МЕДИА В АРХИТЕКТУРЕ - Студенческий научный форум

IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Свинкова А.Ф. 1, Саркисян Т.А. 2
1ННГАСУ, факультет архитектуры и дизайна
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In the past, the main means of expression of architectural concepts were buildings, today things have changed. The question is about the new take on architecture from the technological point of view. Now we can rethink and redirect spatial dimensions of our built-up environment at the intersection of architecture and interaction design.

We often confuse the notions «construction" and "architecture". But construction is just a house, a variety of structures. Architecture is also an environment and art that creates in a man a feeling of connection with the outer world.

“Imagine the world without architects, where only engineers construct buildings. With a keen eye toward functionality, these engineers would make sure the buildings were sound, but something would be lacking. People would miss the wealth of architecture— design connection to their lives, history, and culture. The development of these buildings wouldn’t be connected with social and personal concept. However, this is the world researchers are unconsciously creating with the help of ubiquitous technologies.”

As you can see at present the city space is being transformed by way of new technologies. For several past years we could have noticed a growing interest in the intersection of design and interaction architecture. Another approach might be to think about how to lay interactivity onto the built environment. These projects focus not only on the development of a digital tool, digital device, or digital service, but they also study how interactive technologies can work as elements in the artificial environment. (architectural deal on how the interactive technology will work as an architectural element in the built environment.)

This means a gradual turndown from the static conception of architecture. Now we have a kind of medium divided into subspaces, and we gradually come to the state when we can mix different spaces.

We are talking about hybrid art, which is beyond the scope of various genres, it combines art and scientific research, social and political orientation, pop-culture. Differences between architecture, sculpture, installation, film and performance are more washy. There are new areas: Media architecture, storytelling, use of technology and expansion of the boundaries of reality.

Sensitive devices are becoming popular. Primarily this is reflected in creating an interactive media that combines real and virtual reality. It is also in the departure from the traditional metrics of space and making something different, unusual, and mostly coming in contact with people and the environment.

Today it is becoming possible to use them in the experiments. By interacting of sensors with computer programs artists are able to create complex real time responsive systems that that comprise audio and video effects. When someone is entering an interactive media, it immediately responses to the presence and can give a powerful feeling of personal communication.

The focus of this is a new generation of interactive systems in science, art and architecture that are based on constantly evolving relationships. Using a broad definition of architecture that comprises both built and natural worlds, we examine dynamic systems and environments.

What makes creators to build up “responsive architecture”? Perhaps it is a feeling of empowerment and hope for a great participation in the outer world.

We interact with technologies starting with the automatic door opening, flashing lights at the concert and continue to watch the new kinds of art like video mapping on the streets.

In conclusion, it should be noted that we are still at the early stages of exploring this intersection. There is still much to be studied and much to be learned. One of the key tasks will be to direct all of the contemporary technologies to developing a manageable approach to the design of interactive environments (for instance, intelligent environments or smart homes) from an architectural point of view.

A new approach to building components’ design, their flexibility and movement is achievable in modern building systems changing the fundamental behavior of buildings. Nowadays architecture can be operated as an instrument.

The List of Literature:

  1. Beesley, Philip, Sachiko Hirosue, and Jim Ruxton. “Toward Responsive Architectures.” Responsive Architectures: Subtle Technologies. Eds. Philip Beesley, Sachiko Hirosue, Jim Ruxton, M. Trankle and C. Turner. Toronto: Riverside Architectural Press, 2006. Print. 3-11.

  2. "Interaction design meets architectural thinking." Authors: Mikael Wiberg. April 2015, Digital Citation.

Просмотров работы: 434