УСАДЬБА ГРИБОЕДОВА: ХМЕЛИТА - Студенческий научный форум

VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Мажорова А.А. 1
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Hmelita - The oldest extant manors Smolensk land. It is located in the center of the village of the same name, known since 1614. The village got its name from the river Hmelitki, on the banks of which were overgrown with hops.

History Hmelity - a typical story of a noble Russian nest. In the XVI century. the village belonged to the princes Buynosovym-Rostovsky. At the end of the XVII century the estate of princes Buynosovyh-Rostovsky goes to SF Griboyedov.

Since 1747 the estate owned by the captain of the Life Guards regiment of the Transfiguration, Lieutenant Theodore A. Griboyedov, the grandfather of the famous playwright and diplomat Alexander Griboyedov. When it Hmelita acquires its final shape a rich "stone manor" and experiencing its real heyday.

Chief Domprix FA Griboyedov in 1753 began construction of the main house. The palace and park ensemble, created by an unknown architect, was according to the General Plan Survey 1778 from the "house manor stone on two floors with four wings, regular park with blind and open lanes, two digging ponds fathoms fish, good flower beds with stone statues, landscape Park and various business services. "

Panorama manor ensemble built complements FA Griboyedov in 1759 - 1767 years. stone church of Our Lady of Kazan with a three-tiered bell tower, a refectory and two chapels: Nikolsky and John the Baptist.

Hmelita is a classic Russian manor house with well-established subsistence farming, distillery, a windmill, a small equestrian plant, at which there were different breeds of horses, riding arena, a farmyard. All of this was outside the front of the property.

At the end of XVIII - the beginning of the nineteenth century the owner of the wealthy estates of Smolensk was collegiate councilor Alex F. Griboyedov Moscow gentleman, uncle of the great playwright. The owner Hmelity lived in grand style. The house had a rich library, paintings, home theater and gypsy chorus, excellent teachers and tutors.

Aristocratic affinity, familiarity, the situation in the church obschestveKazanskaya linked both with owner Hmelity metropolitan notable names, and from noble families Yakushkina, Sheremetevs, Nakhimov, Lykoshin, Ozerov, Uvarov, whose name side by side with Griboyedov Hmelitoy. As earlier in Moscow and is now a rural manor house Leont'ev distinguished hospitality and charisma. On the balls into the house of Griboyedov to elect aristocratic society, including the youth that brings together his poetry, music, theater. In the 1790-1810-ies. (up to 1812), in his childhood and youth here every summer visiting AS Griboyedov. The hops in his possession was an abundance of books - a rich library of Russian and foreign literature, collection of subscription magazines.

From the notes VI Lykoshin know that saving time magnificent manor Griboyedov became for many the most beloved and related home. "Hmelitskoe society" picnics in nature, take a walk in the evening from the windows showered the sound of music. This Alexander Griboyedov and his cousin - wonderful musician - playing the piano. When the guests were leaving, A. GriboedovAleksandr loved seen in the empty chambers of family portraits, faces strict previous generations, ceremonial royal portraits, which are established tradition adorned the walls of the living room. Everything was nice and quiet in the house of his uncle during these hours. For the gifted, considerate boy Hmelita unwittingly became the object of observation, and life and customs of the landlords environment. His childhood and youth observation, "hmelitskie 'impressions of the meetings with the capital manor nobility and later became one of the sources of the creation of the comedy" Woe from Wit ".

More luxurious, comfortable and aristocratic than the other estates, Hmelita most strongly influenced the formation and development of the personality of the great Russian playwright and an outstanding statesman Alexander Griboyedov, reflected in his work.

During the Patriotic War of 1812 in hops, along with the occupation forces stopped a close associate of Napoleon, the viceroy of Naples and Sicily, the French Marshal Murat. During the retreat of the French troops in the standing horse hops partisan detachment of Major-General IM Begichev.

The bulk of the estate XVIII - nach. Nineteenth century. I had axial symmetrical layout. From the west, from the river valley. Vyazma, overlooks the main building, stepped terraces in front of him and the church. The upper terrace, with four two-story wings at the corners served as the front yard. In the middle of its long eastern side stood a large manor house. On the other side of the house is a square with a regular park main alley. Alley ended rectangular ponds. To the north of the park passed into the landscape, this part was a much larger area and had a pond with an island in the middle.

Around 1836 the main building of the estate have undergone serious renovation. Refectory Church of Kazan has been expanded; Empire style manor house acquired traits, instead of the previous baroque.

Starting from the 2nd third of the XIX century. Hmelita rapidly changing owners and is gradually coming into decline - at first it passes into the hands of the representatives of the female line names Griboyedov, and in 1869 sold to a merchant Sychevsky Sipyagin. The ruins of the main house

By the end of the XIX century. the house is in terrible condition, no one had lived in it for many years. All started. North wing demolished the top floor of the south wing destroyed. In the hall on the floor dried seed from wells parquet grown rye. A certain rise in the planned holding period Hmelitoy Heydens family. Count PA Heyden bought the estate in 1894, when the house was sold all the furniture, and the new owners had to buy it again.

Before the October Revolution the estate owned Heiden-VP Volkov, where in 1912 to build on the second floor of the gallery and the south-east wing. Around 1910, after a fire in the estate Heydens Deep (Pskov Province.), In Hmelitu transported a magnificent collection of paintings: 130 paintings, collected by Prince NN Dondukov-Korsakov, when he headed the Academy of Fine Arts. Among the paintings were the work of Giorgione, Guido Reni, Raphael Mengs, Camille Corot and other famous artists.

In 1918 the main building housed the People's House - theater, reading, tea. After the nationalization of the estate in 1919, it was closed, and things, paintings and library was transferred to the museums and collections of Smolensk, Vyazma and Moscow.

The ruins of Kazan tserkviVo during the Nazi occupation of the main house was occupied by Nazi troops and headquarters received three holes from the shells of our artillery.

In its original form the palace and park ensemble was not preserved. Time, revolution, war, neglect, natural disasters are not spared Hmelitu. In Soviet times, the architectural complex suffered serious damage: two wings dismantled, mutilated beyond recognition Kazan church, destroying the refectory and the bell tower, was demolished to the ground the other two temple, destroyed part of the buildings of economic purpose.

The strongest blow was dealt to the manor in 1954. It housed a school, the farm office and warehouse. On the floor of the palace dried linden bast. One day, by accident, in a house fire. Bast flashed like gunpowder. The palace burned for a week. Over Hmelitoy long hung black choking smoke. The house was without a roof under the snow, rain, collapsing before our eyes. After a time, farmers began to dismantle a brick wall for home use.

Memorial doskaV 1967 on the ashes Hmelity gets Peter D. Baranovsky - famous ascetic, architect-restorer. He was a great connoisseur of Russian antiquities, but especially loved Smolyanin Smolensk monuments. On his initiative and began restoration work in the estate Hmelita. Since the 1970s. is the restoration of architectural buildings of the estate. A great contribution he has made to the worker in Moscow restoration workshops, and later director of the museum in the manor VE fist. Research and preparation of design drawings had a Moscow architect-restorer M. Ermolaev. These people were able to give life to the museum, begin the process of restoration and revival of one of the most visited sanctuaries present Russian culture.

Now tourism is unthinkable without the Smolensk Museum-Reserve, deposits surrounding mansions and temples, Griboyedov annual readings in the most hops.

Просмотров работы: 524