VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Тынникова А.Н. 1, Смирнова Е.В. 1
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Abstract: the given article describes the pecularities of the professional training the specialists of «helping» professions, discusses the causes and prevention of the professional burnout syndrome, emphasizes the necessity for the psycho-pedagogical support of the students at the stage of University education.

Key words: professional training, emotional burnout, psychological and pedagogical support of the specialists, training programs development.

Nowadays the changes which are taking place in our society, affecting all the spheres of the human`s activity. Special attention is paid to the process of the professionalization in the stage of the high school education in connection with the upgrade of the modern education and changes in its content, growing trend of the competence approach in the higher professional education.

It is a well-known fact that there is a big demand on the qualified specialists in the field of service activities that help people feel comfortable and secure. One of the main characteristics of such specialists is their professional competence. According to the classification of the Russian scientist E.A. Klimov [1], profession which requires constant and close communication with people as one of the main professional activities is related to the type «man to man» and due to this, to a group of «helping» professions. Such areas as education and training, health, legal support and protection, trade and services are related to this group of professions. К. Rogers defined «helping relationship» as a means «to promote the other side of the personal growth, development, the best of life, the development of maturity, the ability to get along with others»[2].

The most common indicator of the negative impact on the individual in the professional sphere is a syndrome of «emotional burnout». In foreign psychology this term refers to a particular set of mental problems in a person's connection with his professional activities. Earlier in 1974 H.J. Freudenberg [3] first described a number of symptom characteristic of the helping professions specialists. They are: irritability, exhaustion, apathy, cynicism, etc. The foreign psychologist Kondo believes that «mental burnout syndrome» manifests itself as a «state of dysadaptation to the workplace because of the excessive workload and inadequate interpersonal relationships» [4].

The problem of studying the syndrome of burnout was examined by many foreign and Russian scientists, such as E. Hartmann, H.J. Freudenberg, S. Walker, E. Aronson, K. Maslach, E.V. Balls, G.S. Abramova, V.E. Oryol, N.E. Vodopiyanov, E.L. Starchenkova, V.V. Boyko and many others. Their researches highlight the impact of the professional activity on the individuals. At present the reason why do people choose «helping professions» is not totally studied. Training of the highly qualified specialists of “helping professions” who can act in a modern, rapidly changing world and some extreme situations requires the development of some training programs in order to prevent the burnout syndrome. In this regard, to reveal the specific features which influence on the professional activity and the emotional personality traits, as well as the identification of individual psychological prerequisites for professional self-determination is an urgent task [5; 6; 7].

Psychological and pedagogical support of the specialists is designed to ensure the necessary level of psychological knowledge of the professionals to overcome the burnout syndrome. Using the psychological defense mechanisms, leading to the prevention of burnout, will greatly reduce the risk of various stress and deformation of the personality.


1. Klimov E.A. Psychology of professional self-determination: Proc. benefits for students. E.A. Klimov. - M .: Publishing center "Academy", 2005. - 304 p.

2. Rogers K. A look at psychotherapy. Becoming a person. E.I.Iseninoy.-M.: Progress, 1994.-480s.

3. Freudenberger H.J. Staff burn-out. / Journal of Social Issues, 1974. 30. pp. 159-165.

4. Kondo K. Burnout syndrome // Asian medical. 2001. N 34. pp. 34-42.

5. Oryol V.E .The phenomenon of "emotional burnout": Theory, problem diagnosis // Oryol, VE structural and functional organization and genesis of mental burnout: Author. ... Dr. ps. n. / VE Oryol. - Yaroslavl, 2005. - 51 p.

6. Smirnova E.V. // Life strategies of the modern Russian students. //16 th International and Industrial Forum Great Rivers`’2014 ». [Text]: [scientific congress reports]. 3 b, b. 2 / Nizhny Novgorod State Architecture of Civil Engineering. ; рub. А. А.Lapshin .–N. Novgorod: NNGASU, 2015.–380 p. pp.211-213.

7. Smirnova E.V // Components of psychological structure of the communicative competence of future guides and interpreters under conditions of a level-based educational process./ Nizhny Novgorod State Architecture of Civil Engineering., Privolzhsky Scientific Journal №3. 2015. pp.269-273.

Просмотров работы: 596