IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Никольский А.В. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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1. General characteristics of gas motor fuel

Let's talk about the main technical and technological features of compressed natural gas used as fuel. The compressed or compressed natural gas is the natural gas compressed by means of the compressor up to the pressure of 200-250 bars that helps to lessen its volume up to 250 times [2]. The main component of natural gas is combustible gas - methane. It is used as gas motor fuel as an alternative to liquid fuels and the liquefied hydrocarbon gas. CNG has the advantages and shortcomings of its usage, and we are going to talk about it in this article. At the car equipment cylinders with gas are established in a luggage compartment, a compartment for a spare wheel of the car or to specially prepared place. By the way, the mass of a set for CNG is more than 100 kg, but, for example, for SUG is only 50 kg. That is why, some experts create some kind of "specialization" of gases: SUG - for passenger transport, and CNG for heavy machinery [3].

The alloyed metals are used to drop off mass of a cylinder and increase the strength of walls or the aluminum reinforced by fiberglass and also metalcomposite cylinders in a basalt cocoon are established. In some spheres we use the reinforced plastic vessels which are expensive, but at the same time 4-4,5 times less heavier than steel. So depending on quantity of cylinders CNG the mass of the auto truck increases by 400-900 kg. At the same time its loading capacity decreases and fuel consumption increases, however, the usage of cylinders from composite materials this shortcoming does not significantly affects useful characteristics of the car. Filling of cars with compressed natural gas is carried out by automobile gas-filling compressor stations (AGFCS).

2.The current state of the market of gas motor fuel and infrastructure for use of CNG

Also we should pay attention to assessment of the current state of AGFCS network in Russia and ways of its development. In Russia there is an extensive network of gas pipelines, which provide more than 700 cities and 20 thousand settlementswith gas. The market of gas motor fuel in Russia actively develops since 1998. During this period, the number of the AGFCS grew more than by 10 times. At the same time, only 246 AGFCS function, 210 of which were built by GazpromJSC [2].

By the number of the operating AGFCS Russia takes only the 4th placein the world market, that is only 2 percent of the AGFCS [5] constructed in the world. Some of them were closed as in regions there is no transport equipped with the necessary gas engine equipment. The most developed regional markets according to 2012 are Stavropol and Krasnodar regions, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Rostov and Tula regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan: 52,1 percent of the total amount of implementation of CNG in Russia belong to them. It is possible to say that today in Russia the parity is established – the AGFCS network allows filling all park of gas-balloon cars with natural gas. The use capacity allows to replace more than 1,5 million tons of gasoline and diesel fuel annually.

In 2012 Russian AGFCS sold 390 million cubic meters of compressed natural gas that is 28,4 million cubic meters more, than in 2011. So we can observe considerable increase. Large number of the state organizations and private companies are planning to use compressed natural gas as motor fuel. New modifications were already created and are ready for serial production (on 250-500 gas stations) and modular (on 40-60 gas stations) automobile gas-filling compressor stations. The usage of portable refuelers is also planned. This type of transportation is effective at distances from 5 to 100 km from the central compressor station to the final consumer - gas supply facilities, heat supplies, power supplies, mobile AGFCS [5]. The leading role in market development of CNG in the future in Russia will be played by JSC Gazprom. As it is mentioned in the development strategy of JSC Gazprom the market of gas motor fuel is one of the main strategic directions of the company.

JSC Gazprom plans to create the large market of the extracted natural gas on its basis. Gazprom continues working in this direction. The basic document of cooperation between JSC Gazprom and regions of Russia is the Agreement on Cooperation which is included into the market development plan of gas motor fuel. Agreements on expansion of natural gas usage as motor fuel are already signed with Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod, Oryol and Tambov regions. In 2013-2014 the same agreements were signed with the Governments of Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Republic of Tatarstan. Special attention is paid to the eastern part of Russia in the question of development on use of gas motor fuel. In 2012 for the first time the contracts for seven-year programs were signed with official representatives of Primorsky and Khabarovsk regions and the Sakhalin region. JSC Gazprom continues to develop network of automobile gas-filling compressor stations all over the country. For example, in August, 2012, the first AGFCS began working in Altai Republic, later in December multifuel stations were opened in St. Petersburg and the Samara region, and AGFCS - in the Kurgan region.

Summing up the preliminary results, we note that, despite the active steps in the development of the CNG market in recent years, the market can be considered underdeveloped. Russia has less than 1.5% of the world fleet of vehicles using compressed natural gas as fuel, which is about 14.7 million vehicles [10]. At the same time in our country about 2.3% of the global volume of compressed natural gas. World leaders in the use of natural gas can be called Iran, Thailand, Pakistan, Argentina.

3. Problems in the development of the NGV market and their solutions

There are a number of problems in the development of NGV market. Analysis and development of solutions and must be able to receive the benefits of CNG. First, the cars on gas fuel more expensive than diesel and gasoline counterparts. Currently, for re-equipment of serial car to use CNG requires a minimum of 40 thousand rubles. the Cost of equipment for freight transport is several times higher. To solve this problem through the development and implementation in production vehicles with a factory gas equipment. Secondly, it is poor infrastructure. The availability of CNG for the majority of car users remains a challenge. Note that the local experience in integrated solution infrastructure for use of CNG as fuel in Russia exists.

For example, in OOO "Gazprom transgaz Ekaterinburg" established the specialized Department "Uralavtogaz", which is engaged in the operation of CNG stations, develops a fleet of cars running on gas fuel, is building CNG stations. Management has to transfer motor vehicles to use compressed natural gas as a motor fuel and service. For three years these points were converted more than 1000 units of vehicles. For fueling their own vehicles made 13 units of mobile avtogazservis. It can provide the gas supply to the transport company and agribusiness, remote from existing stationary CNG filling stations.

4. Insights

Russia has already formed a network of gas stations, gradually increase the Park automotive vehicles on natural gas. The interest in using natural gas fuel show OJSC "Russian Railways", the producers of agricultural and construction equipment. Many regions are ready to transfer gas municipal vehicles. But in order to gas fuel has become a truly mass to the transport which it works, was economically attractive, it is necessary to solve a number, a range of issues. First, it is necessary to accelerate the preparation of a full regulatory framework governing the production, storage, transportation and use of LPG fuel, including to develop modern technical requirements in this area.

Secondly, it is necessary to increase the interest of buyers for cars that use CNG as fuel, to actively clarify their technical and economic advantages and, finally, through various benefits and incentives to motivate the acquisition of such vehicles and citizens, and government agencies. Thirdly, it is necessary to create conditions for the expansion of gas infrastructure and special maintenance service to the owners of cars on gas fuel were not any difficulties with dressing and repair. Therefore, companies that operate in this market, you need to support. Realizing this, it becomes obvious that the main market regulator, CNG as a fuel in the short term, the state should remain. And the steps being taken now should be the first in a unified program of comprehensive support of the CNG market.

In the future, of course, the development of the NGV market and services for owners of LPG vehicles should be carried out with participation of many private and public companies, it will in the next 10-15 years to create a stable market for clean fuel.


1 JSC "Gazprom Gazenergoset'". Gas fuel [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http://www.gazpromlpg.ru/index.php?id=209.

2 OAO "Gazprom Informatory". What is compressed (compressed) natural gas [Electronic resource].

3 PRO-GAS.RU. Natural gas as motor fuel [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http://www.pro-gas.ru/fuel/news_bibl/10.htm.

4 Frolov A. S. the Modern norm for cars//Nezavisimaya Gazeta : electron.newspaper. 10.09.2013. URL: http://www.ng.ru/ng_energiya/2013-09 - 10/15_norma.html. 5 Neftegaz.ru. The results of the Conference CreonEnergy "LNG and CNG 2012" [Electronic resource].

Mode of access:

http://neftegaz.ru/forum/showthread.php?tid=5635. 6 Energy strategy of Russia for the period 2030.

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