ДОМ МАЯКОВСКОГО В МОСКВЕ - Студенческий научный форум

VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Десятова Т.И. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет
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Mayakovsky's house in Mayakovsky Lane - the house in which Vladimir Mayakovsky, Lille and Osip Brik during the period from 1926 to 1930 lived. The former address - Gendrikov Lane 15/13 (it is renamed into Mayakovsky Lane in 1935). Object of cultural heritage of federal value.

Gendrikov Lane was called by last name one of house owners – the merchant Mikhail Gendrikov. The house in Gendrikovy Lane 15/13 in which there will live Vladimir Mayakovsky subsequently, belonged to a family of merchants Tolkovyih. In 1891 the architect V. F. Zhigardovich gave to the house a modern look.

After revolution the house was condensed and turned into a communal flat. Lilya Brik remembered that when she with Mayakovsky and Osip Brik drove to the apartment, in the yard there were some trees and wood sheds.

Mayakovsky began to think of receiving the apartment in 1925 when Lille and Osip Brik lived in Sokolniki, in Vodopyanovy Lane – "without bathtub, the ice bathroom", and Mayakovsky's room in Lubyansky Drive, in a seven-room communal flat, became too small (11,1 sq.m). In 1926, after long and painful circulations on instances, Mayakovsky and spouses Brik received the warrant for the four-room apartment No. 5 in the second floor of this house.

The room was in an awful state – everywhere dirt, garbage, bugs, the torn-off wall-paper, lack of conveniences.

The poet promised in housing society that itself will execute expensive repair and attached the estimate for 3000 rubles, the huge sum at that time. Mayakovsky personally developed the plan of re-planning of the apartment at which four rooms weren't exposed to changes, and due to reduction of kitchen and width of a lobby the combined bathroom was arranged, and the angular southeast room received an entrance directly from a lobby, and the Russian furnace was replaced with the center. After repair the apartment completely carried over the poet.

On a door the copper plate "Mayakovsky was hung up. BRIC" - the first thing ordered by Vladimir Mayakovsky for the new apartment. In the Moscow Council Mayakovsky was given out paper in which it was said that consolidation threat is removed from the poet. Right after it Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote a note to housing society: "To the chairman of Housing society of 13/15 on Gendrikov Lane. I ask to register in my apartment of vol. L.Yu.Brik and O.M.Brik. V. Mayakovsky".

Housewarming was noted in April, 1926.

The furniture was done to order in Mosdrev as rooms cabins were tiny (the biggest room was fourteen meters). Lille I was engaged in a situation – I ordered cases, I created a cosiness. She went to workshops, chose a style of shelves and cases, then invited the joiner which everything measured, and together they developed convenient and functional furniture. She was engaged in everything, on Vladimir and Osip only consulted. It is Lille thought up to make in Mayakovsky's room the folding shelf for shaving, and also on a ladder to put two old cases for books (in the apartment there was no place at all) and to lock them on the big padlock – you never know …

To get in to Mayakovsky and Brikam it was necessary to rise on a cool wooden ladder then guests at first appeared in a hall where on a hanger the gray coat and a fur jacket of the big sizes hung (Mayakovsky was very high), a hat and a cane. It was possible to find a wattled linen basket in a corner: on a visit could come at the same time to 30 people, the hanger wasn't enough, and guests put clothes on this basket.

In the small dining room, in the center, there was a square table. That found room to more people, the table was moved apart and put on a diagonal if visitors was much as, for example, that evening when Vladimir Mayakovsky for the first time read just written poem "Well!", the table was cleaned absolutely, and guests sat on a floor.

The furniture in the dining room was very simple and only the most necessary: table, six chairs, black leather sofa, buffet. The samovar was indispensable attribute of the apartment – every evening, owners and guests had tea. Almost under a ceiling, it is so high that only Mayakovsky freely could get, the shelf with books and the typewriter was suspended. The shelf and buffet were made according to drawings of the poet. In Mayakovsky's room there was not enough fiction – the poet long time used Osip Brik's library. Inhabitants of the apartment called the general room with a white tiled oven a saloon. In it there was phone with a long cord, and Mayakovsky when spoke by phone, went on all apartment. For it he called himself for fun a cat scientific. Vladimir Vladimirovich was called often from editions, ordered verses, and the poet of many of the calling invited to himself as he spoke, "providing himself with people".

In the dining room Mayakovsky's posters often hung, it very much was pleasant to him. By the last hung-out poster in the dining room it was dated for opening of the 20 years of work exhibition. A month before opening in the apartment in Gendrikovy Lane playful anniversary in honor of the 20 anniversary of work was held. Friends, the audience in advance, met the poet by amicable shout: "Vladimir Mayakovsky, is time to sing of You. From all friends Moscow Ur, hurrah, hurrah!."

Near the dining room drawing room there was a small adjacent room – an office and Mayakovsky's bedroom. The room was so small that once Nikolay Aseev noticed that the poet doesn't enter it and as if "pulls" the room on himself as a shirt.

In the room the big desk on which lay a pen "Mont Blanc" with a gold feather and the last notebook of the poet with draft sketches of the poem "At the top of the voice" was by the window". In the same place color ink, paints, a big eraser, the French lighter which Mayakovsky never used lay. In an ancient cup there were pencils, the handle, brushes, and the convenient desktop shelf was near books.

To the left of an entrance to an office there was a wardrobe of an original design made on Lily and Vladimir's project with the leaning-back shelf for shaving accessories and with the pocket mirror cut in a shutter that was very convenient. In a case Mayakovsky's clothes among which there were many shirts which he liked to change every day hung, and below there were size boots 45. Also in a case it was stored rubber a basin bathtub which the poet always carried with himself during the leather bag pillow and a suitcase with the monogram are frequent trips.

Lila Yurevna managed I adjusted life – Annushka, the housemaid, always in time I served dinner, and both men always had fresh ironed shirts. Lila liked the new house and she tried to make it cozy and hospitable.

Mayakovsky-Brikov's apartment became the center of cultural life of Moscow and headquarters of LEFA soon. The editor of the newspaper of "Cinema" P. V. Neznamov somehow told about the apartment in Gendrikov "not the apartment - gunpowder". There were poets, artists, writers, actors, employees of cinema, readings of new works were arranged, discussions and discussions were conducted. At Mayakovsky it was possible to get acquainted with such people as M. Koltsov, V. Veshnevsky, T. Dreiser, D. Rivera, N. Hikmetov, Pablo Neruda, Nicolás Guillén, Jorge Amado, Alexis Parinis and Lila Guerrero and even with employees of OGPU (for example with Yakov Agranov and Elbert, by nickname the Snob).

Vladimir Mayakovsky, Varvara Stepanova, Osip Beskin, Lilya Brik in the apartment in Grednikovy Lane. Alexander Rodchenko's photo. 1928.

On "Lefovsky Tuesdays" it was possible to meet N. Aseev, S. Tretyakov, B. Pasternak, V. Shklovsky, V. Meyerhold, S. Eisenstein who played cards, argued and edited numbers.

After death of the poet, in the middle of 1930, Briki received the new apartment and transported for safety all situation and all things from Gendrikov Lane there.

In 1935 L. Yu. Brik and her environment wrote the letter to I. V. Stalin in whom asked about assistance in creation of the museum of V. V. Mayakovsky in Gendrikovy Lane, and also in creation in the same house of specialized library of Mayakovsky. In the letter it was said that forget Mayakovsky, his verses exclude from the school program, and also it was told about inaction and bureaucratic delays from the leading structures. Lille Yurevna emphasized that one to her not to consult and therefore she decided to address on a straight line to Stalin that "to realize huge revolutionary heritage of Mayakovsky". On this letter Stalin wrote the resolution: "Mayakovsky was and remains the best, most talented poet of our Soviet era. Indifference to his memory and its works – a crime".

This resolution was published in the Pravda newspaper on December 5, 1935 in an editorial selection of material about Mayakovsky. In the same place it was published that "The Moscow council decided to create in the house where there lived Mayakovsky (Gendrikov Lane, д 13/15), Library museum of V. Mayakovsky", and also that Gendrikov Lane will be renamed into Mayakovsky Lane.

In 1936 preparation for opening of the museum now in Mayakovsky Lane began. To the building the one-storey reading room, and to a facade, the house, turned to neighboring on the lane, was attached, the one-storey extension for placement of utility rooms with the device under part of its cellar adjoined. Internal re-planning of both floors was made according to new purpose of the house, and Mayakovsky's apartment is restored.

In 1938 the doors for visitors at first were opened by a reading room, and then, in April, museum part with a memorial and literary exposition.

The apartment was restored in that look in what it was during lifetime of the poet – the same sofa, a table, a written set, correspondent number of "Komsomolskaya Pravda", on a wall V. I. Lenin's portrait hung. In the museum the atmosphere of presence of the poet was created.

In the museum visitors could not only examine an office of the poet and the dining room (these two rooms were kept as memorial), but also to learn about its vital and a career, to hear Mayakovsky's voice and his verses performed by the best readers.

On the first floor of the house the department of funds where 269 manuscripts of the poet numbering 1500 pages, 68 notebooks, Mayakovsky's letters and to it, books with donative inscriptions, photos, etc. were carefully stored settled down. The book fund of a reading room of library totaled 165000 books, magazines, newspaper cuttings. In library lifetime and other editions of Mayakovsky in Russian, in foreign languages, and also printing materials about it were collected.

At the end of 1938 it was found out that some places of a felling are struck with a wood fungus in this connection the house had to be closed on restoration and scheduled maintenance till 1940. At this time subjects from the museum were used at a mobile exhibition in Sochi. However despite closing of the museum, research activity and work on replenishment of funds didn't stop. Improvement of the primuzeyny territory proceeded.

Просмотров работы: 572