ЯБЛОЧНЫЙ СПАС (ЦЕРКОВНЫЙ ПРАЗДНИК) - Студенческий научный форум

VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Меньшикова А.А. 1
1ВлГУ им. А.Г и Н.Г. Столетовых
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There are three holidays in honor of Christ Redeemer in August which are called as Saviours. The first Saviour is celebrated on the fourteenth of August, in a national way is called «on water», the second is noted on the nineteenth of August, it is called «on the mountain», and the third Saviour celebrate on the twenty ninth of August, it is called «on a cloth». The second Saviour celebrated in day of Lord`s Transformation is called as Apple Saviour in the people. Apple Saviour is the national name of a holiday of Lord`s Transformation. The set is dated national ceremonies for it. Apple Saviour means approach of fall, transformation of the nature, first of all. Earlier till this holiday fruit shouldn`t be eaten, ho fruits should be eaten in general, except cucumbers. Lit them in church then already all fruit was allowed to be eaten on the nineteenth of August. Part of the brought fruit it is necessary to give out a parable after consecration, and to carry the others to the house where them break the fast. It is considered that if parents don`t eat some apples till the Second Saviour, in the next world gifts distribute them to children, paradise apples are among which. And to those children which parents tasted apples, they aren`t distributed. Therefore many parents who especially buried children consider a sin there are apples till this holiday. Mothers who lost children bear for Apple Saviour in the morning to the temple some apples, they consecrate them, and after mother carry on the grave of the died children. If a grave far, the lit apple can be put on any children`s grave or to leave in the temple. Earlier often consecrated apples bore on cemeteries to put to all died relatives. Also the belief exists that apples become magic on Transformation. Having bitten off a slice, it is possible to make a wish which by all means will come true. Busy season comes from this day in gardens, apples are prepared on a set of recipes for the future: they are dried, and preserved, and presoaked. The set of dishes with apples need also to be prepared during a holiday, to bake in the furnace or an oven with honey, to do pies. Spasovsky apples gave to beggars and patients. The mass use of peas begins in the same day special «Peas day» even was arranged sometimes. The harvest summer and crops winter (rye) began with Apple Saviour and a holiday of Transformation. The healers tried to prepare medicinal herbs to this day the Hutsuls didn't take out the fire outside, the fire is not borrowed on this day in Transcarpathia. Folk festivals and fairs were timed to the holiday. On national signs,the nights get colder after Apple Spasa. This holiday is also a meeting of autumn. "The Second came Spas – take gloves in store". Other common names are Second,Apple spas – for example, the Feast of first fruits, the Average Saved, Saved on the mountain, Gorokhov day, the First oseniny, Oseniny, the Second meeting of the fall, Transformation. Transfiguration of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ is revered by the Russian Orthodox Church on this day. In the Gospels described the mysterious Transfiguration, the manifestation of the Divine greatness and glory of the Lord. It happened on the hill in front of the three closest disciples of Jesus Christ during the prayer. About this event reported by all the evangelists, except John. The Orthodox celebration takes place on August 19, and if according to the Julian calendar – August 6th. In the Catholic Church celebrates on 6 August, or postponed to the following day this Sunday. The Armenian Apostolic Church considers this celebration of passing from 28 June until 1 August. The traditional place of the Transfiguration is a mountain in Galilee called Tabor. However, there is a version that the place of the Transfiguration was a spur of mount Hermon, located in the vicinity of Caesarea Philippi. Described in the Gospels that Jesus climbed with Peter, James and John to the mountain to pray, and while praying he was transfigured. His face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as the light. And appeared two prophets of the old Testament, Elijah and Moses, and talked with the Savior about the Outcome. He was forbidden to speak about it to their disciples, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead. The feast was celebrated in Palestine from the fourth century, from the time when the Empress Helena, on mount Tabor was built the Church of the Transfiguration. In the East of the mention of the festival dates back to V century. The gospel texts say that this event happened in February, 40 days before Easter, but the Orthodox Church, the celebration was transferred to the 6th (19th) of August – that it was not necessary for the days of lent. And on the 40th day after the Transfiguration is always the feast of the exaltation of the cross. In France and Spain, the holiday was celebrated since the seventh century, but in the Catholic Church it was established by Pope Calixtus III in 1456. In the Orthodox Church belongs to the twelve great feasts, Liturgy, read parisii, the Canon is sung. The color of the liturgical vestments is white. The festival falls on the Dormition fast, which formerly was nearly equal to the Great. In Russia Apple Spas was one of the most celebrated holidays. In the evening, the villagers watched the sunsets, and when it touched the horizon, began the chants. In southern sanctified and tried not apples and grapes first. Or all the fruits what they are. Apple Spas is also called "the first seninmi" – meeting autumn. In the evening, watching the sunset, accompanied and summer. "Came Apple spas – summer is gone from us." It is also believed that he recalls, as a necessary spiritual transformation. In this first day were treated to apples of relatives, orphans, the poor, remembered sleeping the eternal sleep of the ancestors – and then ate themselves. This holiday is associated with many signs and customs. In the old days people regarded them as important for the health and well-being of the whole family. For example, collected from the garden fruits were treated by the poor – to the next year to collect an excellent harvest. There is still an omen, that if in the Second day of our Saviour is hot, then in January will be little snow, but if it rains – the winter is snowy. There is another interesting sign: if in this holiday in hand twice sit fly, man will succeed. In this holiday need to be patient even to the flies and not to banish them, not to frighten away good luck. According to archaeologists, even the cavemen were eating apples. In Ancient Rome it was known to be 23 varieties of apples, and with the Roman soldiers and the apples were in Europe. Now Apple is the most popular fruit trees in the world. Apples can be used in a huge number of dishes, they are made even vodka with the cider, not to mention the jams, desserts, salads, compotes, pies, cakes, sauces. With apples baked duck, stewed meat. According to physiological standards, a person should consume about 50 pounds of apples a year, of which 40% is in the form of juice. The apples have almost all the substances that the body needs: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, vitamins C, E, PP, B1, B2, B6, folic acid, carotene. They are easily digested and their combination for people optimal. No wonder the British say: "an Apple a day keeps the doctor away". And even better – two-three apples. These amazing fruit helps to maintain the body in perfect health.

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