VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


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one of the most monumental buildings in Europe. Because of its sheer size, the giant building efforts, as well as countless wealth, decorate it, and it is considered to be the first and only beauty and grandeur of the temple in all of Russia. Feature the story of its creation is that the Cathedral was built about 150 years. Its construction went through all of the reign of the new Russian history, beginning with Emperor Peter I to Alexander III. In its construction participated in almost all well-known famous architects.

The drawings and the plan of this Church was made by architect of Maternova. Construction was led by this master of the James Nabokov.

Further participated in the construction by the architect Antonio Rinaldi, but the construction was carried out very slowly, and Rinaldi was forced to leave St. Petersburg, completed by the architect Vincenzo Brenna. The construction was completed in 1800. Fulfilling the wishes of the king, Brenna was forced to distort the project of Rinaldi and with Rev turned ugly.

In 1810-ies it was announced a new competition to design the new Cathedral.

20 February 1818 a decree was issued: "to Produce the final reconstruction of St. Isaac's Cathedral with decent hardware the splendor and approving the plan for such restructuring project of the talented architect-draftsman Auguste de Montferrand".

St. Isaac's Cathedral was solemnly laid on June 26, 1818, and after 40 years, the Cathedral was built. The Cathedral was consecrated on 30 may 1858, and he became the main Cathedral of the city and was considered "the Primate of the Empire". In the decoration of St. Isaac's Cathedral used 43 rock minerals. The basement is faced with granite and the walls are covered with gray marble. Inside the Cathedral is striking in its splendor. The Cathedral walls are faced with white marble careskin, on which stand the panels of Genoese green, yellow Siena marble, polychrome Jasper, red porphyry from Karelia. The flooring is made of colorful Russian, Italian and French marbles, framed by a frieze of porphyry. Over pink marble tower with pilasters entablature and attic, which can hold 40 images and pictures written by oil paints on plaster.

Among the shrines of the Cathedral it should be noted miraculous icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God, manifested in the year of the consecration of the Cathedral in St. Petersburg in the house of burghers of the Maria Vostokova. The Cathedral treasured part of the tree of the cross and the relics of the Apostle Andrew.

The Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg

Nevsky prospect, metro "Nevsky prospect"

Kazan Cathedral built on the site of standing in the XVIII century at the Kazan square the Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary. In ancient written monuments preserved in the archives, there are indications that in 1705 in St. Petersburg near the old Gostiny Dvor in St. Petersburg side was the Kazan chapel, named in honor of our lady of Kazan. Empress Anna Ioannovna, which is particularly revered wonder-working Kazan icon of the Mother of God, decided to build a Church.

September 15, 1811, nearly 10 years after the laying of the Cathedral, on the day of the coronation of Alexander I the Cathedral was solemnly consecrated. The consecration was performed by Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg Ambrose. Two years later, was dismantled and located in the territory of the new Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the virgin. The life of a new Church began. The Church utensils and the Kazan icon was transferred to the new Cathedral.

The Kazan Cathedral is an outstanding monument of architecture and fine arts. This temple was built by A. N. Voronikhin in collaboration with the best sculptors and artists of the first half of the XIX century the Cathedral was built in the Empire style, in imitation of the temples of the Roman Empire. Its architecture combines the basilican form (a purely Roman) and the cross-domed Church. However, unlike the colonnade of the Roman prototype, representing almost a closed semicircle, Voronikhin's colonnade has the appearance of a broad, strongly expanded arc consists of 96 Corinthian columns arranged in four rows. Attached to the Cathedral colonnade, like, blocks from the Cathedral Armoracia-carnival of the prospectus.

And when.... enter the Cathedral and forget about everything. Moreover, inside the Cathedral are filled with special meaning . Inside Kazan Cathedral reigns prayer focus, everything here is full of grandeur and solemnity. And not so giant this Cathedral, but no matter how much people here always think that can fit the same amount.

Peter and Paul Cathedral (Peter and Paul)

Peter and Paul fortress, metro "Gorkovskaya"

On 16 may 1703 by the Emperor Peter the Great founded on the small hare island fortress, which was named in honor of his Heavenly patron St. Petersburg. In the summer on the marshy island was erected earth mound in the middle of which, together with other buildings was also built the Church of the Holy apostles Peter and Paul. The Church was wooden, with three spires. The bell tower was high and resembled the Dutch tower. On her Sundays and holidays were climbing flags. Petersburg became the capital of Russia, started to built up with stone buildings. 30 may 1719 the wooden Church was dismantled, proceeded to build the current, stone Peter and Paul Cathedral.

In 1714, on his birthday and memorial day of St. Isaac of Dalmatia, the Emperor in the presence of many of the Highest Personages were laid a stone Cathedral on the very spot where stood a wooden Church. While stone wall was erected, this Church was kept the same. The construction of the stone Cathedral is progressing very quickly, as they are personally led by Emperor Peter I. An architect was appointed Domenico Trezzini. Eight years after the laying of the exterior work was finished. In 1720 from Holland were discharged clocks with chimes available now. Under Peter I appeared and Carillon

June 28, 1733 Peter and Paul Cathedral was solemnly consecrated. After 1756 g of the Peter and Paul Cathedral began to decorate the gilded spire 122.5 meters, which is crowned by a weather vane in the form of a flying angel. The creation of the iconostasis, the Emperor commissioned the architect Zarudny. According to his plans and under his leadership on the creation of the iconostasis worked Moscow artists T. Ivanov and I. Cart. The iconostasis was done 4 years (1722-1726.). Also the Peter and Paul Cathedral is the burial place of Russian monarchs. Here are buried all the tsars of the Romanov dynasty, except Peter II and Ivan VI. The city's founder, Peter the Great is buried at the southern wall of the Cathedral. Unique tombstones of Alexander II and his wife Maria Alexandrovna, which are separate from other tombs tombs made of gray-green Altai Jasper and Urals rhodonite pink. The last burial in the Peter and Paul Cathedral took place in the summer of 1998, the 80th anniversary of the execution of Nicolas II, his wife Alexandra Fedorovna, their children and servants. The last Russian Emperor and his family were buried in the Catherine chapel of the Cathedral.

St. Andrew's Cathedral

The angle V. O. Bolshoy PR. and 6th line (pedestrian zone), the m. item "Vasileostrovsky"

The Cathedral of St. Andrew the Apostle is one of the oldest temples in St. Petersburg. He belongs to the order's churches. Until 1813 there was a special Royal. In 1727, during the second year of his reign, Empress Catherine I donated for the construction of the Church of one thousand rubles of their own funds, pointing out, in the name of what is Holy must be consecrated this Cathedral Church.

Assume that the author of the project was D. A. Trezini. The Church was consecrated in the name of the Holy Apostle Andrew the first-called in 1732. Was moved here from the iconostasis of the dilapidated wooden Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary, located on the island of St. Petersburg, Posadskaya settlement. Funds for vestments and utensils were donated by Empress Anna Ioannovna. The Church was meant for celebration and festival of the knights of St. Andrew of the order. In 1744, the Church received Cathedral status.

At the solemn divine services in the Church came the members of the Royal family and many famous personalities of that time, including M. V. Lomonosov and Trediakovsky. The wooden Church building was cold and low capacity, with one altar and did not differ beauty. In severe winter frosts, it was difficult to service and women and children all winter were deprived of the opportunity to visit the Church. Project J. Trezzini between 1740 and 1745 years is being built near another Church in the name of Three Holy Hierarchs. The consecration took place in 1760

The iconostasis in the side chapel, the altar and other Church utensils were moved from the former chapel of Prince Menshikov. Since the founding of the Church of the Three Hierarchs was used mainly for the vestry of St. Andrew Cathedral, Church library and archives.

Andrew's Cathedral has a mixed style close to the style of "Renaissance". In 1938 the Cathedral was closed. In 1992 the Cathedral was returned to the diocese of St. Petersburg together with the Church of the Three hierarchs. Preserved iconostasis of XVIII century. In 2001 at St. Andrew's Cathedral is open obelisk in honor of the 300th anniversary of the order of St. Andrew (authors: A. A. Kazakov, and Y. V. Gorevoy). In 2007, in the square near the Church was opened the bust of F. A. Golovin-Chancellor that played a prominent role in the creation of the Russian fleet.

Currently worship services are held in the Church every day.

Prince -the Vladimirskiy Cathedral (Cathedral of the Holy Prince Vladimir)

Ul. Blokhin, D. 26 (the m. item "Sports")

In 1712 St. Petersburg on the island, with the Kronwerk, on the contrary "the brawler", located on the Bank of Malaya Nevka river, was laid brick Church in memory of the assumption of the virgin. There were two chapels - in honor of John the Baptist and Saint Nicholas of Myra. The limits of the assumption Church: the Nativity of John the Baptist and Nicholas were consecrated in 1717, the very same assumption Church was consecrated in 1719 Reverend Stephen, the farmstead of which was the Church itself. A memorial Shrine of the Prince Vladimir Cathedral was a wooden eight-pointed cross, put under the throne of the assumption Church during its consecration. On the cross, perfectly preserved the following inscription: "Aswatona the altar of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Theotokos honest her and slavnogo assumption: when the pious power of the great sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke Peter Alexeyevich of all the great and small white Russia autocrat and when the blessed son of the Tsesarevich and Grand Duke Peter Petrovich when the grandson of his Nobleborn Prince Peter Alekseevich, between the Patriarchate, his Eminence Stefan, Metropolitan of Ryazan and Murom, in the summer of 1719, the year of Indiction 12, month of April in D. 5 in memory of St. martyrs Theodoulos and Agathopodus and their ilk".

In the lists of St Petersburg cathedrals, it ranked fourth after Isaac.

Participated in the construction architects M. G. Zemtsov, Pietro Antonio Trezzini, it was completed by Antonio Rinaldi. The Prince-Vladimir Cathedral - the architectural monument in the style of transition from Baroque to classicism. A working temple.

The naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas square., 1-3

The Empress Elizabeth's decree of 16 April 1752 ordered to build a naval stone Church. To create a project of a new Church entrusted to the Admiralty architect Savva Ivanovich Chevakinsky, a pupil of the famous count Rastrelli. Laying of the Cathedral took place on 15 июля1753 on the Bank of the Kryukov canal and the construction was completed in 1762. Full name Nikolo-Bogoyavlensky Cathedral and it consisted of 2 churches: the upper and lower. The lower Church was consecrated in the name of Merylisa St. Nicholas the Wonderworker –the patron Saint of all travelers, including by sea. By order of Catherine II the Church were presented with 10 images in honor of the victory of the Russian fleet in the battles against the Swedes and Turks.

It has become a tradition –every event in the Russian Navy to celebrate divine service at the Church. Later near the Church broken in the garden, combined with the public square. In the square in 1908 a monument to the officers and sailors at Tsushima may 15, 1905 on the battleship "Emperor Alexander III".

The temple became a place of commemorating the sailors who died in the Russo - Japanese war 1904-1905годов. In their memory there is a memorial Board. After the revolution the Church suffered, but was not closed. During the blockade it was a place of service. Nikolo-Bogoyavlensky Cathedral is a symbol of the blessing of St. Petersburg as a city of marine glory. The monument of architecture of Baroque.

Smolny Cathedral

PL. Rastrelli, D. 3/1

Resurrection (Smolny) Cathedral of all educational institutions situated on the left Bank of the Neva in the North-Eastern, Christmas, town.

Founding St. Petersburg, Peter the great, after the destruction of the Swedish fortifications and the construction of shipyards and Navy, was built close to this position extensive Smolny yard. It was a square, fenced-in front yard and surrounded by a ditch, "where was the resin made of the entire naval fleet, and all around strong guards were assigned to escort from the fire". The yard stood on the site until 1733 Then, according to historian Ruban, "when we started in 1733 against the Other to settle the horse guards, then the aforesaid Smolny yard was transferred to a different place." Simultaneously with the Smolny yard, the Emperor Peter the great built near a small country house that served for his official office. Subsequently, he moved it in wider Kikin house.

Later for the Princess Elizabeth instead Smolny the house was built summer Palace, which was also called Smolny. Next to the site of the Palace founded a monastery, called Voskresensky Novodevichy, after for brevity called "Smolny". The architectural ensemble of Smolny Cathedral designed in the style of Russian Baroque. Project management was entrusted to the architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli. However, the master did not live to see the end of construction. Smolny Cathedral was destined to become the long-term construction : the construction started in 1748, was completed by 1835 (87).

In 1765, by the highest decree of Empress Catherine II the monastery buildings were placed under the educational institution for girls of noble and bourgeois origin. Soon Catherine II established school for girls of the lower classes, which next to the monastery was built, later renamed the Alexander Institute. In the years after the revolution the monastery building was turned carelessly. In Smolny Cathedral were warehouses.

Since 1990 works in the temple concert and exhibition hall.

The Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra

Moika River Monastyrka, 1 (metro "Alexander Nevsky")

The selected location had historical significance. Legends attributed to it the historic battle of 15 July 1240, when the Novgorodians crushed invaded the borders of Russia the army of Jarl Birger (Swedish). However, the famous battle occurred at the mouth of the Izhora river, forty miles above the Neva, where in the sixteenth century has been cut down wooden Church in memory of the victory over the Swedes. May 18, 1301, the year when the people of Novgorod, which was led by the son of Alexander Nevsky - Prince Andrew, once again defeated the Swedes and destroyed they built in 1300, the fortress of Landskrona.

On 20 February 1712, Peter I ordered to build this place of St. Alexander Nevsky Orthodox monastery. The monastery was conceived by Peter the great as a model. He conceived the monastery as a charitable, correctional, educational and medical establishment. 25 March 1713 –abode healed.

It further appears printing house for the Church, Seminary training and spiritual school for children 5-13 years. In 1809, in connection with the reform of theological education in Russia Alexander Nevsky Academy was transformed into the St.-Petersburg Spiritual Academy and is operational now. Here were brought relics of St .. St. faithful. kN. Alexander Nevsky

In 1743, Elizabeth established a religious procession from Metropolitan Cathedral to the Alexander Nevsky monastery. Since then, every year on 30 August, after the Liturgy, all the Metropolitan clergy in white robes, accompanied by the Bishop, with the banners and icons were going along Nevsky Prospekt to the home where we celebrate a service of thanksgiving to the Holy Prince. In 1797 the monastery got the status of Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra. In 1909 he founded the Museum — Archives of the monastery. In 1918 the monastery was formally abolished, since 1996 began the process of revival of the monastic community. Together with the revival of the monastery and liturgical life in the monastery there is an active revival of the crafts, which are always done by Orthodox Christians: icon painting workshop, Cabinet makers, jewellery workshop, Studio of Christian pewter miniatures.

Laurel has a rich library with a book Depository. Currently in the library of the Alexander Nevsky monastery were transferred to electronic copies of rare editions. They include copies of five publications on the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, "the Rules of the Spiritual Board and additions to it" 1720 with notes of Emperor Peter I. Now in the collections of the Lavra's library of 15,000 books in all languages of the Orthodox world.

Thematic tour “From Nevsky to Peter”/“the Saint and the warrior Alexander Nevsky” (the Memory of the battle of the Neva 1240)

Thematic tour "From Nevsky to Peter the" historical memorial area in the village of Ust-Izhora visit to the Church of Prince Alexander Nevsky and the memorial chapel, the monuments on the battlefield and the Museum-diorama 'battle of the Neva 1240' (1H 30) the Museum-diorama is made in 1:6 scale and this is largely a collective image. Because the sources about the battle in 1240 a bit. These are two of the Novgorod first letopisei older and younger versions and some versions of the Story of the life of Alexander Nevsky.

The special attention at creation of diorama "battle of the Neva 1240" tehnicheskim was paid to the peculiarities of medieval combat, arming and equipping warriors. Armor, weapons, and ammunition had complied with the reenactors.

Orthodox suburbs of St. Petersburg

Full tours of each temple individually or in combination, on the chosen route, with the opportunity to attend the temple. The duration of 2.30 hours.

The Nikolaev Sea Cathedral

In Kronshtadt, Yakornaya square, 1

The Cathedral was built as a monument to the "ranks of sea Department who died in the line of duty, and contributed to the development and glory of the fleet". In connection with the original decision of perpetuating the memory of sailors on memorial tablets-the tablets at the meeting of the building Committee 27 October 1909 it was decided as follows:"

1) On commemorative plaques in the Cathedral should be written the names of all those killed not only in battle but also in the line of duty the officer ranks of the Navy Department (naval corps, the Admiralty, the civil and medical ranks, priests and middy).

2) Lower ranks who died in the line of duty should be written the total number, except for the perpetrators of historical feats, displayed by name.

3) indifferent to Religion, both Christian and non-Christian.

4) the Period of performance of this work should be assigned to the 1st September 1910."

The list includes about 1,000 names. Killed in battle were placed on the Board by the war, and died in shipwrecks and in the line of duty were recorded on Board the seas.

The Grand Naval Cathedral, built in 1902 – 1913, in Kronstadt, has become one of the best examples of neo-Byzantine style. In the implementation of the architectural design Professor Vasily Kosyakov helped his brothers Vladimir and Georgy, as well as artist and architect N. And. Podberezsky, engineers A. A. Alekseev, I. A. Bill, P. I. Dmitriev, A. A. Lomagin technician I. Kashko, sculptors N. And. Popov, M. A. Andreev.

Its solemn consecration took place on 10 June 1913 at a gathering of thousands of worshippers, the Emperor Nicholas II with daughters, the State Duma Chairman G. D. Rodzianko, authorities, entities of Kronstadt, naval officers and members of the building Committee. On the same day was inaugurated with the participation of the widow of Admiral Makarov bridge across the ravine. The festivities on the occasion of the opening of the Cathedral entered into a series of lush, the all-Russia celebrations on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. St. John of Kronstadt did not live to see the celebration of the consecration of the temple, which he laid.

Along with plaques that bore the names of fallen heroes, the temple had become a repository for the relics associated with the history of the fleet. To store them in the galleries of the second floor were dedicated to extensive areas, which were supposed to turn into a naval Museum. Here were kept the relics of the ships, crews and naval units. In 1913, in front of the Cathedral is a monument to Admiral S. O. Makarov. In 1918 he was "nationalized" by the Bolsheviks and remained in use as the congregation rented the building. In

The 1990s began the process of preparing to return the Cathedral to its former status of the main marine Cathedral in Russia. In 1998 the Company "Radonezh" E. V. Isakova work has been completed on the restoration of texts and the appearance of plaques.

In 2002, the Church was transferred to the Church.

2013 in full swing the reconstruction of Kronstadt Naval Cathedral in the name of St. Nicholas, planned to be completed for the 100th anniversary of the temple. The Bishop Ambrose of Gatchina said that already held 37 meetings of the Commission on the artistic decoration of the Cathedral, discussed the individual parts of the restoration of the Shrine. The rector of the Cathedral, Archpriest Sviatoslav Melnyk.

The temple has three altars. The Central chapel was dedicated to St. Nicholas, right - in the name of the monk John of Rila (in honour of patron St. John of Kronstadt), the left - in honor of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. The interior of the Church dismembered bunk, richly ornamented arches. The walls and vaults below the temple and the choir are covered with paintings imitating part of a colorful mosaic, part of the frescoes. Painting executed by the artist M. M. Vasiliev. On the floor of marble, encased in a thin brass frame, lined with images of fish, jellyfish, sea plants, ships. The intent of the builders is embodied so that symbolically at the bottom of the Sea temple was a picture of the sea and above the sky.

The iconostasis of white natural marble with mosaic and bronze accents and a surprisingly delicate openwork carving (sculptor N. A. Popov), of white marble, with the addition of pink Olonets marble and lapis lazuli, marble canopy over the main altar, the Solea with steps, the pulpit and the pulpit for the preacher, altars, railing in the choir loft, high place and individual cases .... make a lasting impression.

The Cathedral of St. Nicholas in memory of Emperor Paul I

Pavlovsk, the Artillery str., 2

The Cathedral of St. Nicholas is situated away from world-famous Park, in the former Soldatskaya Sloboda the city of Pavlovsk. The temple was built on place of wooden Church constructed here in the 5th battery guards Horse-Artillery brigade in 1841 and intended for the soldiers and officers of the Exemplary Cavalry regiment. A regimental Church was built in 1900-1902 by architect. von Gogen Alexander Ivanovich, with the participation of engineer of Hoffmann Valentin Ludwig .

The new Church was built of red brick in the style of Moscow and Yaroslavl architecture of the XVI-XVII centuries, lined with special bricks brought from France. The frames of the drums of the main dome was covered with glass, creating special lighting, in the middle of an openwork cross were inserted faceted glass, sparkling with rainbow colors.

Carved oak iconostasis was executed "in the Russian style of the XVII and XVIII centuries" artist Subbotin. Images for the iconostasis was painted by the painter Porphyry. On the Royal doors of the depictions of the evangelists and the plot of "the Annunciation" were painted on porcelain artist Sederholm. Images of Mary Magdalene, the Apostle Paul and others were executed by the artist Rozanov. The walls and vaults were covered with paintings.

The Church was constructed in memory of the deceased Emperor Paul I and Empress Maria Feodorovna. The consecration of the Church took place on 15 August 1902. The consecration was attended by the Sovereign, the Heir to Mikhail Alexandrovich and members of the Imperial family. St. John of Kronstadt served in the Cathedral on the third day after opening, and in astonishment exclaimed: "What a wonderful, what a nice temple!"

In 1926 the Church was closed and the building was badly damaged during the years of Soviet power, and, especially during the Nazi occupation of Pavlovsk. Until 1991, the temple was a tank workshop and a warehouse of military unit. 14 December 1987 the building was taken under state protection as a monument of architecture of local importance, and since 1995 the Federal. Secondary consecration of the altar associated with the return of the Church to believers, was held on 29 June 1991, when the temple received the status of Cathedral.

During the summer of 1991 appeared in the Cathedral of the icon, presented to the Church and brought from home by the rector of the Cathedral. Autumn began the preparatory work for the winter. Were glazed all the Windows, patched holes in walls. Since the winter of 1991, the Church held regular Worship, occasional services are sent. Later at the Church began serious restoration work.

Restored steepled turrets, domes and onion domes of the Cathedral and its belfry, a restored outer walls of the Church. The restorers have yet to re-create the splendor of the interiors of the temple. In December 2001 at the Baltic shipyard was a special bell cast for St Nicholas Cathedral.

In August 2002, the Cathedral celebrated its 100th anniversary. The Cathedral operates a sewing workshop, where skilled craftsmen, using ancient samples, restore the traditions of St. Petersburg's Church of the Golden embroidery on velvet, brocade and silk, creating extraordinary beauty of the liturgical vestments and items of Church life.

At the altar of the Church was preserved and now restored by the diligence of the parish tomb of its founder, FR John Pearl (1863-1913).

The Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the New Peterhof

Petersburg prosp. 32/4

The largest and perhaps the best Cathedral of Russia pre-revolutionary period, "the last great temple of the Empire" – the court Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul was built in 1895 – 1904 project N. V. Sultanov (1850 – 1908). The process of construction and decoration of the temple was headed by well-known architect Vasily Kosyakov.

The decision on creation of the temple was made in 1892 in the spring of 1893, Emperor Alexander III approved the draft prepared by civil engineer, Professor N. V. Sultanov. Like most churches of the era, the Cathedral was built in old Russian style, Recalling the General outlines of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow. The Cathedral became the embodiment of a highly original form of neo-Russian style. According to Sultanov, "the main motivation for the facade served as a form of Russian churches of the XVI – XVII centuries, scattered in many Central Russian regions and differ in Moscow and Yaroslavl special richness and beauty of forms." The Church was founded July 25, 1895

Elegant Cathedral leaves no one indifferent. The temple has a height of over 60 meters. His five-faceted tent chapters, closely shifted with each other, quickly fly up, merge into a single pyramidal silhouette. In turn, they form a kind of attic in which slotted "ears" (Windows). Multi-layered composition of various towers, and the picturesque combination of kokoshniks and window-"rumors" that increases the impression of lightness and grace.

Ostroslovy the Church added significantly to the picturesque southern coast of the Neva Bay, built palaces and Park pavilions. The solemn consecration of the Church took place in 1905, in the presence of the Imperial family. It soon became clear the numerous advantages of the new temple: a convenient vestry and library, with separate entrances and connected with the altar, confessionals, space for burial of the dead, chapel, cloisters for religious processions. The Church had excellent acoustics.

In 1935, outraged and despoiled the Cathedral was closed. Soon disappear icons and unique utensils. During the war there were broken domes and walls. Then more than four decades, the Cathedral was a warehouse of the packaging. That did damage to the unique interior, death of painting and white marble iconostases of side-chapels. Since 1972, the Cathedral was taken on the account, and in 1974 — under the state protection as a monument of history and culture. Further destruction was stopped in 1985, when the Association "Restorer" was commissioned to restore the exterior.

In 1990 the building was returned to believers. Since then was the painstaking restoration of the interiors of the interior decoration, iconostasis, paintings of the lost temple. The Cathedral is now almost completely returned to original appearance. 9 July 1994 the Church was consecrated by his Holiness Patriarch of All Russia. Put in order the territory around the temple. Utilitarian buildings are also decorated in the style of the Cathedral.

The tourists are also - offered the environs of Peterhof from the observation deck under the Central tent.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Church

G. Strelna

The oldest in the North-West of Russia the Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya Church or the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Strelna. In documents 1706 g she is called the Church of the Transfiguration, in 1721-1748г Transfiguration Church. The Orthodox Church beginning of the seventeenth century, "rural architecture" was in a "scenic location". The Church was built in 1705 near the wooden Palace of Peter I, with which it is intertwined and has been the home Church of the Great Emperor. Built such churches rapidly, the team of carpenters in one day. Lighting of the Church could be 6 August 1705, on the feast of the Transfiguration. The full name of the feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is celebrated on August 6/19.

By 1917 the Church had expanded to 1,000 people for extensions and galleries. It was praying the kings, princes , prominent people of different ages, local artisans and farmers. To the Church, were assigned two chapels, both consecrated in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of them, in Strelna port, has been preserved; the other, also designed by project D. Zaitsev in 1899 on the corner of current highway and Front street was destroyed. On the wall of a house built in its place after the war, is now enshrined the memorable Orthodox cross. In 1917 the Church experienced all the hardships and persecutions of the clergy.

In 1932 the Village Council proposed to bring the Church under the protection of the County Council as an orphan with all the property. In 1933 the Church was liquidated. Here was placed the office of the Park of culture and rest. September 14, 1941 the Church was burnt from the fighting. 19 August 1995 by the Society of zealots of Strelna in its place a small wooden

A memorial cross, in the hope of its revival. Currently in Strelna there is no existing Church.

Holy Trinity Sergius seaside desert men's

G. Strelna

A jewel of Russian history, architecture and spiritual culture of the desert called historians of St. Petersburg. It was founded here in the 19th versts from St. Petersburg, on the Gulf of Finland, the lands passed to the Empress Anna Ivanovna in 1734 to her Confessor, the Abbot of the Trinity Sergius Lavra, Archimandrite Barlaam (in the world Vasily Vysotsky). In November of that year the Empress was allowed to carry the wooden Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God from the country house of the Queen Paraskeva Feodorovna on the Fontanka, and commanded to sanctify it in the name of the Venerable Sergius the Wonderworker of Radonezh. The consecration took place on 12 may 1735. For monks were built of wood cells, and for the Abbot is a stone outbuilding. In June 1735 Anna Ioannovna visited the desert and were welcomed into the newly constructed Orthodox Church liturgical books. At first the deserts were one of the staff monks. For the services here were sent to persons from among the brethren of the Trinity-Sergius monastery. Governed a young Hermitage, its founder, Archimandrite Varlaam.

The flowering of the desert began in 1834, when its Governor was appointed, FR. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov), author of the famous Ascetic experience. A year later he joined communal housing a gallery, which arranged the refectory, brought order to the farm and repaired the temples. Monastic choir when it was directed by famous spiritual composer FR. P. I. Turchaninov, which in 1836-1841 was a priest in the neighboring town of Strelna. In the name of St. Sergius of 12.V.1735, FR. Barlaam was consecrated in the name of the PDP. Sergius the first Church in the desert, giving her silver vessels. It was made of wood and brought from the estate of Queen Paraskeva Feodorovna on the Fontanka, where it was called assumption.

In consequence the Church was replaced by the new one, placed on the ground floor in the Northern wing. The iconostasis and the utensils in it were moved from old buildings; image wrote M. Dovgalev. Relying on cash assistance kN. 3. I. Yusupova, architect. A. M. Gornostaev in 1854 began a full rebuilding of the temple in the Byzantine style. He did his two-storey five-domed and, placing the bottom side of Christ the Savior from the tomb Apraksin (consecrated 4.VII.1857), and YAC. Zinaida (consecrated 28.IV.1861) graves kN. Yusupov, where stood the iconostasis from pink cypress. The consecration of the main altar made 20.IX.In 1859, the Metropolitan Gregory in the presence of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich and Nicholas Roerich.

Before the revolution at the monastery, possessed a capital of 350 thousand rubles had seven churches and there were about 100 monks, of which by long tradition was chosen, priests for the Russian Navy.

The temple is closed in the 1920-ies; preserved, but severely altered. On the day of presentation 1993 transferred to believers in the Church held its first service In March 1993 at the monastery resumed monastic life. For six years the monastery had to divide the territory of the desert with the school police, which finally in 1999 freed the building of the monastery. Now services are held in the restored Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The data are taken mostly from the book "the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg Vladimir. Life and works". (St. Petersburg 2000 ) and from the description of the monastery, it is distributed. From the book by S. V. Bulgakov's "Russian monasteries in 1913".

The chapel of St. Nicholas in memory of Church of the Savior on Waters

The battle at Tsushima, which happened may 13-15, 1905, became the most tragic page in the history of the Russian fleet. In battle, killing over five thousand people, six more were captured.

In honor of the heroism of Russian sailors on the promenade des Anglais was built the temple, the Savior on Waters. There were bronze plaques with the names of all the killed and dead from wounds sailors.

Were named all, from admirals to engineers and priests. Unfortunately, in 1932 the Savior on waters demolished.

In 1998 – 2003 on the site of the destroyed temple was built the chapel of St. Nicholas. It is now the mosaic authorship of V. M. Vasnetsov: "carrying the cross" and "Head of the Saviour in a crown of thorns". Also in the chapel are original medals of participants of the Russian-Japanese war, the seizure of Church property of the Church of the Savior on Waters and rare editions, devoted to officers of Russian fleet.

Currently regularly in the chapel of memorial services

for the dead seamen.'

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