ИСТОРИЯ ГАЗОВОЙ ИНДУСТРИИ - Студенческий научный форум

IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Сенюкова А.Д. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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Natural gas - a valuable mineral resource. It is used as the most low-cost environmentally friendly fuel in preparation for the transition to greater use of alternative non-conventional electricity (wind, solar, tidal, the internal heat of the earth). For this transition requires a thorough analysis of the gas industry as one of the most important sectors for the economy of Russia.

It is distinguished by the completeness of combustion without smoke and soot; no ash after combustion; ease of ignition and combustion control; high efficiency toplivoispolzuyuschih installations; efficiency and ease of transportation to the consumer; the ability to store compressed and liquefied; the absence of harmful substances.

Natural gas production is considerably cheaper than oil and coal.

At the beginning of the development of the gas industry, the proven natural gas resources were concentrated in the North Caucasus, the Ukraine and the Volga region

Gas Industry of Russia as an independent sector of the economy emerged during the Great Patriotic War on the basis of the discovery of gas fields in the Volga region and the Komi Republic. The use of natural gas contributes to the efficiency of social production.

Gas industry provides the production of synthetic materials valuable and cost-effective raw materials, more than 90% of nitrogen fertilizers in the CIS countries is obtained based on the use of natural gas. Gas needs in electric power, iron and steel, cement, glass, sugar and other industries. In Russia, with the use of natural gas made 93% iron, 59% open-hearth steel, 49% of rolled ferrous metals, refractories 100%, 89% of float glass and 45% of precast concrete. The specific weight of natural gas in the consumption of fuel and energy resources, power reaches 61%.

Currently, the gas industry - a huge infrastructure of work which largely depends on the economic and social development of the country. At the moment, it is concentrated in Western Siberia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

To date, there are areas not covered central gas supply in the central part of Russia. This problem is not only economic, but also social, environmental.

The dynamics of growth of worn-out networks is that if, as measures for their restoration and replacement of the ground will again dig a ton of rusting metal pipes, in the coming years the situation with the appropriate safety relief operated gas networks may be on the verge of crisis.

One of the most effective ways to ensure the reliability of gas transport systems is to use them in the overview of pipes, fittings, valves, made of materials. More durable than conventional steel. The most suitable materials are polymers.

Polymer materials meet all the basic requirements for pipelines. Absence of corrosive encrustation, reliability, process reliability, low probability of loss, a sharp increase in labor productivity and reducing the cost of installation, minimal operating costs - all these qualities have allowed the plastic pipes to take strong positions in a number of industries. But their main dostoinstvo- durability, because the material from which they are made, are not able to enter into the electrochemical reaction, thereby eliminating the occurrence of corrosion typical of metals.

As the largest member of the Russian economy and the global system of energy supply Russian gas industry ranks first in the world in terms of production, reserves and gas resources, provides over 21% of world production and about 25% of all international shipments. In 2010, the gross production of natural and associated gas in Russia increased to 665.5 billion m3, of which the effective volume, including sales gas, technological needs and injection, amounted to about 650 billion m3, burned in flares - almost 16 billion m3.

In 2010 - 2011 years. due to the recovery in the global energy demand in the world economy, including the gas began to increase. In the context of increasing oil prices, there is a general increase in the cost of energy resources, including gas. The tendency of advanced growth of production and consumption of gas compared to oil, and the cost of energy unit of gas remains substantially undervalued.

An additional factor in the increase in demand for gas, coal and fuel oil became a major accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan in March 2011, as a result of which there was an outflow of nuclear power generation and the reduction of production of nuclear energy. In terms of the traditional substantial reserve capacity for all types of power generation while reducing the production of nuclear energy, Japan has significantly increased purchases of LNG and oil for thermal power plants.

However, in the long term, the most important for the global energy system is a change of energy policy in a number of countries towards improving safety and environmental reliability, there is a revision, freezing and curtailing nuclear programs in Europe, Asia-Pacific, North America.

Against the background of growing demand for energy in 2010 there was an increase in gas production in the CIS countries, with the result that the Commonwealth share exceeded 28% of the world supply. Gas production in Kazakhstan increased from 32 to 37 billion m3 in Azerbaijan - from 14.8 to 16 billion m3 in Ukraine - from 19 to 21 billion m3 in Turkmenistan - from 64.4 to 75.1 billion m3. As a result of the depletion of resource base continued to decline in gas production in Uzbekistan.

In general, the gas production in the CIS amounted to 861 billion m3 in 2010, which is a record in the history of the gas industry in this area. At the beginning of the 1990s. Gas production in the USSR exceeded 800 billion m3. Then it was more than 40% of world production, while in the Russian Federation mined 641 - 643 billion m3 of gas per year (more than 32% of the world), including in Western Siberia more than 580 billion m3.

Over the past two decades, there is a steady reduction of Russia's share in global gas production, indicating that the slower development of the Russian gas industry than in other gas-producing countries. Such a situation does not correspond to any resource, any technological or industrial capabilities of the Russian gas industry.

The organizational structure of gas production in Russia

In organizational terms, gas production in Russia is conducted four main product groups:

  • companies belonging to the group "Gazprom" - the largest gas company in the world, owner of the Unified Gas Supply System and the monopoly gas exporter,

  • independent gas producers ("NOVATEK", "Sibneftegas" and others.)

  • vertically integrated and independent oil companies ("Rosneft", "Lukoil", "Surgutneftegas", TNK-BP and others.)

  • PSA operators.

The largest producer of natural gas in Russia and in the world - the concern "Gazprom", production of which, including "Gazprom Neft", made in 2010 513 900 000 000 m3. Of the oil companies the largest volume of gas production came from "Lukoil", "Rosneft", "Surgutneftegaz" and TNK-BP. Key independent gas producers - "NOVATEK" and "Sibneftegas".

Over the past 10 years, the Group's share "Gazprom" gas production in Russia declined from 91.5 to 77.2%, due to: a gas projects realizations of independent gas producers and oil companies; increased production of associated gas in the conditions of growth of oil production; increase in gas production projects of production sharing agreements; deteriorating position in the international gas markets.

Currently there is a significant increase in "percent gasification" country.

It should be noted the overall social impact of summarizing gas to non-gasified buildings. Gasification will reduce the cost of industrial production, the cost of municipal services, improve the comfort of housing, improve the ecological situation in the village. This, in turn, will lead to better health and well-being of residents of the city will increase the cash flow in the budget, etc. Thus, gasification - How the event required, so and profitable, and throughout the state. Gasification - one of the major national problems that must be addressed today, and this problem will surely be solved.

Technical and economic calculations speak about the advantages of reconstruction of the boiler to transfer from fuel oil to natural gas. The economic effect from the use of natural gas as compared with fuel oil and obvious payback reconstruction of the boiler room is quite small.

Organization of building production should provide focus all organizational, technical and technological solutions to achieve the final result - the commissioning of an object with the required quality and on time. estimates also developed local and resource.

Application of PC made it possible to perform calculations quickly and accurately, and to optimize the results


  1. A.A. Ionin, «Gas supply», «Stroyizdat», Moscow, 1989;

  2. V.V.Shatunov, «Industrial gas equipment. Directory», SIC, С, 2003;

  3. «Gas distribution system», SNIP 42-0-2002;

  4. Safety in construction ' SNIP 12-03-2001

  5. V. A. Zhila, Automation and mechanical systems of gas supply, INFRA-M, Moscow, 2012.

  6. http://burneft.ru/archive/issues/2011-10/1.

Просмотров работы: 396