IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Чубарова Т.М. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет
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In the transition to a market economy solution product quality problems in Russia will largely depend on the creation of quality standards systems as the basis of the legal framework of the organization and functioning of the quality management systems. Enhancing the role and importance of quality standards in the world due to a desire to develop a common approach to the concept of "quality products".

An important element in product quality control systems is standardization - setting activities, which is the most rational standards, and then fixes them in normative documents such as standards, regulations, procedures requirements to product development.

Home Standardization task - to create a system of regulatory and technical documentation defining progressive requirements for products manufactured for the needs of the economy, the population, the country's defense exports, as well as control over the correct use of this documentation.

Normative work is primarily manifested in the development and application of standards.

Standard - legal and technical document containing a set of rules, regulations, requirements for standardization project and approved by a recognized body (or now). The standard can be designed based on material objects (products, materials samples, standards), on the rules, regulations and requirements of different nature. The standards specify methods of measurement, control and product testing. It is in the Standard specifies requirements for manufactured products, compliance with which allows us to consider these products quality.

With the transition to a market economy in Russia has changed the approach to the organization and use of the standards system. Organization for Standardization work has become more democratic, carried out on a voluntary basis (with the participation of all interested parties), and the use of standards for the most part is a recommendation. However, the Russian state standards requirements must be followed by all enterprises and organizations regardless of ownership, if it is related to the safety of human life and health, property, the environment, etc.

At present, it formed a state system of the Russian Federation Standards (GSS), which regulates the process of building, presentation and dissemination of standards in the Russian Federation. GSS includes five basic standards:

1. GOST R 1.0-92. The main provisions.

2. GOST R 1.2-92. The order of development of state standards.

3. GOST R 1.3-92. Procedure for coordination, approval and registration of technical conditions.

4. GOST R 1.4-92. enterprise standards. General provisions.

5. GOST R 1.5-92. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and maintenance standards.

The state standards of the Russian Federation includes the following provisions:

• Mandatory requirements for the quality of products, works and services to ensure the safety of life, health and property, environmental protection, mandatory safety regulations and industrial hygiene;

• mandatory requirements for interoperability and interchangeability of production;

• Mandatory testing methods, quality requirements, works and services to ensure their safety for life, health and property, environmental protection, compatibility and interchangeability of production;

• basic consumer and performance of products, requirements for packaging, labeling, transportation and storage, as well as to the disposal of products;

• provisions for technical unity by development, manufacture, operation, products and service delivery, quality assurance rules of production, preservation and rational use of all kinds of resources, terms, definitions and symbols, metrological and other general technical rules and regulations.

In the Russian Federation, normative documents on standardization are divided into the following categories:

• Russian state standards (GOST);

• industry standards (OST);

• technical specifications (TS);

• standards of enterprises and associations of enterprises (unions, associations, corporations, joint stock companies, cross-sectoral, regional and other organizations) (STP);

• standards of scientific and technical societies and engineering unions, associations and other public associations (SRT).

Depending on the subject of standardization, its specificity and content developed by its requirements standards are divided into the following types:

• fundamental standards;

• standards for products and services;

• standards for processes;

• standards for control methods, testing, measurement, analysis.

The development of foreign economic relations has led to the need for a standard approach to the concept of "production of quality products." The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed requirements for quality at the international level. The main purpose of international standards - is the creation of internationally unified methodological framework for the development of new and improvement of existing quality systems and their certification.

In 1987, the International Organization for Standardization adopted the ISO 9000 standards on quality systems that have been developed on the basis of the Soviet (Lviv, Saratov, Krasnodar, Yaroslavl and others.), Japanese, and other systems maintenance and management quality.

International standards ISO 9000 standards marked a qualitatively new level. This series includes the following five standards:

1. ISO 9000 "Total quality management and quality assurance standards. Guidelines for selection and use."

2. ISO 9001 "quality system. Model for quality assurance in design, and (or) development, production, installation and servicing."

3. ISO 9002 "quality system. Model for quality assurance in production and installation."

4. ISO 9003 "quality system. Model for quality assurance in final inspection and test."

5. ISO 9004 "Total quality management and quality system elements. Guidelines".

Standards ISO 9000 set a single worldwide recognized approach to the contractual terms of the assessment of quality systems at the same time regulate the relationship between producers and consumers.

In other words, ISO standards clearly focused on the consumer under strict production standards. In many industrialized countries, these standards have been adopted as national (Austria, France, Germany,

Sweden, etc.).

Given the progressive nature of the international standards ISO 9000 and its regulatory role in entering the foreign market and the formation of direct economic relations in our country, the standards ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003 accepted for direct use in the following three State Quality Standards: GOST R ISO 9001-96, GOST R ISO 9002-96 and GOST R ISO 9003-96.


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  1. Лесникова В., А.Директ-Медиа.

Нормирование и управление качеством окружающей среды: учебное пособие для бакалавров • 2015 год • 173 страницы.

  1. http://www.aup.ru/books/m93/5_1.htm

  2. http://www.twirpx.com/files/business/quality/

  3. http://www.inventech.ru/lib/predpr/predpr0038/

  4. https://translate.google.ru/

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