VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Неясова Т.В. 1, Смирнова Е.В. 1
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Today it is difficult to perform the geodetic works without high-precision measuring devices because it is quicker and more effective to use them. Also thanks to the invention of high-precision measuring devices, we can examine vast territories at once and collect all the necessary information in one information carrier. Processing the data by hand is very sophisticated problem so to fulfill this load of work and to make difficult mathematical the modern geographic information systems are used. Replacement of the traditional measuring instruments for the electronic led to some new methods and technologies of the geodetic works. So, use of the satellite radio navigational systems and geodetic receivers essentially changed a technique of the creation of the basic geodetic networks. The basic boundary and marking constructions were created on their basis. Thus it is not necessary to provide visibility between the points of the construction, to build high signals, to take bulky measurements [1]. The terms of the performance of the geodetic works have been significantly reduced, and the influence of many errors (including those which depend on the performer) have been decreased.

Satellite positioning methods in combination with tachymeters and some other electronic devices are widespread in geodetic engineering and construction surveys and design [2]. The use of the electronic tachymeters, digital and laser levels, reflectorless distance meter on the construction site changes the technology of the geodetic maintenance of the construction at all stages. This has changed the method of range works, building planes and lines, transmission of the axes and the marks on the mounting arrangements, determining of the spatial position of the structures, conducting the executive surveys. Only one person can conduct the measurements with electronic measurement devices especially with the use of reflectorless distance meter and satellite geodetic decoders. Now there is a possibility to perform the accurate distance measurements. Previously there was no ways to make accurate measurements on the inaccessible and dangerous part of the buildings [3].

The next point to be made is that the process of automation of the geodesic and surveying works has become permanent. The results of the measurements of the electronic devices are recorded automatically, processed by appropriate software systems and exported to an information system, e.g. GIS (geographic information system).According to the results the digital object models, electronic topographic plans and maps are formed.

In recent years, some new electronic surveying instruments such as the laser scanning system have been invented. They become more perspective when filming complex objects. They are installed on a stillage similar to the tachymeter or on the aircraft similar to the camera. Geodetic scanning system used for the accurate shooting of the buildings, of the architectural monuments, facades of the buildings, the spatial position of the building structures, the parts of the machinery and the equipment.

We must conclude that without modern measuring tools we can't imagine our life. Traditional geodetic methods of the geodesic survey and the graphical display of the information are in the past. Thanks to the automation of the geodetic field measurements electronic devices are made within the seconds and fractions of seconds. The permanent process automation of the measurements and processing eliminates big errors, since the instrument reading of the limbs or reek happens without an operator. Recording of the measurement results into a memory discs and transfer the files to the information storage makes impossible the errors from placing the notes into the journals data and the set from the keyboard. In my opinion, the key to successful surveying work is the accuracy and the speed of its performance, and without modern measuring devices it is almost impossible to achieve good results.


  1. Maslov A.V., Gordeev A.V., Batrakov Yu. G. Geodesy. – M.: Colossus, 2006. – 598с.: Il. – (M31 textbooks and manuals for students of higher educational institutions).

  2. Lebedev N. N., Levchuk, G. P., and Novak V. E. in Applied geodesy. – M.: Nedra, Moscow, 1983, 400 p., UDC: 528.48(075.8)

  3. http://lektsii.com/1-106091.html

  4. http://gis.web.tstu.ru/

  5. http://www.ecopole.info

Просмотров работы: 613