IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Пономарёв П.В. 1, Алешугина Е.А. 2
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1Munitsipalnoe budget educational institution «School №91 with in-depth study of specific subjects», 2Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (NNGASU)

The research is entitled «Construction of the Children's Railway in the city of Gorky (N. Novgorod)» is devoted to the study of the history of the children’s railway and its stations. The process of construction was long and difficult.

The relevance of the work is acute as it is rather important to study history of development of the area where we live to preserve it to the following generations. The object of the research is the Children's Railway in the city of Gorky.

The construction began in June 1939 and was completed in November 1939.Two beautiful stations were built at the end of the construction (fig.1). Their names are "Homeland" and "Happy"[1].


Fig.1. Two beautiful stations – «Homeland» and «Happy»[3,4].

Architects Yakovlev and Anisimova developed the project. Architect Bajan designed the station «Pushkin» and architect Sydorchuk did «Mayakovsky» station. They were witty, less grand but no less beautiful. Trees were the main attraction of the stations. Wooden station «Mayakovsky» was burnt during the Great Patriotic war and has not been restored yet(fig.3).

Single-storey wooden building had a waiting room for the passengers, the chief rooms, a ticket office, a snack bar and a room for the guard.The station "Pushkino" was not less beautiful(fig.2). However, it did not work during the Great Patriotic War and the equipment was used to study the main roads of the railway by the workers.


Fig.2. The station «Pushkino» [3,4]

Fig.3. The station «Mayakovsky» [3,4]

After the war it took a long time to restore the road. In 1960-s Children's Railway was in the area of ​​housing buildings. Thus, the question about the reduction of tracks emerged[2].

After the events of 1965 the road operated in a shortened form and only in 1991 the work of its reconstruction began. While maintaining the basic installation of the road a small section of the track between the stations of "Homeland" and " Mayakovsky "was extended to one kilometer. In 1994 another new section of the road came into operation. The station "Happy" now is housed near the Palace of Marriage in Avtozavodsky district[5,6].

"Homeland" has been kept unchanged and its purpose was only the station.

It is a pity, that the railroad was treated carelessly , as it is one of the best children's railways of Russia. Undoubtedly, the stations “Mayakovsky "and "Pushkin" could be wooden architectural monuments in NizhnyNovgorod.

In conclusion it is necessary to emphasize that it is important to understand that without memory of the past no future can be developed.To sun up we can remark that our task today is the collection of any important material on these stations, to convey the beauty of the lost wooden buildings by modern information storage means.


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  2. Марченко, М.А. Малая Горьковская, подарившая счастливое детство и путевку в жизнь [Электронный ресурс] / М.А. Марченко – Электронные данные. – Нижегор. обл. : сор. 2006. - Режим доступа : http://www.archiv.nnov.ru/?id=3162

  3. Нижний Новгород. История. Хроника [Электронный ресурс] . – Электронные данные. – Нижний Новгород : 2014. – Режим доступа :https://vk.com/club57873843

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  6. Гордин, А.А. Историко-архитектурное наследие архитектора Б.М. Анисимова // Приволжский научный журнал. - 2012. - 226-231с.


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  2. Marchenko, M.A. Malaya Gor'kovskaya, podarivshaya schastlivoe detstvo i putevku v zhizn' [EHlektronnyj resurs] / M.A. Marchenko – EHlektronnye dannye. – Nizhegor. obl. : sor. 2006. - Rezhim dostupa : http://www.archiv.nnov.ru/?id=3162

  3. Nizhnij Novgorod. Istoriya. Hronika [EHlektronnyj resurs] . – EHlektronnye dannye. – Nizhnij Novgorod : 2014. – Rezhim dostupa :https://vk.com/club57873843

  4. Detskie zheleznye dorogi: sajt Sutyagina Dmitriya. - 2000 [EHlektronnyj resurs]: istoriya i sovremennost' detskih zheleznyh dorog SSSR. – materialy RGAKFD, CGAKFFD, CGKFFAUkr., CSDF. - EHlektronnye dannye. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.dzd-ussr.ru/towns/

  5. Gordin, A.A. Dela semejnye: [ob Avtozavodskom Dvorce brakosochetaniya] // Avtozavod ONLINE. –2011.– 4 s.

  6. Gordin, A.A. Istoriko-arhitekturnoe nasledie arhitektora B.M. Anisimova // Privolzhskij nauchnyj zhurnal. - 2012. - 226-231s.

Просмотров работы: 475