VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


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Municipal Museum "Anna Akhmatova. The Silver Age" - the first museum in the country for a long time and the only one dedicated to the great Russian poet Anna Akhmatova and open long before the abolition of Resolution 1946 The museum was founded 30 years ago. Collector and founder of the museum is Valentina Andreevna Bilichenko, is the director of the museum to this day. Originally collected materials were stored in a kindergarten in the street New buildings due to lack of space. Then vocational №44 gave space for the exhibition, where Lev Vasilyevich Assumption opened the famous "Pushkiniana." It is not located and acclaimed at the time of the first exhibition of the materials about the life and work of the great Russian poet Anna Akhmatova. Then the museum was located at Kronstadt street, then on the Avenue Strikes. It was a small room did not correspond to replenish exposure and conducted cultural programs of the museum. The museum actually was not one employee in addition to his initiative creator. Three years later, he managed to obtain the status of the national museum, and then the municipality and finally a public institution. In 2000, the museum was allocated a room on the street Avtovskaya where he is today.

Formation of the museum took place in the late seventies, when the talent of the poet Anna Akhmatova was not talked about in the "loud voice" and about Nikolai Gumilyov even mention not welcomed until 1986. By this many items to collect transient exposure with great difficulty, and the existence of Museum was a big question. Gradually expanding, exposition of the museum for the first time in the country recognized the great anguished path, and Nikolai Gumilyov. The museum contains a great deal of information about the age, the time for all of the Silver Age authors, poets, writers, artists, academics, filmmakers.

Creative evenings are held on the topics linked to the theme of the museum is not as long as the spirit of close and creativity Anna Akhmatova

NS Stepakov Gumilyov. Annual events are confined to the important dates related to the life and work of poets, writers, artists and cultural figures of the Silver Age. Also in the museum are held in the evening and Pushkin, which is also a tribute to the preferences of Anna Akhmatova. The museum has a few materials and publications of the outstanding personalities of the culture of the Silver Age, and therefore for information on these people come from all over Russia. All periodicals on relevant topics treated, made her an overview, analysis and preservation in the archives of the museum.

The museum exposition is written in chronological order and has 6 exhibition rooms ("royal", "Slepnevo", "Gumilev", "Petersburg 1", "Requiem," "Poem Without a Hero").

The museum has a unique exhibits, as the only portrait of Akhmatova and Gumilev, rare furniture, porcelain, sculpture, books autographed by Anna Akhmatova and books from the personal library of the poet.

The cultural program of the museum has some cyclical ending event dedicated to the birthday of Anna Akhmatova in June and the season starts events Museum from 1 September. The program of excursions and drawing exhibitions director does not trust anyone. A clear program of excursions there, director of the museum guided tours differentiating them from personal experience.

According to the permanent director of the museum - in the first seven years I have seen a huge flow of foreigners, particularly from France and Italy.

According to the materials of the museum were created by museums and exhibitions in Tashkent, Vinnitsa, Sherehovskoy, Astana, Washington and Cuba.

A distinctive feature of the museum's activities, "Anna Akhmatova Silver Age" is its identity largely depends on its director, who is also the originator of all its exhibits. Based on a captive audience the museum guides and the scientific staff of the museum, "Anna Akhmatova. Silver Age "trying to build a dialogue with visitors on the principles of dialogue, allowing the maximum extent to meet the needs of visitors to the museum. Museum staff give lectures and creative meetings on topics tied to the theme of the museum is not as long as the spirit of close and creativity Anna Akhmatova N.C.Gumileva. Annual events are confined to the important dates related to the life and work of poets, writers, artists and cultural figures Silver Age. Also in the museum are held in the evening and Pushkin, which is also a tribute to the preferences of Anna Akhmatova.

Also, scientific conferences on topical issues of world and domestic culture, assisted by teachers of literature in schools, the organizers advise the public tours.

Museums are now the preferred means of communication in terms of non-formal education. A survey of British visitors to museums has shown that the main function of the British Museum is considered educational, the second most important - new information and only the third - entertainment. According to surveys conducted in one of the local museums of Siberia, it turned out that visitors other than contemplation, would like to have in the museum creativity with children, participate in competitions and games, theatrical festivals, and the St. Petersburg students the meaning of visiting the museum identified as informative, giving a smaller value obtaining aesthetic impressions.

However, there are other points of view. One of them stands for the English explorer F. Schooten: contrary biographical statements, the visitor comes to the museum is not to gain knowledge but to entertainment (with a bit of cognitive interests) and using the museum as a means of communication. A similar trend can be seen in Russia: 70% of the number of adult visitors come to the museum with children, and most adults falls into a museum for the first time because of their children; of the total number of children 6-12 years old with their parents accounted for 56%, with friends - 14%; a weekend or holiday in a museum would spend 92% of respondents.

The museums are new exhibitions, invent creative solutions, are extracted from the funds of the unique museum objects - and a man, a citizen to whom a museum activities, does not come to the museum. By the way, is not only a Russian problem: the total summary statistics for France 70% of the French have never in my life not pass the threshold of the museum, and this in a country with an unusually extensive network of museums and various forms of work with the visitor.

In Austria, where the 90-ies. saw an increase in the network of local museums, experts point drop in attendance due to the monotony and boredom. Polls in British museums have shown that the reasons for visitors to come to the museum avoid boredom, high cost, the discrepancy most exposure level of perception of children.

Domestic researchers also noted the paradoxical at first glance, the feature - the total number of visitors is directly dependent on their level of well-being: the museum come mostly middle-income people and the poor. "Many groups believe that museums are not for them," - sadly we can say after English explorer: the study of statistics in the UK show that a growing number of visits, not the number of visitors. Many Russian museum workers think their main achievements of recent years, they managed to keep their permanent visitor, despite the fact that new is not always willing to come to the museum.

Since the museum's activities in recent years, serious changes related to the awareness of its social role. To date, no doubt at the Museum "Anna Akhmatova. Silver Age "should pay attention to - work with children and teenagers.

Changing the terms of the museum's activities, "Anna Akhmatova. The Silver Age" in modern society require continuing study of the semantic content of the term "museum as a social and cultural institution" and its methodological potential for deepening understanding of the social and cultural reality. However, in a rapidly changing social reality, communication museum should not only aktualizirovatsya but globalized. Of paramount importance to develop the organization's strategy of working with local communities, for the use of experts in sociology, definition of target populations, increasing the attractiveness of the museum to them. Since the museum's activities in recent years, serious changes related to the awareness of its social role, to date, no doubt at the Museum "Anna Akhmatova. Silver Age "should pay attention to - work with children and teenagers.

An important area of ​​improvement of the activity of the museum should be bringing him information and methodological support to the requirements and technical capabilities beginning of the XXI century.

The museum should provide a wide variety of services to different categories of tourists - from children to pensioners. Each year, the museum should introduce new programs: memorial, literary, sightseeing, etc., to expand the list of advertising and printed materials. The result should be: an increase in the number of visitors, including travelers.

Mass events Museum (festivals, contests, exhibitions) could be included in the program of the visit of tourists.

Taking into account the status and prospects of development of our society must be built today and the whole social and cultural activities of the museum, "Anna Akhmatova. Silver Age". It is necessary to approach it from the standpoint of the organization of market relations, the availability of various forms of ownership and the socio-cultural sphere, which dictates the task of mastering the basics of management in the activities of the museum.

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