БИТВА НА КУРСКОЙ ДУГЕ - Студенческий научный форум

VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


solodkiy y.V. 1
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Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

1.Kursk defensive operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

2.Oryol the offensive operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

3.Belgorod-Kharkov operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..7

Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 10


Kursk battle (on July, 5th 1943 — on August, 23rd 1943, as Fight on the Kursk arch, German offensive Operation "Citadel" it also is known. Unternehmen Zitadelle) on the scope, involved forces and means, intensity, results and military-political consequences, is one of key battles of the Great Patriotic War. Kursk fight proceeded forty nine days — from July, 5th till August, 23rd, 1943. In the Soviet and Russian historiography it is accepted to divide battle into three parts: Kursk defensive operation (on July, 5-12th); Oryol (on July, 12th - on August, 18th) and Belgorodsko-Kharkov (on August, 3-23rd) the offensive operation.

Kursk defensive operation

Conducted with the purpose of blowing off the large offensive of the German troops in the district of the Kursk ledge and creation of favourable terms for passing to counter-offensive. In an operation participated army Central, Voronezh and Steppe fronts. During battle actions were additionally entered management of Steppe front, managements 5 by household troops, 27, 47 and 53th common to all arm, 5th the tank of household troops and 5th air armies, five tank and one mechanized corps, nineteen divisions and one brigade. Within the framework of this operation a front defensive operation on Орловско-курском direction and front defensive operation are conducted on Belgorod-Kursk

It was known from intelligence reports, that the offensive of opponent is assigned for a 3 o'clock of morning, July, 5. As a result beforehand conducted by the soviet troops of artillery preparation on the districts of concentration of shock groupments of opponent the German troops sustained losses and carried the pre-arranged time of treading on 2,5-3 hours later. Intending a ram blow to break through the defensive of soviet troops and go out to Kursk, the German command already in the first day entered in a battle the basic forces intended for an operation "Citadel".

In the stripe of Central front the basic blow of enemy was accepted by the troops of 13th army. In the first day the German command entered here in a fight to 500 tanks. On the second day a command inflicted a counterblow the troops of Central front on the coming groupment of opponent. In a counterblow took part part of forces 13th and 2th tank armies and 19th tank corps. A large help to ground forces was rendered by the aviation of 16th air army. The offensive of Germans was detained, and on July, 10. More heavy situation was folded on south front of the Kursk arc. Here an opponent trod on two directions - on Oboayn and Korochy. The main shots of enemy assumed 6th, 7th household troops, 69th and 1th tank to the army. In the first day an opponent entered in a battle to 700 tanks and the assault instruments supported by an aviation. But already to the end of July, 9 the German offensive began to fizzle out. Meeting a rebuff, an opponent carried main efforts on прохоровское direction, trying to take Kursk a blow from a southeast. A soviet command, unriddling his intention, decided to inflict a counterblow on the wedged hostile groupment. Voronezh front increased backlogs of Rate (5th the tank of household troops and 5th household troops armies and two tank corps). on July, 12 the largest tank battle) of Second world war, in that on either side to 1200 tanks participated and self-propelled instruments, happened in the district of Prohorovka. Both sides were born under Prohorovka by heavy tolls, however the most powerful shock groupment.

On the scope and tension the Kursk defensive operation, first stage of the Kursk battle, is one of the largest battles of Second world war. During the defensive fights of army Central and Voronezh fronts bled white, and then stopped the offensive of shock groupments of fascist army and created favourable terms for passing to counter-offensive on орловском and Belgorod-Kharkov directions. The Hitler plan on the defeat of soviet troops in the Kursk ledge suffered a complete shipwreck.

Oryol the offensive operation

Oryol strategic offensive operation " Kutuzov " is a soviet offensive operation, that was conducted from July, 12 for August, 18, 1943 during the Kursk battle for the final defeat of groupment of opponent under Eagle.

According to the plan of operation " Kutuzov " of July, 12 troops Western (a commander is a colonel-general V. D.Sokolovsky) and Bryansk (a commander is a colonel-general M. M.Popov) fronts began treading on oryol direction on July, 15 with the purpose of reaching the lines occupied to the German offensive Central front passed to counter-offensive, and to the end of July, 18 he recovered the former position fully. From the morning of July, 19 the troops took the strategic offensive on Kursk - Kromskom direction, joining in full in an operation, under the code name.

Forces of opponent on the орловском place of arms made to 37 divisions (including a 8 tank and two lorryborne, in composition a 9th army and 2th tank army). The main stripe of defensive of the German troops was equipped on a depth a to 5-7 kilometre, large settlements an enemy converted into strong points. Were especially firmly prepared to the circular defensive of city Eagle, Bolhov, Mtsensk and Karachev. It is necessary to notice that a 2th tank army was shown out from front at the end of August and from September 43th was on Balkans.

Troops Western and Bryansk fronts in the first two days offensives broke through the tactical zone of defensive of opponent on the Oryol- Kursk arc. An offensive developed in a wide stripe, that allowed to Central front to inflict blow in the direction of Krom. on was July, 29 exempt Bolhov, and to the morning of August, 5 is Eagle. To on August, 18 soviet troops walked up to the defensive border of opponent " Hagen " eastward Bryansk. With the large defeat of group of armies "Center" under Eagle the plans of the German command collapsed on the use of Oryol place of arms for a blow in east direction. Counter-offensive began to outgrow in the common offensive of Red Army to the west.

Belgorod-Kharkov operation.

Successful course of the Battle of Kursk made ​​it possible for our troops to begin the liberation of Ukrainian lands. Cut into pieces and completely destroy a powerful enemy group in the area of Belgorod and Kharkov, were troops of the Voronezh, Steppe and South-Western Fronts. August 3, 1943, after a three-hour artillery bombardment, Soviet troops launched an offensive. This attack was a complete surprise to the enemy. On the first day the enemy defense was broken, and already 5 August Soviet troops stormed the Belgorod.

On the same day, in commemoration of the liberation of Orel and Belgorod in Moscow he was made ​​the first in the history of World War II artillery salute. And the advance continued. Exit Soviet divisions to Kharkov from the north to the German forces created a real threat to the environment. Nazi command urgently redeployed to the area south of Boduhova three SS Panzer Division ("Reich", "Dead Head" and "Viking"), but their counter-attack failed. Then the Nazis, has about 400 tanks in the area Akhtyrka, launched a new offensive. In the fierce battles that lasted all day on August 19, our troops succeeded in stopping further progress Akhtyrskaya groups. At this time, the troops of the Steppe Front develop the offensive directly to Kharkiv. On August 11, they came to the outer side of the enemy defense and the next day began its assault. Already August 21 were fighting on the northern outskirts of the city. At the same time, the commander of Army Group "South", Manstein demanded from General Kempf hold Kharkov at any cost. But stop our forces was no longer possible. The final battle for the city turned on the night of 22 to 23 of August. In 3 hours 30 minutes was busy railway station, and to 10.00. It cleared of the enemy south-western part of the city. August 23, 1943 Kharkiv was completely liberated from the enemy. Belgorod-Kharkov operation lasted 21 days. Soviet troops during this time the enemy threw at 140-150 kilometers, thus defeating the 15 divisions of Hitler's troops. During the attack proved to be a Soviet T-34 tank. This is a mass medium tank of World War II, according to several experts recognized as the best tank of the XX century. Last modification "tridtsatchetvёrki" is in service with some countries to this day. The Order of the Patriotic War was established May 20, 1942. First recipient of the Order of steel artillery captain Crickley II, junior political officer Statsenko IK and Sergeant Smirnov AV .. The battles around Kharkov Division under the command of Captain Crickley II in two days of fighting destroyed 32 enemy tanks. When all the other rooms of calculation were killed, Sergeant Smirnov AV He continued to fire from guns. Even after shrapnel tore off his wrist. Just a fight, he personally destroyed 6 enemy tanks.


The Battle of Kursk - one of the largest battles of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45., In which the Soviet army foiled the last major offensive of the German fascist troops on the Soviet-German front, and finally consolidate the strategic initiative in their hands.

Out of all the victories of 1943, it was crucial to ensure the radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War and the 2nd World War, complete the liberation of the Left-Bank Ukraine and contrition enemy defenses on the Dnieper River in the end of 1943. The German command was forced to abandon the offensive strategy and the defensive along the entire front. He had to transfer to the Eastern Front and air forces from the Mediterranean theater of operations that facilitated the landing of Anglo-American troops in Sicily and Italy. The Battle of Kursk was a triumph of Soviet military art.

The 50-day Battle of Kursk was defeated 30 enemy divisions, including 7 armored. The total losses of the German fascist troops were killed, seriously wounded and missing totaled more than 500 thousand. Man Soviet Air Force finally won supremacy in the air. Successful completion of the Battle of Kursk promote active guerrillas before and during the Battle of Kursk. Striking the rear of the enemy, they tie up to 100 thousand. Soldiers and officers. Guerrillas fired in 1460 raids on railway lines, knocked out more than 1,000 locomotives and destroyed more than 400 military trains.


1. Cornish Nik. Images of Kursk. History's Greatest Tank Battle, July 1943 Brassey's, Inc, 2002. — 224 p.

2. Barbier М.К. Kursk. The Greatest Tank Battle. 1943, Ian Allan Publishing, 2002. - 173 p.


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