IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Обрезова Е.И. 1
1Владимирский Государственный Университет им. А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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The main objective is the operation of heating systems heat supply residential, public and industrial buildings and structures in order to provide municipal needs (heating, ventilation and hot water supply).

To effectively solve these problems it is necessary to provide reliable and trouble-free operation of heating systems. Recently, a major problem for utility services of the city is the disparity in tariffs for heat supply services to the economically justified level of services that should be covered in part by funding from the budgets of different levels. The provision of such funding in the financial crisis is almost impossible. Therefore important to ensure reliable operation of the heating system has the capability of operating organization to use existing resources as efficiently as possible. One of the possible ways to improve the operational efficiency of the heating system is the use of geographic information systems (GIS) during the repair work. The main purpose of the GIS - providing dispatch service personnel and repair crews the most complete and accurate textual and graphic information about the spatial location, structure, parameters and state of technological elements (the network portion, the reservoir, wells, pumping stations, etc.) heating systems.

All calculations are based on the heating system of geographic information system (GIS). Application of geoinformation technologies in district heating systems due to several factors:

• clarity of presentation of information;

• the possibility of using the layout graphic (maps of the city, district, village);

• ease of application to the map of the city heating network circuit with its binding to the existing buildings and facilities;

• rapid data input required to perform engineering calculations;

• usability analysis of the calculation results.

Using geographic information systems (GIS) entered the city map. Then it imposed heating network, which then calculated. The process of applying heat to the network map of the city should be as automated and automatic binding of appropriate databases for each network object. Will fill in the necessary data base and run the calculation.

Adjusting the heating system

The most commonly performed using GIS thermohydraulic calculation of the heating system at a known (predetermined) pressure on the source. Many software packages offer other possibilities. For example, the calculation can be carried out with an automatic selection of disposable pressure (and each consumer should obtain the estimated amount of the coolant and the estimated amount of heat energy), or payment can be made without taking into account the heat losses in the networks, and in view of the heat loss, given the leaks in networks and systems heat and without leaks. In this heat loss can be defined as the norms (normalized loss), and on the actual state of isolation (here important technique, which is incorporated into the program developers to determine heat loss).

The user will be much more convenient if the program provides a choice of schemes (from the typical schemes of joining subscriber inputs and joining TSC), which shall be calculated.

Thus, the result of calculation determined by:

• coolant costs in all areas of heat networks;

• disposable pressure on all nodes in the network, and the pressure in the return pipe;

• coolant costs for all kinds of loads (heating, ventilation, hot water) for each user input, the temperature at the inlet and the outlet;

• elevators and diameters of the nozzles; number, diameter and position of the orifices;

• heat and water balance for each source (boiler, CHP) running on the network.

When choosing a software package, you must make sure that the calculations are subject to thermal networks of any complexity (circular, dead-end), operating as one, and a number of sources.

Checking calculation of heat supply systems

The purpose of the verification calculation is to determine the actual costs of coolant in the areas of heat networks and consumers at a given temperature, the flow of water and disposable pressure on the source.

The program shall provide that the calculation shall be blind and ring heating network, including booster pump stations and throttling devices running on one or more sources, and the program must allow to carry out checking calculation for leakage of heat networks and heat systems.

A mathematical simulation model of the heating system, which serves to address the verification problem, as a rule, allows to analyze hydraulic and thermal conditions of the system, as well as to predict the change in the internal air temperature of the consumers. Calculations can be carried out at various initial data, including simulated emergency situations, fo r example, disconnection of individual sections of thermal networks and ect.

As a result of the calculation are determined by:

• the cost and speed of movement of the coolant;

• loss of pressure in the pipes;

• pressure in the nodes of the network, including disposable pressure from consumers;

• temperature of the coolant in the network nodes;

• Water leaks from the heating network and heat systems;

• thermal heat loss in the network;

• actual temperature indoor air consumers.

The structural calculation of the heat network

The purpose of constructive hydraulic calculation is to determine the diameters of the pipes and pressure losses in the heat network under certain loads (costs) and the parameters of the coolant.

In addition, the program in carrying out structural calculation should determine is necessary to have the pressure at the point of connection of newly constructed consumers. This task can be used in the reconstruction of district heating networks connected to the pipeline by replacing them with small capacity and the justification of the authorization to connect.

Piezometric graph for heating network

The tabular form is quite difficult to analyze the results of the calculation. The program - the settlement complex user should be able to illustrate the results of different charts or thematic coloring online. For example, the construction of the temperature or the piezometric graph coloring thermal network fall coolant temperature or a change in the water velocity in the areas. In the case of two or more sources to one network by completing the thematic coloring, determine from what source which consumers receive water and heat.

To construct the graph piezometric need to choose a path. To specify the way to a dead-end network is sufficient to indicate the start and end point, the system should automatically determine the way in which the piezometric schedule will be built.

In the case of a ring network, you need to specify additional nodes through which the piezometric schedule should be built.

For your convenience, charting should have a relationship with the objects on the map to by clicking "mouse" on any segment of a line chart or in any field of bar-graph chart on the network diagram stand out (for example, blink) the object, which corresponds to the value marked on the chart.

Implementation of GIS technology in the field of heat supply

One solution to the problem of increasing the efficiency of the control of the heat supply system of the city is the development of district heating schemes on the basis of information-analytical systems. Computer modeling of processes in the city heating system allows maximum accuracy to estimate the parameters of its current operation, reliability count, to consider various options for its long-term development as well as in a short time to determine the best options for heat supply in emergency situations. The subsystem will create a complete information and correct description of the heating network, process facilities and structures on the basis of the graphical representation on the City, that is - to create a single database certification of district heating networks.

The created database is an information platform for the operation of the following main objectives:

• receive prompt information and analytical reports of the heating network and its objects, graphic selection (coloring) by different criteria;

• quick and easy search of required objects and fragments of objects schemes by name, street address and other semantic features;

• hydraulic calculations modes of thermal networks of any dimension and degree of circularity, including multiple heat sources, operating a total area; multiple calculations on model bases;

• automatic search for ways and construction of piezometric schedules; analysis of violations of allowable hydraulic modes;

• calculations of narrowing devices and nozzles elevators (adjustment calculation of heat consumers);

• archive management, analysis and graphical visualization of damage (defects) in the network;

• keeping in dispatching services operational logs requests for routine and emergency repair work;

• calculation of heat losses through the standard insulation and coolant leaks, including taking into account outages archive for the period;

• modeling of switching and shaping forms and switching programs;

• calculation of temperature profiles of consumers and heat sources;

GIS installed in the control service will:

• Implement logging in an electronic form on the emergency, repair, preventive work, to make quick changes to change the status of network objects;

• Automatically prepare to change the network status reports (for example, where and what was an accident in the past month, some devices have been blocked, what and when subscribers were disconnected);

There was a complete, correct and accurate information database containing a detailed description of thermal networks, equipment, consumers, besides having adequate graphical representation on a large-scale urban planning. Any necessary information and reports on this database are formed quickly and conveniently.

Thus, with the introduction of geographic information systems in the enterprise greatly improved the quality of hydraulic calculations, it is possible to analyze, simulate, predict the situation hydraulic heating networks, improved quality of management through informed decision-making.

This, ultimately, a positive effect on the quality of the city heat consumers.


  1. G. Heinrich , H. Nayork, V. M. Nestler, Teplonanosnye installation for heating and hot water supply, Stroyizdat, Moscow, 1985.

  2. http://www.geoinfograd.ru/teplo/

  3. L. C. Kupriyanov, Decentralized heating, Report on the XVI International scientific-practical conference "Alternative energy and energy efficient technologies", Moscow, 2007.

  4. V. A. Kozhevnikov, Energy audit of heat supply systems, On some aspects, The Internet Report, Moscow power engineering Institute (TU), Moscow, 2008.

  5. http://terion.su/post/Teplosnabzhenie.html

  6. http://www.abok.ru/for_spec/articles.php?nid=159

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