VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Новожилова А.В. 1, Смирнова Е.В. 1
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Abstract: the given article describes the natural and tourist resources of Pustynsky wild-life preserve and especially noted the uniqueness of this place. The rare species of plants and animals which inhabit the territory of the wild-life preserve are studied.

Key words: natural and tourist resources, wild-life preserve creation, nature protection.

Nizhny Novgorod area possesses a large amount of tourist resources. Pustynsky wild-life preserve is a large forest of 6200 hectares long in a basin of the river Serezha. It is located near the villages of Staraya Pustyn and Menshikovo in Arzamas area.

The Pustynsky wild-life preserve was formed in 1934. It was created to preserve the unique landscape of the midland of the European part of Russia. It is a system with running karstic lakes and large forests. The main places of interest of this surprising natural complex are eight deep-water karstic lakes: Great, Deep, Round, Steam, Holy, Long, Narbus and Karasevo. All the lakes are connected in one eco system of 300 hectares [1].

The underground waters when dissolving the local lime stones and plasters have filled with water downfall and hollows. Great, Deep, Steam and Long lakes are running and the river Serezha flows through them [2]. The river forms some kind of a water labyrinth on its long way turning from narrow stream to the gulfs and lakes. The other lakes are connected by the channels.

The Pustynsky lakes have some abundant flora. Here almost all of the typical water plants in the midland of Russia are presented. Fifty-five types of plants found there are rare. It’s unique from the point of geographical spread of the plants.

The main mineral wealth of Pustynsky wild-life preserve is its woods of different types. These are mixed coniferous-broad-leafed forests, pine forests and flood-plain oak forests. Also one can find old trees which are more than two hundred years old. Their height is up to 35 meters high and the diameter is up to 1 meter [3].

Many plants of the wild-life preserve are registered in the Red Book (red helleborine, lady's-slipper orchid, etc.) [4]. A «caltrop chillum» is a relic of the interglacial period. Only a few places of its growth are known in Nizhny Novgorod area. There are all types of algae but not brown algae in the area.

The fauna is as abundant as the flora due to its variety. Six types of mammals inhabit in the ponds. Also there are some rare types such as river beaver, an otter and a muskrat. Their number is constantly being reduced. So, they need to be protected. Also the wild-life preserve is a place of habitat for 7 types of the bats [5].

Nowadays many tourists come to visit the lakes and unfortunately it badly affects the environment. There is a lot of waste and garbage on the territory. The members of Legislative assembly of Nizhny Novgorod paid attention to it and forced the creation of the Pustynsky wild-life preserve. It possesses great tourist potential and unique not only for the Russian tourists, but for the foreigners as well.


1. Trybe, L.L. "Geography of Gorky Area." – N. Novgorod, 1978. – 176 pages.

2. Kvartalnov, V.A. "Tourism" / Textbook. – M.: Finance and statistics, 2002. – 320 pages.

3. Filatov, N.F. "The Nizhny Novgorod region" – N. Novgorod, 1999. – 311 pages.

4. Red List of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. - N. Novgorod, 2014. – 446 pages.

5. Anufriyeva, G.A., Bakki, S.V. "Red List of the Nizhny Novgorod Region" (T.1. "Animals") – N.Novgorod, 2003. – 380 pages.

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