МОЙ ЛЮБИМЫЙ РЕЖИССЕР ИВАН ПЫРЬЕВ - Студенческий научный форум

IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Быкова Т.А. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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Ivan Aleksandrovich Pyryev was born in a peasant family in the Altai. In 1904 his father was killed in a brawl. Mother went to work. and Ivan lived in a large old believer family with grandfather Osip Komogorov. Eight years old boy helped on the farm, was a shepherd.

When Ivan finished the third grade, mother took him to the small town of Mariinsk, where she lived with a small fruit merchant — Tatar Amirov. Stepfather was temper, drunk rushed at all with his fists. One day the van broke down and, seizing a hatchet, rushed to Amirov, but he ran away and hid in the police station. After that, the film was forced to go "in people".

At the end of the 1915, the theater sat in one of the military trains and went to the front. He fought in the 32nd Siberian regiment. He was wounded twice, awarded the George cross 3-rd and 4-th degrees.

In may 1918 he fell ill with typhus. After his recovery joined the ranks of the red army and the party. First was an ordinary soldier, then as a political leader, an agitator in the political Department of the 4th train brigade. At this time first began to study at the Studio theatre of Subproteome, where he met and became friends with GrigoryAlexandrov.

Ivan Pyryev was one of the organizers of the Ural Proletkulta. In Ekaterinburg it three months under the name of Altai played a small role in a professional drama troupe.

In the late summer of 1921 in Yekaterinburg came to tour the Third Studio of the Moscow art theatre. Pyrev with Alexandrov was so amazed by their art, which soon went to Moscow.

He was an actor of Meyerhold`s theatre.

In the 1923 he graduated from the acting and directing Department of the State experimental theatrical Studio. At last fate brought him to the movies.

First started as an assistant Director. Soon it became well-known as "the king of the assistants." Claimed that even the most helpless, the Director with the help of Pyrev, will succeed. Of course, he wanted to shoot himself.

However, removing the two films, in the process of working on the third painting, "the last Village", launched in 1931, the Director was removed from the formulation "for the contrasting interests of the picture interests of the state"...

Pyrev was out of work. The representative of the Armenian cinematography persuaded the Director and his wife, actress Ada Wojcik to go to work at the Yerevan film Studio, but soon the couple again returned to Moscow.

In the early 1930-ies this becomes intensely sought his subject, wanted to film "Dead souls" N. In. Gogol, but circumstances forced him to choose the path of politically loyal Director. However, even in politically engaged "Party ticket" (1936) — the enemy of the Soviet regime, pretending to be a party activist, he reached the true drama and tension of a detective intrigue.

However, the success of this film did not strengthen the provisions of Pyrev on "Mosfilm". Quarrel with the management, he left for Kyiv.

"Rich bride" (1937) — lyric musical Comedy about the life of the collective farm, greeted by the audience with great enthusiasm, determined to Pyreva the choice of genre and themes in the years ahead. Actress Marina Ladynina immediately became one of the most popular Soviet Actresses, and in addition, became the second wife of Ivan. After a year in their family had a son, Andrew.

However, before the picture appeared on the screen around her erupted serious scandal. Along with the Moscow actors starred in it and local. And in the midst of shooting the heads of movie studios suddenly saw the footage of the "nationalist bias". The film was on the verge of collapse. And yet Purevu managed to finish the painting and hastily depart to Moscow. But high keerukusest, having watched the footage, put it on the shelf. And in the spring of 1938, when the new leadership of Kinokomiteta and after watching the movie Stalin, was ordered to replicate and to urgently release the movie on the screen.

Filmmaker puts the musical Comedy "Tractor" (1939), "pig and shepherd" (1941) the battles for harvest, about the cheerful and tireless workers. These extravaganzas had nothing to do with real life, however, caught the fancy of the ordinary spectator.

During the war the theater made the film "Secretary" (1942), which remained true to the genre cinema by showing a guerrilla war in the spirit of adventure with elements of mystery. Then directed the musical melodrama "At six PM after the war" (1944, the USSR State prize, 1946), full of anticipation of the coming Victory.

The film "Legend of the Siberian land" (1948) was very well appreciated by the press, award-winning, sold in eighty-six foreign countries, but especially great success for some reason enjoyed in Japan

After the war, the position of pyreva in the eyes of the Kremlin leadership has improved. He was in good standing with Stalin himself. And even the fact that he was vespertinum, did not prevent him from becoming the chief editor of the chief organ of cinematographers magazine "cinema Art".

In "Test of loyalty" (1954) the last time he played Marina Ladynina. In 1955, Ladynina and Pyryev officially registered their relationship, and in the following year in the restaurant "Aragvi" has noted 20-summer anniversary of joint life. In the 50-60-ies of the film led the "Mosfilm", then II Association, where he supported many young Directors who later became famous. In the same years Pyryev turned to the work of Dostoevsky, who filmed his novels "the Idiot" (1958), read by the Director enthusiastically and passionately, if somewhat one-sided, "White nights" (1960), the least successful work of the Director.

In 1956, the film entered the ranks of the Communist party, a year later headed the organizing Committee of the Union of Soviet filmmakers.

The last period of creative work by a film crew engaged in social activities. He was elected a Deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, carried out the cultural relations with foreign countries, was for many years Deputy Chairman of the Great artistic Council of the Ministry of cinematography of the USSR, artistic rookwalm "Mosfilm". For several years he worked for and Director of "Mosfilm" (1954-1957).

"Ivan the Terrible" called Pyr between filmmakers, respecting, fearing, admiring. Ivan was a man of great temperament and passion, but with great charm and ability to attract people. How many leaders he visited and persuaded to show the Union of cinematographers of the USSR — the true brainchild of pyreva.

However, getting posts, Ivan Alexandrovich began to turn from artist to official. Marina Ladynina was not able to deal with it. Rupture aggravated his Hobbies on the side.

After his parents ' divorce and exchange of apartments in the skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment son Andrew went with his father...

In the year of release of the picture pyreva "light of a distant star" (1965), which starred a young wife LionellaSkirdaPyr-Pyr, there was a scandal which the culprit was Ivan Pyriev. In the "news" appeared an article dedicated to Pyreva. As a result, the Director was expelled from the party (later recovered) and was removed from the post of the Chairman of the organizing Committee of the Union of Soviet filmmakers.

Being in disgrace, a film crew began work on the film "the Brothers Karamazov" (1968, three-part, special prize of the international film festival in Moscow, 1969), one of the most interesting attempts to display understanding of Dostoevsky. However, to bring work to the end he was not meant to be. On the evening of 7 February 1968 after returning from the Studio, Ivan went to bed, fell asleep and never woke up. A medical examination had established an unheard of amount of heart attacks, moved to work, on feet. Buried in the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

The third series of the film was completed K. Y. Lavrov and M. A. Ulyanov.

In 1969, at the International film festival in Moscow Ivan Pyriev was posthumously awarded a special prize for outstanding contribution to cinema.


  1. http://fb.ru/article/213360/ivan-pyirev-biografiya-lichnaya-jizn-filmografiya-foto

  2. http://www.peoples.ru/art/cinema/producer/puriev/history.html

  3. http://www.kino-teatr.ru/kino/director/sov/21425/bio/

  4. http://lichnaya-zhizn.ru/blog/ivan_aleksandrovich_pyrev_lichnaja_zhizn/2014-09-05-526

  5. http://kinootziv.com/person/ru/ivan-pyryev-320050/bio/

Руководитель: д.филол.н.профессор

Федуленкова Татьяна Николаевна

Просмотров работы: 372