VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Батинькина А.А. 1, Есина А.А. 2
1Владимирский государственный университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
2Владимирский Государственный Университет имени Н.Г и А.Г. Столетовых
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Phraseological Units are understood as lexical variants [5; 8], identical in quality and quantity values, stylistic and syntactic functions and which have a common lexical invariant while obtaining a partially different lexical composition [1: 92].

In lexical variants nouns, adjectives, prepositions can be replaced [6].

1. Interchangeable nouns.

a) dead marines (or men) «мертвецы»; «пустые винные бутылки»:

Wood-cartin's not the game it used to be, neither is collectin' dead marines. (K.S. Prichard)

Fresh bottles were brought, the ‘dead men’... removed. (W. Thackeray)

b) a blind pig (or tiger) «тайный кабачок» (during prohibition):

Street-corner loafers... had told him of blind pigs, of dope-peddlers, of strange lecheries. (S. Lewis)

It is time that he was accused of owning the buildings in which were several of the worst... blind tigers in the city. (S. Lewis)

Nevertheless, we should distinguish phraseological units of the type holy cow and sacred cow from phraseological variants.Holy cow is the phrase, usually expressing surprise or annoyance, and it is translated into Russian as «чёрт подери!», «вот так так!», «вот те на»! Sacred cow means «священная корова» in the literal and figurative values. The differences in the value of the phraseologisms holy cow and sacred cow should be considered as separate PUs,not as phraseological variants, e.g.:

Holy cow, the boat's stopping! (S. Nelson)

She had a big white body and an air of sanctity. She conveyed the strange impression of being like a cow. Perhaps she was a sacred cow. (A.J. Cronin)

In this example the author plays with the literal and phraseological meanings of the set expression.

2. When replacing a noun there can be a structural synonymy. An example of structural stylistic synonyms can serve as colloquial expressions: a bit of muslin, a bit of stuff.

a) a bit of muslin – old-fashioned familiar expression:

That was a pretty bit of muslin hanging on your arm – who was she? (W. Thackeray)

b) a bit of stuff is a rough expression:

A pretty girl of eighteen or so wandered past them. “Nice little bit of stuff, that!” Tom remarked reflectively. (A. Bennett)

3. Interchangeable adjectives.

a) a closed (or sealed) book:

To this and similar critics” the fundamental interests of the working class are a closed book. («The Communist»)

Good-bye, Lord John. Science is, as I understand, a sealed book to you... (A. Conan Doyle)

From the first quarter of XIX century a sealed book is used figuratively, as a PU. The variant a closed book appeared only in XX century.

b) The phraseological units with constant-variable dependenсе of components also include such positional variants as a round peg in a square hole = a square peg in a round hole which has the Russian equivalent«человек не на своём месте».

Most people... lead the lives that circumstances have thrust upon them... though some … looking upon themselves as round pegs in square holes... (W.S. Maugham)

This presence suddenly brings out the fact that they are unhappy men, ill at ease, square pegs in round holes, while he flourishes like a primrose. (B. Shaw)

These variants do not show any change of structure,but only the permutation of the components round and square.

c) Interchangeable adjectives can be synonymous.

odd (or queer) fish with the Russian equivalent «человек со странностями», «чудаковатый человек», «чудак»:

Steer forth, dismissing the subject with a light nod... for he had always been an odd fish, inquired if I cared to give him anything to eat? (Ch. Dickens)

Queer fish – eh? Mrs. Anthony's father... Wonder if he has all his wits about him. (J. Conrad)

4. When replacing an adjective there can be a structural synonymy. Relation between structural synonyms may be complicated both with semantic differences and compatibility. As an example of such complicated structural synonymy can serve the PU a good deal (or a great deal).

A great deal means a big number and also a bigger extent of the action or the quality, than a good deal does. We can see it from the examples that illustrate substantive and adverbial phraseological units.

  1. It would require time, yes, and patience too, a great deal of patience. (M. Twain)Charlotte: I have already said that I have nothing to say to you.Alex: But I have a great deal to say to you. (N. Coward)

  2. Arthur Morel was growing up. He was a quick careless, impulsive boy, a good deal like his father. (D.H. Lawrence)

I’ve thought a great deal about your case. (W.S. Maugham)

The adverbial PU appeared after the substantive one and was formed by means of conversion [6].

These examples show the difference of meanings between a good deal and a great deal. However, the PU a good deal is often used instead of a great deal as an understatement in discreet statements.

Jackie: Have you travelled a lot? – Richard (modestly): A good deal.(N. Coward)

Your mother must have gone through a good deal of suffering” he said then. (J. Joyce)

Such usage contributed to the fact that in narrative contexts a good deal got widely used instead of a great deal without the implication of understatement. It shows that gradually the distinction between structural synonyms started fading away, which confirms once again the proximity of phraseological variants and structural synonyms.

He played with extraordinary luck and made a good deal of money. (W.S. Maugham)

The example from W. S. Maugham clearly shows that a good deal can be used instead of a great deal and has no understatement. In that example the author says about the extraordinary luck therefore we cannot say that it is a restrained statement. It is curious that in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary a good deal and a great deal are used as variants of the same meaning: a good (great) deal (of), very much, quite a lot (of).

We should pay attention to the different compatibility of the PUs under analysis. A great deal is never used before Participle II, but a good deal is.

Ah,” said the Vicar a good deal relieved to find the doctor equal to the situation. (H.G. Wells)

The synonym of a great deal can be strengthened by the adverb that is never used with a good deal.

Sari: … This is a very simple, sentimental little song. I do hope you won’t laugh at it – it means a very great deal to me. (N. Coward)

With the view of stylistic considerations [3: 103] we can not say a good deal of food, only a great deal of food.

Serena: … I am sure it will do him a great deal of food. (N. Coward)

We have many examples that illustrate the normative usage of variants and structural synonyms. It is necessary because the identity of variants and the difference between structural synonyms is only realized in the context and outside of it can't be detected. In cases when the narrow context is insufficient we use a broader one.

The variable PU enters the language as a set of its variants. In some cases structural synonymy develops as a dialectical negation of phraseological variability keeping elements of the previous quality but in a modified form. We can notice it in phrases like a good deal and a great deal which in some contexts act as structural synonyms but in other as variants. In many cases the development of structural synonymy completely removes the redundancy that is inherent to the phraseological variants.

Variable and structurally synonymic relations are closely interrelated which is one of the manifestations of consistency in phraseology. The systematic character in phraseology creates a background for a variant and structural-synonymic partitioning.

5. Interchangeable prepositions.

a friend at (or in)court having the Russian equivalent «влиятельный друг»:

In Austria, during the early days, the Rothschilds had Metternich as their friend at court. (“Time”)

So no matter who wins, he’s got a friend in court. (“Newsweek”)

That PU that has variants originated from the proverb a friend in court is better than a penny in purse «влиятельный друг дороже денег» (com. «не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей»)that has no any variants.

To sum it up, we should state that variability is one of the means in language development (see also [7: 166]) and is to be considered as one of the linguistic universals [9: 172].


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  7. Федуленкова Т.Н. Специфика фразеологической вариантности: к истории проблемы // Проблемы культуры, языка, воспитания: Сб. науч. тр. Вып. 5 / Науч. ред. Т.В. Симашко. – Архангельск: Поморский гос. ун-т, 2003. – С. 166-179.

  8. Федуленкова Т.Н. Современные методы изучения фразеологии // Наука и образование 2004: Материалы международ. науч. конф. – Ч. I. – Мурманск, 2004. – С. 434-437.

  9. Федуленкова Т.Н. Фразеологические универсалии (на материале глагольной, соматической и библейской фразеологии английского, немецкого и шведского языков) // Лингвистика и лингвистическое образование в современном мире: Материалы международной конференции, посвященной 100-летию со дня рождения профессора В.Д. Аракина. – М.: Прометей, 2004. – С. 172-177.

  10. Федуленкова Т.Н. Лингвистический статус компонента фразеологической единицы // Вестник Томского гос. пед. ун-та. Серия «Гуманитарные науки» (Филология: Индоевропейские и сибирские языки). – Томск, 2005. – № 4(48). – С. 16-20.

1 On the linguistic status of the component see [10: 16-20; 2: 13; 4: 283].

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