ПОНЯТИЕ МОБИЛЬНОСТИ В АРХИТЕКТУРЕ - Студенческий научный форум

IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Ворона А.П. 1, Лошкарева Д.А. 1
1Нижегородский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет
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Nowadays the pace of life is very fast: people always try to do as much as possible and save more time for the most prominent things in their lives. In order to do our work well many modern technologies become mobile. Our society prefers to use transformable and compact things, because it makes our life more comfortable and easy. The same trend can be observed concerning the space we live in and which surrounds us every day. It is becoming more mobile and transformable. Following this trend the development and elaboration of residential houses construction design is becoming more sophisticated. There is a need to build quickly and efficiently, these are the main characteristics of mobile architecture which has become extremely relevant nowadays. The first manifestation of the mobile architecture in the world was in the 50-60s of the 20th century. The concept was to create a mobile house for the temporary stay in the same place. Easy mobile homes do not require large material costs as well as time to carry out the installation, so their cost is effective.

A characteristic feature of the mobile architecture is the internal mobility. It means that home may change depending on several conditions: the social or economic status, changes in family structure, generational change without changing the overall design parameters, by transforming the inner space of the object, its interior. These parameters characterize the mobile architecture. There are several different interpretations of the concept of mobility: mobile homes on wheels or motorhomes; collapsible structures; reinforced concrete building with a small built-up area.

Trailer as mobile homes on wheels foreordained the appearance of mobile facilities for the summer holidays. Mobile buildings first appeared among the nomadics. The need for such facilities appeared in the 50s of the last century due to the development of mass summer holiday. In 1958 at an exhibition in Zurich, a small collapsible house for tourists was introduced. The first example of such a house was built in 1956 in the Valais (Switzerland). It performs a prism of triangular cross-section ("Trigon"), one of the planes can be raised and lowered, becoming a terrace in front of the glass wall of the house.

Mobile facilities in the form of mobile collapsible summer home, transported with the help of special tools on the prepared site, were developed in the 70-s of the 20th century in the USA, Great Britain, Sweden, Germany and France. They were performed in a variety of design solutions and types of materials.

One of the most interesting and modern motorhomes was designed by Cushman Design Group in Morrisvile, the USA. The home owner – Ethan Waldman built a miniature building with a total area of 18 square meters. He wanted to use it for skiing and hiking. The house is located on the chassis, so it can be parked in the yard and property taxes can be reduced. The motorhome is made of different colored wooden beams. The interior of the house is simple and concise. This cozy house is comfortable and the owner of the house can move his accommodation anywhere he wants using a trailer.

Another type of the mobile homes is the sustainable floating house. The bright example of this structure is called "Silberfisch" and was created by Sascha Akkermann and interior designer Flo Florian. The house is located on a floating platform not far from the Oldenburg in Germany. The concept was to build a living space, which will be located far from the areas with high population density. At the same time the house should be constructed in an organic environment and be functional and comfortable. The interior is made in white color. The plan of the house includes individual water supply and heating and ventilation systems. The house is equipped with a water collection technologies and wood-burning boiler.

Collapsible structures are considered to be the most technologically advanced and modern mobile homes. Unwinds mobile home “California Roll” from Daniel Christopher is one of such projects. Ultra-modern house is made of modular elements and has many constructive features, which allow us to assemble and disassemble the house quickly. The main shell of the house is made of reinforced plastic which looks like a carpet. It covers the carbon frame of the structure. It all creates a small area in front of the house. The interior is made using modern technologies. Lighting depends on the room temperature and may vary.

I would like to point out some benefits of mobility that have been revealed during my research of this trend in modern architecture. First of all mobile homes are extremely versatile as they can move, swim and even fly. Also they are transformable as they may be performed from different modular elements. In addition this technology gives the opportunity to take our homes and go travelling. It’s a unique bonus that is available not for everybody. This is a new way to become really free, active and modern.

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