VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Стрелков Д.Ю. 1, Смирнова Е.В. 1
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Abstract: the given article describes the method of calculating aerodynamics of the blowing tambour-sluice. The paper provides valuable information about the airflow distribution using the theory of free turbulent flow. Much attention is given to the relation of the speed positions of the airflow discharge from the blowing holes and speed in the personnel`s zone. The article emphasizes the need to examine the system of air purification and the influence of the airflow speed regimes distribution while choosing the blowing tambour-sluice.

Key words:blowing tambour-sluice, removal of the air with the dust particles, air delivering, cleaning cycle

The current interest in the problem is lies in the fact that nowadays the clean rooms has already become a part of the human`s life. Manufacture of the microelectronic circuits, modern production of machinery and mechanics, manufacture of medicine, effective treatment of the sick in some cases, food preparation and so on are next to impossible without them.

Tambour-sluices used in the clean rooms are the constructions with three directions and two way passing of the air. They serve to remove the particles of dust from the personnel `s uniform by the means of the high speed airflow. To achieve this aim we can apply the following approach: the blowoff cycle in the sluices which has the certain stages:

Air delivering – cleaning personnel`s uniform – removal of the air with the dust particles – cleaning the air inside the filter - air delivering [1].

The adapted discharge holes have a diameter of 60 mm and produced from the high quality plastic. Starting the cleaning cycle inside the sluice initiates the powerful airflow which had been cleaned by the HEPA filters with the air filtration efficiency of 99.99% for the particles of the 0,3 мкм size (ISO5) [2]. The main body is made from the galvanized steel. The sluice door is has an observation window and has the electromagnetic locks. Switching on the cleaning cycle inside the sluice initiates the powerful airflow.

The next point to be made is the sluices are equipped with the door lock up monitoring system, fluorescent lamps with the immediate switch off and indicator lamps. The operation stages of the blowing tambour-sluice are provided automatically by the system.

The sluice regime might be coded from the operator`s shop (from 5 seconds to 3 minutes). The sluice is able to operate in two ways. But only one door in each moment of time can be opened [3]. The operator can walk inside the sluice from each side, starting the cleaning cycle. The time of passing the personnel is 16 seconds [4].

The sluice has 4 discharge holes up and 8 from the sides.

The size of the sluice room is: L = 1000 mm, B = 900mm, H = 2200mm.

The airflow discharged in the tambour is defined by the speed of leaving the hole. According to the foreign manufactures the speed of leaving is 12 m/s.

Lобщ = n∙Fотв∙υ =20∙0,003∙12∙3600 =2590 m3/h (1)

Now we need to estimate the speed from the distance of 0, 5 m from the blowing hole using the theory of the airflow (fig.1).


Coefficient of flow turbulence a for the given hole is 0,12 [5].

uо = 12 m/s – leaving speed from the hole

Estimate the main parameters of the flow distance from the pole of the flow till the discharge cut of the flow:


Find the length of the original sector:


Distance from the pole till the estimated cut flow:

х = хо + 0,5 = 0,075 + 0,5 = 0,575 m

Estimate the axial speed in the calculated cut flow:

Fig.2 Personnel Tambour-sluice

«KOJAIR» company, Finland

Fig.3.Personnel Tambour-sluice

«KOJAIR» company, Finland

It follows logically from what has been said that today the relevance of the design, creation and the use of clean technologies have risen dramatically. This is the fundamental basis of the modern approach to provide the high quality products and services. The clean technology is an important part of it. The given problem requires further study and careful development. This is a special classification of the air purity, creation methods and operation of the clean rooms.


1. GOST R ISO 14644 - 4 - 2002 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments. Part 4: Design, construction and commissioning.

2. GOST R ISO 14644 - 1 - 2002 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments. Part 1: Classification of air cleanliness.

3. GOST R ISO 14644 - 5 - 2005 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments. Part 5: Operation.

4. I. Hayakawa Clean rooms. Translation from Japanese / Ed. I. Hayakawa. InoueShoin, Tokyo, 1987 / translated into Russian. M., Mir, 1990. - 451 p.

5. Kamenev PN Heating and ventilation. Part 2: Ventilation. Edition 3. - M., Stroyizdat, 1966. - 480 p.

Просмотров работы: 775