VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Сомова А.И. 1, Смирнова Е.В. 1
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Monitoring of the farm lands fertility is one of the aspects of the state lands monitoring. The State Agrochemical Services Agency implements it in the territory of the Russian Federation. It is represented by 108 centers and stations all over the country and the Nizhny Novgorod region as well. Monitoring the lands is necessary to increase the efficiency of using of chemicals on the arable lands and productivity and sustainability of the crops [1]. Agriculturally used areas in the Nizhny Novgorod region are about 40,6% (i.e. approximately 3060000 hectares) of all region's lands. The area of the farm fields is about 1320000 hectares; unused fields occupy 462000 hectares. Grass lands take approximately 545000 hectares, perennial plants - about 600 hectares. The experts discovered about 13-15 soil types within the territory of Nizhny Novgorod region. The main types are:

- grey forest soils - Central zone (46%);

- soddy podzolic soils - North zone (36%);

- chernozem - South zone (18%) [2].

The most widely spread soils are soddy podzolic and grey forest soils. They are characterized by the high acidity and low nutrient content. These soils are able to give high yield of the crops only with the use of chemicals, including chemical land melioration. Over the past two decades, the pace of chemicalization decreased significantly. This greatly affected the soil fertility and productivity.

The volume of lime application had been decreasing greatly, and it has recently stopped. As the result of it the volume of the acidic soils increased approximately up to 120000 hectares, mostly it affected the grey forest soils and chernozem. These soil types were used intensively in our region for growing crops. It is a well-known fact that the increase of acidity has negative impact on soil fertility. It is very essential to have correct soil texture with proper fertility for healthy crops growth.

Nowadays the soils lack phosphorus because агроном have stopped phosphoryzation. Due to this fact, the areas with a sufficient amount of labile phosphorus decreased up to 120000 hectares. Soddy podzolic soils in the Nizhny Novgorod region are the poorest in phosphorus.

The situation with labile potassium content in soils is less serious, though the volume of potash fertilizer treatment is still low. Its content decay in soils of our region has stopped and the growth. It was registered on chernozem soils [3].

Humus is an important factor of soil fertility. It provides the proper level of nitrogen in the soil. Today the biggest part of humus-poor soils is located in the zone of soddy podzolic and grey forest soils. It is about 42% [4; 5].

Agrochemical Services Agency regularly holds monitoring of the arable lands. All this is necessary for qualitative, effective and timely use of chemicals and fertilizer treatment.


1. Derzhavin L.M. «Agrochemical service and intensification of agricultural production», 2009

2. Gordeev A.V., Romanenko G.A. «Degradation and restore the productivity of agricultural lands in Russia», 2008

3. Knowles D.A. «Chemistry and Technology of Agrochemical Formulations», 1998

4. Mark B. Peoples, Eric T.Craswell «Biological nitrogen fixation: Investments, expectations and actual contributions to agriculture», 1992

5. The biological nitrogen contribution of legumes in the n balance of agriculture of Russia, Agricultural chemistry, 2012

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