VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Календжян К.К. 1, Солдатов Б.Д. 1, Коробко Л.В. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА» им. проф. Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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The escalating attention is paid to moral and psychological preparation of the armed forces staff both in Russia, and in armies of foreign countries. Despite an escalating role of technical and information means of conducting military operations, connected with continuous modernization of armament and equipment, introduction of the latest information and communicative technologies and developments in military science, the question of moral and psychological preparation of staff doesn't lose its relevance.

The Moral and Psychological Condition of staff is closely connected with the concept "human factor" and includes such components as strengthening of the moral and psychological preparation of all categories of staff during actions of operational and combat training; improvement of military personnel social protection, and also increase of the staff financial interest; carrying out the actions directed to increase of level of professional competence of command and control organizations.

The purpose of this work is to carry out the comparative analysis of moral and psychological training of the military personnel in Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the USA.

Moral and psychological preparation of staff of the Russian Federation and the USA armed forces includes the following indispensable conditions: organization of psychological, educational and cultural-and-leisure activities.

There are following main objectives of psychological activities in the Russian Armed Forces:

• diagnostics of specific features of the military personnel;

• rendering the timely qualified psychological assistance to military personnel, their family members, and to civil personnel;

• psychological prevention of suicide incidents;

• improvement of psychological and pedagogical preparation of officers;

• increase of stability level of professional and fighting skills of each soldier and officer for the benefit of fast and timely task performance in the battlefield;

• creation of steady group unity of military collectives on the basis of military comradeship, mutual aid in fight, and also unconditional implementation of orders of commanders (chiefs), etc. [1].

Moral and psychological preparation of the US Armed Forces sets the following tasks:

• to train physically hardy and psychologically firm military personnel capable to overcome difficulties of the fighting and camp life successfully ;

• to develop the steady professional and fighting skills of personnel allowing them to work in extreme conditions in the battlefield;

• to create psychological readiness for fight against the strong opponent capable to try to obtain success in the course of military operations;

• to provide social and psychological unity of different fighting units [2].

The important section of a moral and psychological situation is educational work. The analysis of problems of information and educational work of the armed forces staff of various states shows that despite their wide range and specific features they, in general, are identical: formation of views and beliefs of the military personnel corresponding to the character of the state military policy; providing command and con control organizations and officers with operational military-political and operation information; information impact on the consciousness and behavior of staff for the purpose of formation of incentive motives and spiritual incentives to performance of educational and fighting tasks; satisfaction of cultural, religious and information needs of the military personnel; military service advertising, creation and cultivation of positive image of armed forces in public consciousness and others [2].

The important form of education in the Russian Armed Forces is the public-and-state preparation. Its purpose is to form high moral qualities of the staff, understanding of the military duty, love to history and traditions of the armed protection of the Fatherland. In the USA the pronounced focus on "Americanization of consciousness and outlook" of the military personnel is noticed [2].

Carrying out cultural and leisure work is considered other important factor of ensuring the set level of moral and psychological condition of staff. Improvement of moral atmosphere, social conditions, and also leisure of the military personnel and members of their families are priority in the course of moral and psychological preparation. At the same time the great value for increase of a moral and psychological condition of staff abroad is paid to involvement of groups of "celebrities", such as popular actors, singers and others organizing the performances for the military personnel and members of their families. Mission of cultural and leisure work in the Russian Armed Forces is to develop high moral qualities of staff members, their pride of the Fatherland, achievement of the Russian multinational culture.

Military and scientific developments in the sphere of military personnel psychology studying have revealed the following factors, positively and negatively influencing moral and psychological condition of staff.

Positive factors include: high level of personal vocational training and constant aspiration to its increase; conviction in exclusiveness of the country political system; pride of belonging to the country and its armed forces; commitment to traditions of military unit and to armed forces in general; confidence in quality of the weapon; high psychological readiness for the beginning of military operations [2].

It should be noted that above-mentioned positive factors belong only to the armies with rich tradition of military science which were taking part in military operations and the conflicts, having the developed state and legal ideology and social wellbeing of the population, such as the Russian Federation and the United States of America.

Among the negative factors influencing the moral and psychological condition there are the following: keen interest in financial stimulation of the military personnel to the detriment of moral education; neglect to the opponent, revaluation of the forces; loss of the initiative during military operations that can lead to essential decrease of the moral and psychological condition of the military personnel; existence of racial prejudices, manifestation of extreme forms of individualism, careerism, estrangement, intensity in relationship; abuse of alcohol, drugs [3].

The high level of combat readiness provided with the effective system of vocational, operational and combat training promotes formation and maintenance of the high morale of the staff, pride and satisfaction with service in the armed forces, confidence in command, and their own actions.


  1. Lepeshinskij I.YU., Glebov V.V., Listkov V.B., Terekhov V.F. Osnovy voennoj pedagogiki i psihologii, 2011. – URL: http://medicinapediya.ru/pedagogika-psihologiya-voennaya/osnovyi-voennoy-pedagogiki.html (data obrashcheniya: 02.11.2015).

  2. Zelenkov M.YU. Moral'no-psihologicheskaya podgotovka vojsk v armiyah zarubezhnyh stran. – M.: Zarubezhnoe voennoe obozrenie, 2000. – №11. – P. 5–11.

  3. Danilov A.N. Profilaktika boevyh psihologicheskih travm v vooruzhennyh silah SSHA// Zarubezhnoe voennoe obozrenie. – 1991. – №9. – P. 11-17.

Просмотров работы: 620