МУЗЕЙ УСАДЬБА "СЛЕПНЕВО" - Студенческий научный форум

VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Иванова О.В. 1
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Once, the will of fate, in the life of the family Gumilyov - Akhmatova entered Bezhetskiy edge, a small but memorable for each time segment. It was here, on Bezhetskaya earth, they were a family. Father. Mother. Son. Each of them left a deep imprint on Russian culture and science. Each took his only his intended path.

This is the only case in the Tver land transfer of the manor house, which later became a memorial museum dedicated to its inhabitants and owners.

The village Gradnitsy Bezhetsky district preserved the house where from 1911 year to 1917 year We lived and worked Akhmatova and Gumilev.

Not everyone loves poetry. Not all like Akhmatova, and even more so Gumilyov. And some do not know much about them, and at the same time - a very worthy people. Everyone - his own ... But I invite you to Slepnevo. Or rather, in Gradnitsy. Why?

"Not in a picturesque place 15 miles from Bezhetsk" - as Anna Akhmatova wrote in his autobiography. It is a village Slepnevo where Akhmatova began to arrive, becoming the wife of Nikolai Gumilev.

As for the scenic area is not the way I Akhmatova would argue.

Before the revolution were Gradnitsy churchyard: here is not settled peasants, was Trinity Church (architectural monument in 1794), home of the church clergy and the cemetery with a fence. It went to the church congregation of Slepneva. The church closed in 1930, it made several attempts to blow up, to use a brick to strengthen the road and buildings, but did not succeed - the walls were strong!

What happened to the Slepneva? Village there is long gone, since 1972. No, and the manor. Slepnevsky manor house (wooden floors, seven windows on the main facade, with cross a mezzanine, three windows on each side wall of the house were covered with boards and painted ocher, has a veranda and balcony) was taken in 1935, just a few miles away, closer to the road Bezhetsk- Vesegonsk, the village Gradnitsy to arrange it in school. House in Slepneva dismantled carefully and accurately collected, old iron for the roof served until 1984. Here was the village school until it was built in the late 1980's a new one. Now log walls without cladding. The building is strong, it is now a museum "House of the poet Anna Akhmatova and N.Gumilev."

7 km north-east of the small village were Gradnits Slepnev - the estate of nobles lions. At the beginning of XX century. Manor house was built in the form in which it is preserved to this day. Co-owner of the manor was Slepnev Anna Gumilev (Lviv), the mother of the poet Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev (1886-1921). He himself came to the estate in 1908, and in 1911-1917 years. Here come every summer to his wife - poet Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966).

In 1935 the school burned down in Gradnitsah so slepnёvsky manor house was dismantled, transported to Gradnitsy again carefully collected and opened a school there. Slepnev Village, located next to the names, deserted and ceased to exist in 1960.

The school acted in the manor house more than half a century, and in 1987 was transferred to the new brick building.

Memorial House, thus freed, and in June 1989, which UNESCO has declared the year of Anna Akhmatova, the 100th anniversary of her birth opened the museum exposition.

The exposition is dedicated to the life and works of prominent Russian poets.

Not immediately attracted Akhmatova this place. Rural life does not vary significantly. And at first got here, Akhmatova painfully accustomed to the patriarchal village life, life here saw her "languor in captivity." Over time, however, "it happened: imprisonment became home to the second."

Over time, Akhmatova Slepnevo loved and began to call Tver land his second home, his beloved party.

The house has two floors and several rooms which represented the interior of the time. Collect some things Akhmatova.

In the section devoted to Nikolai Gumilev, traced bright and the tragic fate of this outstanding poet of the Silver Age.

It is not easy the destiny of the son of Akhmatova and Gumilev - Lev Tolstoy. Three times he was convicted.

Of course the museum is worth a visit, and for lovers of creativity Akhmatova and Gumilev House should therefore be obligatory waypoint on Bezhetskaya edge.

Near the house are the ruins of poets Trinity Church. Year Built between 1782 and 1804.

In autumn 2008 the Museum "House of Poets" in Gradenitsah became a branch of the Tver State United Museum. In 2009, the 120th anniversary of Anna Akhmatova, the architectural appearance of the building has been restored, and the participants of the ceremony were able first to enter it and see the updated exposure literary museum dedicated to the life and work of outstanding Russian poet Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev and Anna Akhmatova, which I wrote once about the house:

There's my shadow and remained homesick,

All in the same blue room living ...

The new exposition takes seven rooms of the manor house. The two halls located Gradnitskaya rural library. In the museum "House of Poets" slepnёvskogo the history of the house, where you can learn about its famous hosts and well-known guests. More two rooms devoted to Anna Akhmatova stay in Slepnev, played a significant role in her work. In the section devoted to Nikolai Gumilev, traced bright and the tragic fate of this outstanding poet of the Silver Age. More Exposition is one of the halls visitors childhood Lev Gumilyov, spent his Bezhetsk, where he lived and went to school. It completes the photo exhibition reflecting the milestones of his life and scientific creativity.

Meanwhile Bezhetsk has survived authentic house (street Chudova, 68/14), where from 1917 to 1942 for 25 years lived Gumilev mother - Anna Ivanovna. In the same house he lived and Nikolai Gumilev with his second wife Anna Engelhardt and daughter Lena. Here he lived for many years the poet's son Lev Gumilyov with her sister Nikolai Gumilyov - Alexandra Stepanovna crickets. After the shooting Gumilev came here and lived here Anna Akhmatova.

On the same street is the school where he studied future famous scientist Lev Gumilyov, where he lectured Anna Akhmatova and Nikolai Gumilev and Nativity Church (now the dilapidated, but a saved), the parishioners who were all Gumilev.

The value of the house Gumilevs Bezhetsk in the history of Russian culture can be compared with the spiritual centers such as the Museum Quarter in Voronezh Mandelstam, Blok and Anna Akhmatova in St. Petersburg, Mayakovsky and Tsvetaeva in Moscow, Pasternak and Chukovsky in Peredelkino. However, the house Gumilevs Bezhetsk never functioned as a museum.

In addition, in the village of Gradnitsy Gumilevs preserved ancestral home and the church where the parents were married poet. Also on the site of a former farmstead in Gumilevs Slepnev preserved house foundation and the remains of the park. "

Russian cultural figures refer to the first persons of the state, the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Department of Culture of the Tver region "with a request to find the resources to create the All-Russian National Museum Complex NS Gumilev: Bezhetsk-Gradnitsy-Slepnev." The full text of the open letter can be found on the website of "Literary newspaper".

Recall that in Gradnitsah now open museum and literary center "House of the poet." By the 120 th Anniversary of the birth of Anna Akhmatova members of the Tver State United Museum and a group of artists has created a new exhibition of the museum. It takes 7 halls the house and presents the history slepnёvskogo house: here you can find out about his hosts, the guests, many of whom were well-known and colorful personalities. Exposure 2 rooms dedicated to the stay in Slepneva Akhmatova, who played a significant role in her work. In the section devoted to Gumilev, traces short and tragic fate of the outstanding poet of the Silver Age. As you know, since 1917 the family moved to Gumilevs Bezhetsk. There have been Lev Gumilyov childhood, where he went to school. The exposition of one of the halls of the museum is dedicated to this period, and it completes the photo exhibition reflecting the major milestones of his life.

Villages Slepnev no more. On the spot where the manor visible ridges of stones left over from the basement of the main house, the remains of a park with old oaks, poplars, limes, acacias. There is a dry pond. The memorial plaque reads: "At this point in the manor Slepnev in the 1911- 1917 biennium. We lived and worked poets Nikolai Gumilev and Anna Akhmatova. "


1. Усадьба Гумилевых в Слепнево [Электронный ресурс].

http://autotravel.ru/otklik.php/2256 (дата обращения 31.12.2015)

2. Усадьбы Тверской области [Электронный ресурс].

http://hist-usadba.narod.ru/links5-53.html (дата обращения 31.12.2015)

3. Дом-музей Анны Ахматовой и Николая Гумилева [Электронный ресурс].

http://prescott10.livejournal.com/14184.html (31.12.2015)

4. Сборник статистических сведений. Бежецкий уезд (Выпуск 2-й) [Электронный ресурс].

http://docs.tverlib.ru/kraevedenie/stat_sborniki/bejecky_uezd2/ (дата обращения 31.12.2015)

Просмотров работы: 616