IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Быкова Т.А. 1, Акулина А.Л. 1
1Тюменский государственный университет
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The problem of observance of nation’s and human rights is one of the most important problems in the context of globalization. Firstly, we should define the word “globalization” itself.

Therefore, globalization is “a process of interaction between people, companies and governments of different nations”1. It started in 1960-s with the science-technological revolution. It is important to note that this process is a never-ending one. Thus, it is continued very actively nowadays. Now lots of countries and nations are getting involved in the process of globalization. Their cooperation is clearly seen in many areas.

Human rights and liberties are very important in considering the question of finding the consensus in the society and its developing stability. Nowadays they have got a specificity. It means that they are being developed in the conditions of contradictions, which survived from the previous stage of development, periodically appearing again. This fact prevents human rights adoption and realization in different parts of the world. Nations self-affirmation takes place with the process of the world globalization. It is stated that these nations are not always ready to accept European wealth2.

During the globalization, human rights and liberties are revised. Moreover, the interest in its enforcement increases. For example, more attention is paid to enforcing humans’ material and mental needs, for protecting their rights and liberties; democratic basis of society’s acts management is provided; the ideas of fairness, humanism and moral principles are stated in legal norms; the conditions for legal nihilism are made and so on.

However, human rights are still being the object of political fight in the world. Sometimes they protect the realization of imperial interests for some countries2. We believe that the most important function of the rights is that they can be the only legal way to the achievement of the world’s order.

Certainly, in the context of globalization human rights are legalized in all kinds of international legal acts, such as: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights; The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; The International Covenant of Economics, Social and Cultural Rights. Besides that, we have The Charter of Human Rights. However, everyone should understand that we have international legal support for human rights, which is the most detailed and specific.

Therefore, it can be stated that human rights and liberties cannot be infringed. We cannot allow the legal discrimination, despite all the advantages of globalization in many areas of social life (economics, politics, culture and so on). The protection of human rights, consolidation of the ideas of fairness and humanism in the legal norms contribute successful globalization, and many countries are committed to the issue.


2 Moscow`s law office №1 web-site (; Glotov S. A.; doctor of law, Professor, Director of the Centre for human rights and the human rights activities RGTEU.

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