К ВОПРОСУ О ВЫРАЩИВАНИИ ГОРТЕНЗИЙ - Студенческий научный форум

VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Сигуля Д.А. 1, Смирнова Е.В. 1
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Abstract: the given article describes the ways and conditions of growing up one of the most beautiful and popular plants as hydrangeas. Much attention is given to hydrangea basics. Also some advices about growing these garden favorites are mentioned.

Key words: easily naturalized, hydrangea basics, soil, bloom, varieties of hydrangeas

Garden hydrangea is one of the most beautiful and popular plants. They are the number one wedding flower after roses. They are romantic, and amazing. The hydrangea fit most gardens in most areas of the country, because they grow on the shade or sun, acid soil or alkaline. There is no doubt that they can be a little finicky but they absolutely worth it. Although most of us probably think of the old fashioned mop head hydrangea (lat. H. macrophylla) first, with those amazing balls of bloom in pink or blue, there are other varieties. Oak leaf hydrangeas grow well in partial shade, and lace cap hydrangeas have a more delicate flower. There is also the more heat tolerant PeeGee hydrangea (lat. H. paniculata). Also there are new reblooming hydrangeas, like “Endless Summer”. First, as the basic hydrangea care, most hydrangeas prefer morning sun and afternoon shade, and don’t growl well with hot climates. Coastal climates are ideal, as are cool summer areas. Both too much heat and too little sun can contribute to the poor performance for the old fashioned hydrangeas. PeeGee hydrangeas deal much better with heat. Oak leaf hydrangeas are perfect for partial shade areas. No hydrangea will bloom in the deep shade.

As for water and fertilizer, the hydrangeas prefer to be evenly moist, and love a fertile soil. When using commercial fertilizers, it’s often advised to use half strength liquid fertilizer so you don’t stimulate too much leaf growth at the expense of the flowers.

Most of the hydrangeas bloom on the old wood, so severe pruning is not necessary. It is necessary to prune away dead wood each spring, and dead head the flowers that are past their prime to promote the most flowers on each bush. PeeGee and Annabelle hydrangeas are more tolerant.

Hydrangeas prefer soil rich in organic matter. The color of hydrangeas blooms is based on the soil composition. It’s a known fact that that the pink and blue varieties are influenced by the soil ph. A gardener can change a pink hydrangea to blue by adding aluminum sulfate to the soil to make it more acidic, but it isn`t so easy to change a blue hydrangea to pink.

The biggest problems hydrangea gardeners have is lack of bloom. This is usually caused by one of three things: a late freeze, using a variety that is not intended for your climate, or pruning too much of the old wood away.

Looking closer to the variety of the hydrangeas, Mopheads (lat. Hydrangea macrophylla (fig.1). Traditionally there are pink or blue hydrangeas. They grow very poor in a summer heat.

Lacecaps (lat. Hydrangea macrophylla normalis). They are more easily naturalized into the average landscape, these shrubs are less formal, but still are amazing specimen plants.


Oak leaf (lat. H. arborescens). Oak leaf hydrangea has oak shaped leaves that turn lovely purple and red in the fall, and conical shaped white flowers that bloom in summer. More tolerant to the hot summers, tolerant to the shade, and tolerant to drier soil. It is a wonderful garden plant (fig.2).


PeeGee (lat. Hydrangea paniculata) is a large conical white to pink blooms, PeeGee is tolerate to cold and require several hours of a sunlight a day. They can grow quite large, and are tolerant to pruning, so they can be used as a hedge. They also bloom a little later, in August and September. They are the only variety that can be pruned into tree form. (fig.3)


Cold zone hydrangeas (lat. Hydrangea arborescens) “Annabelle” is a large white flowering variety that blooms and grows well in cold climate zones (fig.4).


The most popular new gaiety of the reblooming mop head is “Endless Summer” (lat. Hydrangea macrophylla) (fig.5). These plants are tend to be smaller shrubs, prefer partial shade, and bloom pink or blue. Reblooming several times over the summer, they are a popular choice for the large containers as well.


In conclusion it should be noted that it’s worth a little extra effort to learn about growing hydrangeas… they can survive in a garden for generations, and are a beloved flower that every gardener should have the chance to grow.


  1. http://www.greeninfo.ru/

  2. http://hydrangea.ru

  3. http://orhide.ru

  4. http://ogorodsadovod.com/entry/1132-posadka-gortenzii-sadovoi-i-ukhod-za-nei

  5. http://udivitelno.com/plants/item/654-gortenziya-sadovaya-opisanie-ukhod-29-foto

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