МУЗЕЙ-УСАДЬБА "ШАХМАТОВО" - Студенческий научный форум

VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Филатова Л.С. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет
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Alexander Blok - one of the greatest Russian poets of the Silver Age. Since childhood, Alexander Blok every summer in his estate Shakhmatovo purchased by the grandfather of the poet in 1874 Beketov. [3]

Many famous creations of the outstanding Russian poet created in Shakhmatovo. The amazing beauty of the place were embodied in the best poems about Russia written by the Bloc. [1]

Shakhmatovo located near the village near the town of Solnechnogorsk Tarakanovo. From the village to the house leads a well paved road, which is mainly built through the endless fields. [5]

Old family estate is situated near the river Lutosni, 82 km away. from Moscow. The terrain was formed in the ice age, the broad floodplain terraces Valley Lutosni - the remains of the flow of glacial lakes. This area has long been mastered by man, as evidenced by the Finnish tribes Villages Early Iron Age burial mounds and Slavic.

In the area placename "Shakhmatovo" often used to refer to settlements. This top and bottom of the river Lutosni Shakhmatovo that were included once in a fiefdom. On behalf of the bloc linked Upper Shakhmatovo. According to one hypothesis the name associated with the name of the Tatar prince Shiahmata. [3]

Manor Shakhmatovo founded at the end of the XVIII century, to AN Beketov changed many owners. In 1874, the well-born nobleman Beketov on the advice of a friend and nearest neighbor DI Mendeleev, bought the estate from the landowner ON Language. Purchase cost him 5000 rubles. [2]

The estate was small and occupied 2.45 acres. In most parts of the forest estate was located. The house has kept entry birch alley of rare species lirnyh. Manor house built at the beginning of the last century of magnificent pine forest with plank cladding of gray iron and a green roof. Later, the house repainted, but it was a favorite combination. His decorated: Italian window wide, white shutters and garden veranda with columns. The lower the windows were colored: red, blue, yellow. [1]

The house is approached a broad courtyard, overgrown with grass and wild rose with a large curtain wall in the middle. At the entrance stood a little house with a covered the gallery, four rooms with a stove in the middle of his living quarters were. He had no special architectural and decorative signs, except the dormer, sawn unit itself. Around the lodge grew a small garden, where hot olive bloomed roses.

Interestingly Shakhmatovo garden with lots of winding paths, unexpected corners and turns. Linden alley dividing a garden of about half, of his rod. [1]

Now there are themed tours of Blok's home, the estate and exhibitions, which are regularly organized in a small side-wing and kitchen. [4]

Centuries-old spruce, birch, pine, linden, poplar and silver arranged alleys and beautiful groups. The house and outbuilding immersed in greenery and fragrance of lilac, wild rose and jasmine. Many flowers bloom magnificently in the middle of summer Shakhmatovo garden. Beyond the garden, has a ravine in the forest pond. [1]

In Shakhmatovo unit I visited during the summer months for 35 years - until 1916. And in 1910, he personally supervised the construction of a new home. [4]

The new two-storey annexe poet has equipped his office, and placed in the mezzanine library. [1]

Rebuilt by your own design house poet called Valhalla. In Norse mythology Valhalla - the heavenly courts for those who fell in battle, a paradise for the valiant warriors. Author of the tetralogy "Der Ring des Nibelungen", based on the reconstruction of German mythology and Icelandic sagas, Richard Wagner was a favorite composer Alexander Blok. [3]

In 1917 Shakhmatovo the last time my mother comes from the home of the poet Alexander Andreevna and her sister M.A.Beketova. It was an anxious time between the two revolutionary upheavals of February and October 17th of the year.

The owners abandoned the estate in the lurch. Completely was sacked chief manor house, all of it may have taken out some things destroyed in the house, could not take advantage of them. [3]

In 1921 Shakhmatovo burned neighboring farmers - according to one version, during a riot at another - just because, looting abandoned manor house, wanted to hide the results of a robbery. Block, learns about the death of the estate shortly before his own death, he took the news stoically: "The poet should not have anything. So you need to. "

From 1970 to Blok's "beloved meadow" were held all-Russian poetry festival, and in 1984, the museum began to emerge. It is now recreated the main house, an outbuilding and a carriage house; gradually revived manor garden and park. "Resurrection" was given the estate is not easy - at first no one could not specify the exact location where it was, and only according to the recollections of local residents managed to install. Finally, August 5, 2001 the museum was opened. [6]

Besides the main house recreated kitchen, Glacier, coach house, barn, outbuilding, manager's house, farmyard and stables. The plans of the museum restoration hay barns and baths. [3]

The museum exhibition gives us the opportunity to see the inside of your home. Created exposure to the recollections aunt AA Block MA Beketova.

Walking up the steps of the porch, passing through the front door, visitors enter the front.

The memories MA Beketova first floor looked rather poor. There were only a steel hanger, a small table and two chairs, and one of the windows was a water filter.

In front of the hanger on display in St. Petersburg apartment NN Beketov, brother Beketov, grandfather of Alexander Blok.

The room grandmother Alexander Blok, the famous writer and translator EG Beketova in those days was a beautiful polished wood table near the window in the corner of a large high-backed chair, and a table in front of the window - a chair in mahogany with upholstered cushion and wooden handles. In addition Shakhmatovo Elizabeth G. literary activity looked for farming, sewing, embroidering, grow strawberries, cooked jam, treated local peasants.

The room EG Beketova exhibited mirror, chest of drawers and a chair with a high back of the manor Shakhmatovo desk from family Beketov, towel, embroidered EG Beketova.

The blue drawing room gathered the inhabitants of the estate, to read aloud, play charades, solitaire, listen to music. The room was papered blue with light blue French lilies and gold chains between them.

The blue drawing room took Shakhmatovo coming to relatives and friends. Visiting Beketov visited the family Mendeleevs Dmitry Ivanovich, his wife Anna and their children. In Shakhmatovo relatives came Soloviev: Mikhail Gorbachev, the younger brother of the philosopher Vladimir Solovyov, his wife Olga, a cousin of the mother Block, their son, Sergei. In Shakhmatovo visited A. White, E. Ivanov, L. Delmas et al.

In the dining room of the estate inhabitants and their guests drink morning and afternoon tea, breakfast, lunch. The dining room was a symbol of domestic comfort and a window to the outside world. From it you can go to the park through a door opening onto a balcony.

From the balcony, according to AI Mendeleyev opened a "purely Russian expanse."

The situation room Beketov, grandfather of the poet, MA Beketov described in the "Family Chronicle". While in the room between the windows stood ashen wooden desk, on the opposite wall was a bed and a big wash table, and the door was ash wardrobe for clothes against him at the free wall without wooden sofa upholstered in pink chintz

Pantry. This room was furnished as museum staff: the table that stands between the walls, are samovars, different dishes, large and small jars of jam, standing in a row. On one of the shelves is a cookbook Helena Molokhovetz.

Room Lyubov Dmitrievna Blok, Blok's wife, the daughter of the great scientist Mendeleev was in an especially attractive to the Bloc. Even during the time of departure Lyubov Dmitrievna in her poet I felt her presence.

The exhibition, which offers a museum, you can see the real thing LD Block mirrors, bedspread, planters for flowers.

Cabinet Alexander Blok located on the second floor. In his room brought the ancient poet Blok desk land more work. This table has got from his father. In it were the secret drawer where the unit will keep the letters of his wife, her portraits, manuscripts and some girl's diary Lyubov Dmitrievna.

In the study exhibited a genuine bamboo shelves of Shakhmatova, a bookcase and a wicker chair from his St. Petersburg apartment. Blok belonged bench and road box.[1]


1.Государственный мемориальный музей-заповедник Д. И. Менделеева и А. А. Блока [Электронный ресурс]. http://shakchmatovo.amr-museum.ru/russ/kompl_r.htm (дата обращения: 6. 12. 15)

2. Памятники архитектуры Подмосковья [Электронный ресурс]. http://nataturka.ru/muzey-usadba/schahmatovo.html (дата обращения: 6. 12. 15)

3. Музей-заповедник Д.И.Менделеева и А.А.Блока [Электронный ресурс]. http://шахматово.рф/load/istorija_usadby_shakhmatovo_chitat_dalshe/1-1-0-6 (дата обращения: 6. 12.15)

4. Mishka.Travel. 10 усадеб Подмосковья [Электронный ресурс]. http://mishka.travel/blog/index/node/id/3961-10-usadeb-podmoskovya/ (дата обращения: 6. 12. 15)

5. В путешествие по России... Усадьба Блока в Шахматово [Электронный ресурс] http://www.privetstrana.ru/usadby-podmoskovja/shahmatovo.html (дата обращения: 6. 12. 15)

6. iPetersburg [Электронный ресурс]. http://www.ipetersburg.ru/usadba-shahmatovo/ (дата обращения: 6. 12. 15)

Просмотров работы: 669