ЦЕРКОВНАЯ ЖИЗНЬ ГОРОДА СУЗДАЛЯ - Студенческий научный форум

VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


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Suzdal, indeed, may be called one of the jewels of white stone architecture. In the IX - X centuries near the Kamenka River a few Russian settlements had already located. The name of these settlements was "Suzdal". The origin of the name "Suzdal" is still a mystery. For the first time the name "Suzdal" was mentioned in one of the chronicles in 1024.

At various times, Suzdal was owned by Yaroslav the Wise and his son Vsevolod, Vladimir Monomakh, Yuri Dolgoruky and Andrew Bogolyubsky. Andrew Bogolyubsky aspired to make Suzdal as the center of Russia. There is a legend that tells why the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary temple appeared in Vladimir, but not in Suzdal. On the way from Kiev to Suzdal, Andrei Bogolyubsky’s horses suddenly stopped near the city of Vladimir. From Kiev to Suzdal Bogolyubskii carried the icon of the Mother of God. Andrew spent the whole night in prayer before the icon. That same night, the Mother of God appeared to him and punished, that an icon should be left in Vladimir. So in 1158 the Assumption Church appeared in Vladimir.

For many decades Suzdal has been attracting like a magnet artists, lovers of architecture and history, and ordinary tourists. Suzdal with its splendor shows and tells us the history of architecture. The unique white stone masonry technique, sophistication and elegance of proportions - it's one of the advantages of Vladimir and Suzdal. It is in these cities the Vladimir - Suzdal School of ancient architecture begins to form. Such a number of attractions is difficult to find in Russia.

Tatar invasion unsettled construction of the city for a long time. However, in 1240 a monastery was founded, and later the other two ones.

Exploring Suzdal attractions is better to start with the Kremlin. The earthworks surrounding the Kremlin refer to the XXI century. The oldest surviving building is the main building of the Kremlin. Nativity Church has signified the greatness of God for a long time. Cathedral of the Nativity had the same fate as many cathedrals and churches. Cathedral burned, was rebuilt several times, was robbed. Now the cathedral is an interweaving of different ages, tastes and ages. The iconostasis of the cathedral was designed in a simple style in the XVII century by Grigory Zinoviev. Embossed lion masks, fine graphics thread, leopards, fantastic birds and especially the splendor of golden gate - all this can be proudly called masterpieces of art pre-Mongol Russia. The cathedral was the burial place of the prince and the boyars. Princes Shuisky’s, Skopinov – Shuisky’s, Bielsky’s, Nogtev’s and about 40 others were regular contributors to the Nativity Cathedral. The Nativity Church was one of the centers of the city. People came to church to listen to others, to discuss the various urban issues. Bishops' House was built as a separate building, but at the end of the 18th century were combined.

Suzdal Churches

Also in Suzdal Kremlin are: Assumption Church, belfry, a wooden church of St. Nicholas. The number of churches and monasteries in Suzdal is truly amazing. Kazan Church (1739), Church of the Ascension (1695), Tsar Constantine (XVIII century), Smolensk Church of the Saviour - Transfiguration Church (XVIII c.), Entry into Jerusalem (1707), Resurrection (1720), Antipevskaya (1745), Lazarus Church (1667 ). Nicholskaya (1772), Skorbyashemskaya (1787), St. John the Baptist (1720), Nikolokrestovskaya (1770), Kosmodamianskaya (1725), Tikhvinskaya (XVII century), Epiphany (1781), St. John the Baptist (built in 1739). The city has three monasteries: Rizopolozhenskiy Convent (1207), the Saviour - Euthymius (1350), St. - Pokrovsky Monastery (1364).

Suzdal is one of the most original and unique provincial cities. In Suzdal there are many private sectors, the people have always engaged in gardening. In Suzdal, there is a bakery, poultry, dairy plant, and a garment factory. Suzdal is included in the route of the Golden Ring of Russia. The city boasts a rich film industry.

It is not a surprising fact that in the city of Suzdal was built a tremendous quantity of churches. We can call Suzdal the city number one considering this striking quantity and quality of construction. The churches of Suzdal are not simply a decorative feature of the city, but they create the unique atmosphere of Suzdal, the atmosphere you can feel only being there.

Several architectural monuments of Suzdal date back to the XII century, but the period of active construction occured in this span of time - the XVI – XVII century, when Suzdal, after having been included in the Moscovian principality and simultaneously losing its political importance and central role, becomes the most prominent religious, trade and cultural centre of Russia.

During this time the process of formation of still existing architectural ensembles began, and the best of them, without any doubt, are the Kremlin, Pokrovsky convent and Spasso-Ephimovsky monastery. In the XVIII century an active construction of churches continued in the Posad (a special part of the city where craftsmen and merchants were resident) and by the beginning of the XIX century the urban architectural ensemble had formed itself completely, representing for us this incomparable masterpiece of our days.

One of the characteristic features of russian ecclesiastical architecture is its legacy from medieval Byzantine temples and churches. In particular, Russian churches adopted the Byzantine centralized plan with multiple domes. This Byzantine type of church building was reckoned esthetically satisfying, thereby explaining its widespread adoption.

All this means that some quantity of adaptations were made in the first years of russian Christianity, although later the Russians began to develop this direction in architecture by themselves, bringing into the construction of their churches their own techniques and decorative ideas more and more often...

Such astonishing popularity of church building in Suzdal might be explained by the fact that the position of the russian Orthodox Church in the time of the Middle Ages was very strong, not to say dominating. By providing a formal, state-appropriate religion, introducing cultural standards for all directions in social life, and by strengthening ties to the reigning dynasty, the Church became a serious factor and influential organization in the once powerful Suzdalian land.

Even in the sombre years of the Mongol invasion the Orthodox Russian Church survived and existing, together with the rest of the society under pagan yoke, gained special rights and enjoyed an array of privileges and tax exemptions under heathen Mongol rule. Being the cradle of russian nationhood, Suzdal has become now a place of cult tourist interest attracting day-by-day thousands of Russians and foreigners, and this amazing quantity of churches is not the last fact in the process.

The popularity of the place grows constantly, demonstrating stability in the process, and as for the churches of Suzdal and their role in that popularity, we can assure you without any doubt that to think that you might visit all of them in a couple of days, whilst staying in Suzdal, would be quite a naive notion because the spiritual and cultural heritage of Suzdal is too vast to be observed in such a modest term. Some of the Suzdalian churches were renovated lately, adding more magnificence and range in the entire image of the city-museum.

The influence of Suzdalian ecclesiastical architecture on the other russian medieval regions is difficult to exaggarate. After the rise of the Moscovian state, throughout central Russia church building revived reflecting prototypes to be found in twelfth and thirteenth century Suzdal.

All consequent achievements in later architecture, after the decline of the Suzdalian principality, in some way derive from the preceding traditions of Vladimir and Suzdal. In comparison with Suzdal, there is no equal place in respect of a variety of outstanding monuments and preservation of its original view and concerning many other things of delightful beauty and unique content. Here, in Suzdal, within the area of 9 square km, by curious tourists can be found at least 200 monuments of ecclesiastical and secular architecture from the XIII to XIX century.

In fact, during these days Suzdal have been preserved in the boundaries of the XVIII century - on the whole, Suzdal has the same planning and topography as it had in the ancient times of the origins of russian society. The unspeakable spirit of this old russian city and marvellous harmony of ancient russian secular architecture together with touching simplicity of old-fashioned provincial russian way of life are a perfect background for numerous churches in the city of Suzdal - the ancient capital of the religious development of Russia.

Antipievskaya church

Antipievskaya church, which was constructed in 1745, represents a "winter-type" temple and it has a two-descent roofing. It is situated side by side with five-headed "summer-type" Lazarevskaya church. The original name of Antipievskaya church, that was used in the first years of its existance, is Sretenskaya. Until the beginning of the total church building period - wood was the dominant building material in Russia, but in 1745 on the very site of Sretenskaya church was constructed a new church, made of stone and with a beautiful belfry having a concave dome, and it was renamed as Antipievskaya church. The church has been preserved with that kind of exterior up to our days.

Bogoyavlenskaya church

Bogoyavlenskaya church was constructed in 1781, at a bend of the Kamenka river nearby "winter-type" Rozhdestva Ioanna Predtechi church. Both of these churches were erected on the very site where the previous wooden churches burned as a result of a conflagration in the XVII century in Kozhevennaya Sloboda. The architecture of this Bogoyavlenskaya church with its imposing height, relates to us the fact that it belongs to the period of the tendency when architectural styles were gradually changing , namely from the XVII to the XVIII century, a period of time when a lot of famous Suzdalian artists and craftsmen worked, decorating numerous churches in Suzdal.

Borisoglebskaya church

Borisoglebskaya church, the former name - Istochnikovskaya, is located in close proximity to the Museum of Wooden Architecture. Supposedly it was erected on the site where the Polish invaders burned Borisoglebsky monastery in the beginning of the XVII century, and after the annulation of the monastery Borisoglebskaya church was renamed into Istochnikovskaya, but in honour of Boris and Gleb was established a little church house with premises or an aisle.

To find the exact date of founding of Borisoglebskaya church is almost impossible, but considering the character of its architectural details it dates back approximately to the end of the XVII century, with the exception of a belltower, which was constructed to merge with the central edifice not earlier than in the second half of the XVIII century. In the times before the Revolution, "warm" Nikolskaya church of the XVIII century was situated next to Borisoglebskaya church.

Voskresenskaya church

Voskresenskaya church is situated at the Trade Square, opposite the urban trading rows, traditionally known as a place of constant commercial transactions in the past. This church was constructed in 1720 on the very spot where the old wooden version of this church once had been burned by accident. Only one bell has been remained by chance to remind about the existence of the previous wooden church. Judging by the inscription that was found on the surface of it, wooden Voskresen- skaya church had very ancient origin or at least it existed already in the XVI century.The belltower of impressive height, that was constructed at the north-western corner of the parapet ,has a very interesting form. It has an eight-angled framework on the low four-angled foundation and the structure was ended by a spherical roofing and a high spire. Actually this spire makes the belltower of Voskresenskaya church resembling the belltower of the cathedral located within the Petropavlovsky fortress in Saint Petersburg.

Vhodo - Yerusalimskaya church

The eastern facade of Vhodo - Yerusalimskaya church is adjacent to the urban square in Suzdal. It can be perfectly seen from the vicinity of Voskresenskaya church.In the time of previous centuries, next to Vhodo - Yerusalimskaya church a traveller could find a road, being a convenient route along the Kamenka river. Here, on the very spot, the eye could see Iliinskaya church that was removed afterwards to the other place of location - Ivanova Mount.

This church was,like in the case with the majority of old russian churches, constructed of timber , but later, during the XVIII century the church together with Pyatnizkaya church,which was situated side by side with it, was reconstructed using stone as a building material . Vhodo - Yerusalimskaya church that exists nowdays was constructed in 1707.Summer church has its own peculiarities.

It is adorned with a cornice of little arches which were put on consoles.Once, in the original state of the church, covering of four descents ended in five "heads", but now only the central "head" can be seen intact. The interior is overlapped with an inner vault.

Znamenskaya church

Znamenskaya church is located on the border between Suzdal and the Suzdalian countryside, on the Mzharka river. In the previous times, on this spot, was the place of location for Vvedensky convent, which in 1237 was pillaged, devastated and burned by the Mongol khan Batu, grandson of Gengis Khan. Then here was erected Vvedenskaya church, which in 1611 was ravaged by the Lithuanian invading force. A little later, on this very place was transferred and reconstructed again a wooden church with the name - Znamenskaya, which in its turn was replaced by a temple constructed of stone. In the Soviet times, the church was simply closed, and in 1991, the Vladimir-Suzdal museum-reserve handed over the temple to the Vladimir-Suzdal diocese, after the temple had been completely restored.

Kazanskaya church

Kazanskaya church is situated close to the trading rows of the city of Suzdal and near Voskresenskaya church. Kazanskaya church of the city of Suzdal is one of the main architectural monuments of the past and it is still functioning in these days .

It was erected in 1739 on the same place, where the previous wooden church had been destroyed by fire in 1719. Contrast in the decoration of the Suzdalian temples and belfries has become now a characteristic feature in the architecture of the Posad. This kind of techniques, revealing the singularity and beauty of the edifices of Suzdal , were used by the local Suzdalian masters.

The artisants of Suzdal had a considerable reputation as wood workers and, centuries later ,as masters of masonry.Although wooden architecture derived from old pagan practice, evolving into a wooden russian rural Christian church ( old "izba"-type) with the roof sloping down, the new style of construction - masonry has been attributed already to the epoch of Orthodox Christianity entirely.

Nor should we overlook the fact that the work of the Suzdalian school first appeared with the carved decorations which are known to have existed on many churches of Suzdal, since it was traditionally appropriate and desirable to adorn a church in this exclusively russian manner.According to some authors of the church history, Ananiy Fedorov,who was a monk serving in this church as a keeper of the temple's keys, was buried inside Kazanskaya church.

He was the author of one famous volume of history concerning Suzdal and the Suzdalian ecclesiastical traditions. In the world of science this work is known as " A historical compilation on the city of Suzdal, which has always been preserved by God".

Kozmodemianskaya church

Kozmodemianskaya church has become known from 1617 year. In the Chronicles of Suzdal dating 1617 year - this church was mentioned as a wooden rural church for receiving the so called « coming people ». Like in the cases with the other churches of Suzdal , this church in 1725 year was renovated by removing the walls and framework of timber and constructing the same church but using masonry.

The church is located on the steep bank of the Kamenka river. In the XII century here was consecrated a christian monastery in honour of Kozma and Damian. The hill where the monument is located, from ancient times was called Jarunov, by the name of an ancient heathen god. According to the legends of pre-historic times, the hill took its name in the long-forgotten past, by virtue of its connection with a sanctuary of this ancient pagan Slav god of archaic times - Yarun, or the other version of the name Yarila.From an architectural point of view Kozmodemianskaya church represents an object of special interest for a connoisseur in this sphere of human activity.

The main building of "summer" church has the form of a cube and from the southern direction the so called "winter" church is ajacent to this part of the edifice. From the western side a little belfry is situated which is completed by octahedral dome.In the period of history before the Revolution a fence of stone was constructed around the temple with a stairway going down to the river.

Kresto-Nikolskaya church

Kresto-Nikolskaya church is located at the very end of the trading rows. Suzdalian architects constructed it in 1770 year on the site of a chapel, which the Suzdalians consecrated in 1654 year in honour of their riddance from numerous diseases, that had taken thousands of human lives in medieval russian society. The very place for founding the chapel was chosen not accidently: according to an ancient custom, the Suzdalians performed their numerous prayers on the crossroads, here, nearby: one of the roads had its direction on the same route where now Staraya street is located, and the second one was situated along a river, crossing the first road as it was continued on from Tsarskaya church up to the Kabazkaya mount. In the XIX century to the church were attached additional premises - namely a wide refrectory and a belfry with a spire. Its impeccably white walls will attract your attention from a very long range of eye-sight .

Lazarevskaya church

From the northern side of the former Posad district in the very centre of Suzdal, close to Rizopolozhensky convent is situated the picturesque ensemble of Lazarevskaya and Antipievskaya church with a belltower. Lazarevskaya church belongs to the 15 century architecture. In the duration of that century the church was a wooden - type of old-fashioned temple, and in 1667 year on the very site of this wooden church was built a stone temple. The edifice of Lazarevskaya church can be attributed to the most imposing buildings in Suzdal, one of the best masterpieces of ecclesiastical architectural works.Unlike the other churches of Suzdal this church is a two-pillared one.

This circumstance allowed the medieval architects to create five photic bases of this church. A dense torrent of light makes you feel incredibly cosy while standing within the church hall.To the two columns of the church ,which are situated in the centre of the hall, arches are adjacent and the other part of the arches connected to the wall. The whole image of the church, its interior and exterior, together with its apsides, and other architectural details is very typical for a XVII century edifice.

Petropavlovskaya church

Petropavlovskaya church ( or otherwise the church of Peter and Paul ) was built at the southern wall of Pokrovsky convent in the year of 1694. This is a monumental building and bright example of the late Suzdalian architecture and was constructed under the undeniable influence of the Pokrovsky convent architectural ensemble.

The building of the church mainly looks like a cathedral, but not like a simple, provincial church. The wide and spacious volume of the temple superimposed by its serried vault, is ended by five "heads" or little turrets with round domes and big Orthodox-like crosses.The facades, surmounted by a belt of horseshoes-like decorative arches detached, like in the case with a good old tradition, by narrow strips, and between them windows are situated with ornate cornices. In the previous centuries from the west to the temple adjoined a one-storey parapet with a congruous western portal, and from the north - an aisle. At the north-western corner of the temple once existed a domed bell tower representing an instance of monumental and strict forms in architecture. The two sides of her quadrangle were abut to the parapet ; two exterior sides - the northern and western - were opened by arches which were bolstered by a round and short corner column.

This method was inspired by the bright and efficacious example of grand and very old Pokrovsky convent where the same kind of arch ensemble with a corner column can be seen by a bystander.The picturesque neighbourhood of local nature and emphatic jagging and off-balance outline of this architectural composition make this creation of architecture,perhaps, conspicuously peculiar.May be this special composition of Petropavlovskaya church made an inspiring impact on the creators of Kozmodemianovsky church,the abovementioned temple situated on the bank of the Kamenka river.

Rizopolozhenskaya church

Rizopolozhenskaya church is located on a steep bank of the once existing Mzhara river . On this very spot now only a ravine can be found with a spring flowing, almost dry in summer season nowadays. From this mount in the direction of the east one can see the neighbouring vicinity offering an excellent view on the suburbs of Suzdal - Michailova Side belonging to the XII century when the Grand Prince Michail Yurievich was the owner of the place.

On a wide plateau there are a multitude of hills, which are ,in fact , burial mounds dating back to the XII—XIII centuries,this is the medieval epoch when Suzdalians made this ground their first cemetery to serve as a place of solemn burial ceremonies. Rizopolozhenskaya church (1777y.) «warm», was built a little bit to the north from Znamenskaya church. It was created at the expense of the local merchant family - the Zubkovy. Unlike the other Suzdalian «winter» temples, this church has an eight-gable covering with four pediments (can be compared with refractory church of the so called Arkiireisky chambers.

Semionovskaya church

Semionovskaya church is included in the architectural ensemble of the churches of Semion Stolpnick and Smolensk Icon of the Holy Mother and is situated opposite to the south-eastern corner of famous Spasso-Ephimovsky monastery.The church of Semion Stolpnick was created in the year of 1749 to the north from Smolenskaya.

Here was the place of location for one"Sloboda" called Skuchiliha, which was in fact a property of Spasso-Ephimovsky monastery. This "Sloboda" was abundantly populated by any kind of working populace,including the monastery's masons and brick-builders. Within the "Sloboda" two wooden churches were built dating to the XVI—XVII centuries, and one of them was of a "tent-shaped" kind.Now, on the very site of their previous existence, built of stone churches can be seen - the large temple of Smolenskaya Icon of the Mother of God (1696—1706;it was restored in 1960 year by a instaurator with the surname O.G.Guseva).

The second existing stone church is «warm» and called Semionovskaya (1749). There exists an opinion, in some architectural circles,that this «warm» Semionovskaya church was extremely "distorted "by later alterations in comparison with Smolenskaya church .

Tikhvinskaya church

Tikhvinskaya church had been built by the end of the XVII century on the spot of Andreevsky monastery which disappeared from the history of Suzdal long ago. This monastery had been founded in the XIII century and burned during the period of Polish invasion and intrusion in the state problems of russian late medieval society.

Before Tikhvinskaya church was created by local ecclesiastical masters, two other churches had occupied that place - Andreiya Pervozvannogoand Petropavlovskaya which afterwards were replaced by a church made of stone and renamed in this modern version - Tikhvinskaya with the throne of Andreiya Pervozvannogo.

In the long-fogotten times of the history of Suzdal Tikhvinskaya church was deprived of its altar and high domed belfry, a belfry which was very similar to the belfry of Vozneseniya church. The facade of the church is decorated perfectly - under its cornice with kokoshniks or little corbel arches were made the so called «triple» windows - large windows, included by three in one range of one common platband. A high massive cube is adorned at every angle by a couple of semi-columns. A pompous cornice made of various hewn bricks with semicircular little arches ends the highest part of the walls.

On the lateral facades of the building a spectator can see an exceptional and rare sight even for the monuments of Suzdal, namely - platbands consisting of three parts and decorating two windows together and the icon case in the centre.

Roofing covering going in four descents creates the end of this "drum " or "cylinder" with kokoshnicks - corbal arches, a figured head on a narrow "neck."Like the other russian churches in Suzdal of this late period, the church is itself a museum of architectural art and a perfect example of various,interesting decorative decisions and techniques.

Uspenskaya church

Uspenskaya church is a picturesque temple, standing between the main Trade square and the Kremlin at the pediment of a high fort rampart. The previous rural Uspenskaya church it is thought to have been known in the ?VI century A.D. There is an assertion that by the end of the XVII century on the site of a wooden church had been built the extant stone church of our days that was reconstructed immediately after the conflagration in Suzdal in 1720 year.

Unfortunately after the Revolution some temple premises and buildings we completely destroyed : the domed belfry and side chapel of Sergei Radonezhsky (the XVII-XVIII centuries) and a beautiful fence with gates as well were obliterated.

Uspenskaya church is one of the temples of exceptional rarity, it glorified ancient russian architecture in our fabulous past. Concerning the external decoration of the church we can notice that the ornate framings of the windows, on the lower part of the church, belonging to the second half of the XVII century; the higher octahedral part of the church belongs to the beginning of the XVIII century.

Uspenskaya church in Suzdal is a bright example of the architectural style of Moscovian barocco: a wide octahedron standing on a tetrahedron is exquisitely adorned, the wide dome of the church is surmounted with a little " head" locating on a high "drum" of a special two-storey form.

Tzarekonstantinovskaya church

Tzarekonstantinovskaya church (or Tzarevskaya) in the eastern part of the Posad was constructed in 1707 year together with Christovozdvizhenskaya church at the expense of local inhabitants living in this district of Suzdal. Both of the churches were originally constructed of timber.

The churches were consecrated :"winter"church - in honour of Exaltation of the Cross;"summer"in honour of Tsar Constantine.Tzarekonstantinovskaya church is conspicuously different from the other churches of Suzdal and usually a curious traveller marks immediately the uncommon form of its domes, locating on high, narrow drums which is quite a usual feature for Suzdaliantemples.

Also there are five heads exceptionally prolonged in all detailes and together with them:domes,necks,spires and even crosses. The white walls of the main part of the temple are richly decorated with kokoshniks,ovals and carved platbands on the windows.A pompous decorative cornice with little horseshoe-shaped arches and an adorning pattern in the form of a saw - actully for the architecture of Suzdal it is quite a rarity.

In the beginning of the XIX century a classical round dwelling was additionally built side by side to be a part of the structure. In spite of an obvious difference in style this premises perfectly harmonize with the main part of the temple.Tzarekonstantinovskaya church was the last church with five "heads" constructed in the history of Suzdal.

The church of Ioann Predtechi

The church of Ioann Predtechi was built simultaneously with the church that belonged to the Suzdalian Kremlin and called Nikolskaya. All this took place in the year of 1720 and this paralleled kind of creation of the temples thoroughly explains their identical architectural features: it means an order of things which are absolutely similar to one another. And this is expressed by the pattern of this kind - a bellower, refrectory, and then the temple.

The cube of this temple reminds us the simple and hewn temples of old, erected by using timber as main constructive material.Allegedely it is the XVII century.The facade being without cornices, cuts the horizontal line of the temple's pyramidal roofing, and the forms of the window platbands are plain.The lower part of the belfry with two tremendous columns serves as an entrance into the inner part of the temple. The higher part of the rectangular basis, like the temple itself, is conspicuously emphasized by the shadow spots of little windows. A little higher you will see a comparatively little octahedron, decorated with contrasting with the total strict style and order - slim semi-columns.

The straight dome with little old-fashioned windows has absolutely precise, proper proportions 1:2. On the whole, the decoration of the temple is exceedingly simple revealing the fascanating simplicity of the genuine russian style, but the portal made of brick is notably exquisite.

The church of Michael Archangel

The church of Michael Archangel, is a "summer"-type church with a belltower, in the district of Michaeli of the city of Suzdal, and this church was erected in the year of 1769. Apart from sophisticated, astonishing view inside, after renovation it has become a marvelously beautiful temple with proudly shining golden domes under the tender sun of Suzdal.

This is the highest church in this part of the city. The red-white building stands out against a background of numerous churches in this city - its decoration is immaculate in the respect of harmony and style: dark-red walls, white patterned platbands of windows etc.

Above the second storey of the windows is situated a rich bend, and under the roofing, a bit higher - an eaves. The cross has a complicated pattern. From the west into the church is embeded a refrectory, joining the main framework of the building to the high bellower that is adjacent to this section of the temple to be an additional part. This church style can be attributed to the epoch of classicism.

A sharp spire, attached to a spherical dome, serving as a basis. Now an educational school functions within the church, where the students along with secular education can receive a spiritual, religious one, surmounts the belltower.

The church of the Chrismas of Ioann Predtechy

The church of the Christmas of Ioann Predtechy is built in the lower plain of the right bank of the Kamenka river, being literally located at its bend. Two churches are situated on this spot too: Bogoyavlenia church and Predtechen- skaya church. In the XVII century on the site of these extant churches were once constructed two wooden prototypes of them, which in their turn( quite a traditional consequence for russian wooden architecture ) were destroyed by a sudden conflagration.The stone-type "winter"church of Ioann Predtechy was created in 1739.

The architecture of the church is simple,conventional for Russia, being a representative of the so called "kletskie"wooden buildings, and it is thought thatthe main features of these wooden temples to have been transmitted into stone-type churches of later times. Here the wooden joints of inner rooms was substituted by pilasters or attached columns. In the year of 1740 an octahedral belltower was attached to the church,still showing for us a dome which can be called an average slightly concave dome of Suzdal.

Simplicity and proportionality of its forms are cardinal features of the church and it is fair to add to all this that beauty and elegance are relevant to mention them as well.This church has a view as typical as it is far-ranging in architectural sense of ecclesiastical innovation.

Suzdal is an enticingly beautiful, worldwide known city-museum, which is situated under the open sky of the generous Suzdalian land; a city which is so captivating with its beauty, where numerous sightseeings and modern hotels have formed a new Russian tourist centre of momentous significance and with constantly increasing popularity.

Everyone who is interested in Suzdal can find useful and interesting information concerning this city on our website. We would like to offer to you a number of attractions which you can find in the city: churches, monasteries, the extraordinerily decorated hotels of Suzdal, guest houses, cathedrals and restaurants. You have an opportunity to take part in numerous remarkable events and festivals which usually take place in Suzdal, and also there is a possibility to organize corporate arrangements during your holidays in this exceptional city of good, old Russia.

Suzdal is the Heart and Soul of the Golden Ring of Russia. It is a medieval city, and this city has its own history from the time when the state of Russia was forming itself into a dominating power to become the most influential in Eastern Europe and to give its own legacy for the future generations to come.

Sometimes it seems to you that every stone of its ancient walls can breathe and talk about the epoch of the ascendancy of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality which was the strongest among the medieval Russian states long before the Moscovian ascent to power.

Suzdal will direct your attention to the fascinating beauty of its churches with their bright, shinning domes, to the ancient Russian art of Wooden Architecture, to its monasteries, convents and cathedrals.Then, after visiting these places of religious significance in the history of old Russia, you can also visit the Kremlin of Suzdal (the local Citadel) and the Museum of Wooden Architecture and Rural Life of medieval Russia.

Also, on the territory of the region you will find that the nature is strikingly beautiful and pure, because magnificent views can be seen everywhere around the city to engulf your attention, and the local authorities have made everything possible to preserve the surrounding scenery and the old type of the Suzdalian architectural urban features which make the city so moving. No wonder that the people living in this old-fashioned city-museum, have preserved its traditions: they want to see their own city as it was in the archaic times and they want to be part of its rare history.

It doesn't matter whether you are alone or you will come with your family to stay here for several days or if you are in the company of your closest friends and colleagues, or if you participate in any conference which takes place in Suzdal, or you will make an appointment with your business partner, or you want to attend a festival, a dinner party, or something else - in any case, comfortable hotels and guest houses are waiting for you right now in the city of Suzdal to give you accommodation with all required features of a modern stay in a hotel and entertain you with numerous well-arranged programmes .

These hotels have cosy apartments for your convenience with rich furniture, restaurants, bars and other modern facilities and even some of them are located near outstanding monuments of old.... like monasteries and convents with their old,medieval type of architecture.

Every day thousands of tourists flock to Suzdal from any point of Russia and other countries of the world, to see this wonderful beauty, to be in a state of delight when they have the opportunity of listening to the ringing of the bells in the local churches and monasteries, and just to inhale the fresh air of the city and to feel this harmony in the silence surrounding the exraordinary rural city of old days.

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