IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Сухарева А.В. 1, Федотова Е.М. 2
1ННГАСУ, Инженерно-строительный факультет(ИСФ)
2ННГАСУ, кафедра иностранных языков
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Nowadays caring about our planet is crucial. People understand that the way they concern the nature depends the future they are going to live in. Modern engineers and architects try to make their contribution to saving the environment, using more and more eco-friendly materials and components which can be recycled. Quite a lot of new and specific materials are easily to spot these days. They might be very popular in the near future and could raise the ecology of our planet to a higher level.

Hiroshy Nachamura, a Japanese architect thinks that everything is possible and he proved that by building a house from six thousand glass blocks which connected to each other with a cable. The form of this block is the same as a brick one. Glass is absolutely transparent, so the light can easily get into a construction. So, due to this development people can save the electric energy and use glass more than one time. Moreover, glass blocks make esthetically beautiful effect inside the room.

Sometimes there is a need to make a construction cheaper and more environmentally friendly. That approach inspired a Swiss building company and German engineers to create a whole house from paper in 2009. The size of the house was about 36 square meters and the price was nearly 5000$. The Engineers replaced aluminum structures to the panels from resin-treated paper. These panels are light and strong and durable at the same time. That means these houses from paper would be the solution to the problem in countries with earthquakes zones.

American engineers used creativity and originality and built a house from industrial hemp. The “technology” they used was just mixing hemp, water and lime. Nowadays, this method of building is known as “hempcrete”. The obvious advantage of the material is that it has a property to clean the air. The ecologists are sure to appreciate this method of construction where engineers not only satisfy the demands of the civilized world but also concern the nature.

The idea of using straw as a building material has been offered by English engineers. The decision helped to decrease the estimate of houses. In addition, the level of power consumption has become much lower than in usual residences. According to the statistics, a typical family can economize about 80% per year.

Recycling rubbish is one of the most serious issues in a modern life. The importance requires some actions and leads to the fact that some engineers are searching the ways of reusing materials. In 2013 American engineers started to use aluminum cans of beer in cladding. After that Scott Mc’Abboms built a whole cottage from cans. He used approximately 500.000 items. It saved 400.000 meters of disposal dump place. Milk boxes, water bottles and other kinds of rubbish can be seen in some of constructions.

People throw about 50 million tons of electronic microchips every year. Needless to say, this type of waste is really hazardous for our planet. In 2008 the Chinese researchers realized how to use electronic microchips twice! They decided to use this item as an element of reinforced concrete. Engineer Say Jaynmeen is sure that the strength of

Scientists claim that modern day achievements are able to clean waste, and change it into wonderful construction materials with plastic fiber. This fiber is good for making cover tile and others plastic components in materials. This kind of method helps to recover around 36000 tons of rubbish and decrease greenhouse gas offset investments.

Просмотров работы: 373