous types of this illness:

Alcoholic polyneuritis. This is the most common type among all polyneuritis. It is characterized by impaired human motor functions (especially affecting the lower limbs), and a number of mental disorders. The most common among these violations is memory lapses. A patient often forget certain events, as a rule, replacing them with fictitious facts, imbuing them with a fantastic picture. In addition, alcoholic polyneuritis contains symptoms such as bluish tinge of a skin and loss of sensitivity.

Kidney associated polyneuritis. The disease is a consequence of serious diseases of kidneys in which filtering processes are being violated. Kidney associated polyneuritis is characterized by swelling of hands and feet, as well as their weaknesses.

Diabetic polyneuritis. The disease develops in people suffering from diabetes. It happens very often that polyneuritis is diagnosed in a patient before diabetes begins to reveal itself. Even with successful treatment of diabetes, polyneuritis can last for a very long time.

Toxic polyneuritis. The disease develops under the influence of various toxins. Alcohol polyneuritis is a kind of subspecies of toxic for a toxin can be said to alcohol. Another toxins which causes disease are salt of heavy metals. Depending on the amount of the toxin getting into the human body, polyneuritis can manifest itself in a different scale. Besides the common features of polyneuritis in this case the patient starts feeling a general weakening, including vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Vegetative polyneuritis. This type of the disease is caused by hyperthyroidism, i.e. an excess of thyroid hormones in the blood. This happens most often due to adverse working conditions. During vegetative polyneuritis patient suffers very strong, literally burning pain throughout the body.

Infectious polyneuritis. It is caused by certain types of infections that. Guillain-Barré syndrome is often preceded by a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection and is associatedwith albuminocytologic dissociation of the cerebral spinal fluid. Although classically considered pathologically to be anacute, inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (q.v.), pure axon degeneration forms recently have beenrecognized.

Beriberi (nutritional polyneuritis). The disease can be caused in two ways: with inadequate intake of vitamin B or a body's inability to properly absorb this vitamin. Besides the fact that a person with a nutritional polyneuritis suffers from muscle activity disorders, also has serious problems with the cardiovascular system.

Acute polyneuritis. As with any other type of the acute disease, polyneuritis in this case, also develops very quickly. It progresses from a mild ailment to burning pain throughout the body in just a few hours. To provoke such a subspecies of the illness can only another disease, for instance, a viral infection.

Chronic polyneuritis. This protracted disease, which is caused by the constant influence of a negative factor on a human body. Such polyneuritis is not characterized by sharp pains. All sensations from this disease are quite soft, but absolutely do not let lead a normal life activity.

Treatment for this condition starts with a neurological evaluation in which a doctor determines which nerves are involved and narrows down possible causes. It's important to find the cause, as this will have an impact on which treatment will be most suitable for the patient. The doctor can discuss treatment options with the patient. Sometimes the best treatment is to support the patient through the underlying illness which caused the condition, and following up with physical therapy to help the patient regain strength and motor control once she or he is healed.

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