ФЕДОР ДОСТОЕВСКИЙ И ПЕТЕРБУРГ. - Студенческий научный форум

VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Каянова А.В. 1
1Владимирский Государственный Университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых
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The image of the great and creative person always has and will have an enormous power of attraction for his contemporaries and for posterity. Questions relating to his life will always be interested in the minds of many generations to come, ordinary readers and academic researchers as well as people on whom the affected work of the great man. What was this genius during his lifetime? How did the extraordinary natural talent in the exterior of a man of genius? How is it different from ordinary people, among whom he lived, worked? How are the character of the great man and his life with his works?

As we know, Dostoevsky's work has long been firmly won a huge audience of readers, not only in Russia but also worldwide. Moreover, the more we penetrate into his grand artistic space, the more often we think about the creator of the brilliant works. His personality even when life was shrouding in an aura of secrets, mysteries and mysticism.

According to the memoirs of some friends of the writer, it can be seining that the first impression when meeting with Dostoevsky sometimes almost disappointing: he had a low-key appearance, not aristocratic in his face there was something painful - almost all memoirists mark this feature.

I believe that the city of Dostoevsky can rightly be considering in St. Petersburg.

If we trace the biography of Dostoevsky, it turns out that he lived in St. Petersburg, about 28 years, and this is almost half of his life, he died when he was 59 years old. However, as sadly, he did not have his own apartment, and he always had to take them off. Total life in St. Petersburg, he changed about 20 addresses and never lived in any house of more than three years. A characteristic feature of the apartments, which he usually took off, was that they were all at the intersection. That feature that passes through his work. It lived in similar houses and representatives of his works. It was typical for St. Petersburg apartment houses, which were renting all the rooms, until the basements and attics. In his works of Dostoevsky in St. Petersburg presented the social section of the inhabitants of these houses showed a peculiar physiology of the city. Dostoevsky more than thirty prose works, of which twenty are inherently connecting with St. Petersburg. Only in this mysterious city, as is the St. Petersburg could be the mysterious and mystical events of his works, born crazy ideas and even commit crimes.

Apartments are rented Dostoyevsky were in the cheap areas of the city. Familiar writer who visited his home in different years, celebrated modesty environment, simplicity and restraint interiors. The most important room in the apartment has always been the study of the writer. The table, often standing in the middle of the room. I think this is not surprising, because it was born in the office works of genius writer.

However, among a large number of addresses that Dostoevsky was forcing to change throughout life in St. Petersburg home on the corner of the alley and street Forge Dostoevsky, near the ancient church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

In this house, the writer lived with his family in October 1878 and lived until his death, which occurred January 28, 1881 in this House to Dostoevsky often came many of his friends and acquaintances. Simple, it is a regular St. Petersburg home, no different architectural qualities, has become one of the most attractive sights of St. Petersburg, because here lived and died the great writer Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Even in the pre-revolutionary Russian newspapers and magazines met article in which it was suggested should be noted that house a commemorative plaque and open a museum dedicated to the life and works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. However, unfortunately, this initiative has remained initiative, and in the years after the revolution, it has become almost impossible to implement.

In 1971, the world marked the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great writer. This date was a suitable occasion to open the Literary-Memorial Museum named after FM Dostoevsky in Leningrad, in the same house at Forge Lane.

Dostoevsky's wife, Anna, wrote: "Our apartment consisted of six rooms, an enormous storeroom for books, the front and the kitchen and was on the second floor. Seven windows faced Kuznechniy. "Guests Fyodor usually passed to the left of the entrance hall and the hall fell into the living room. The door led right into the bathroom, and the bathroom - in the nursery.

Room Anna's Cabinet was a business woman. All her life she devoted to her husband. That it was almost permanent secretary and stenographer Fyodor throughout their life together.

In the evening at dinner, the whole family gathered together in the dining room.

Even from a young age, Dostoevsky used to work at night. Silence is the main condition for its work and in their family silence comes only at night. To work, he usually proceeded at 11-12 o'clock in the morning and worked till 5-6 o'clock in the morning. This is not surprising, in my opinion, because the night - a period when all the mystical and unusual. When else but at night, it might be filled with secrets written works. After work, he rested. I woke up in the first hour of the day and went to the dining room to brew tea itself.

The process of reconstruction of the cabinet Dostoevsky came on photos taken by V. Taube after the writer's death. In the study exhibited memorial things: on the table - with a stylus pen, a box of medicine and a wallet on the table - kashletr for papers and letters in the corner - the icon in a silver frame "Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow." The bookcases kept many books that were in the personal library of Dostoevsky that the Museum collects by lists made by his wife.

In his office, Fyodor Mikhailovich almost never not let strangers in it, he took only his close friends. Mother remembers that he did not like where his office is something broken - manuscripts, books, the chair moved from the spot where he had left it. It was his creative workshop, and no one was supposed to destroy its special atmosphere. In the office of the house at Forge Lane Dostoevsky wrote the novel "The Brothers Karamazov" and was preparing his famous speech to Pushkin, wrote articles for the last issue of "Writer's Diary", which was released after his death.

This is where, in this study, Dostoevsky died. Watches belonging to the younger brother of the writer, Andrei Mikhailovich, on a table near the window stopped on the day and hour of his death: January 28, 1881.


  1. www.md.spb.ru.

  2. A. Dostoyevskaya. A diary. - M., 2013.

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