VIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2016


Соловьева Е.С. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет
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The State Museum Estate of Alexander Kuprin was opened in its historic homeland, in the village of Narovchat, September 8, 1981.

Alexander Kuprin (1870-1938), the famous Russian writer, was born and up to 4 years living in Narovchat. Stories of mother, L. Kuprina of native places and people formed the basis for the novel "The Junker" story "Brave fugitives" and others. Alexander Kuprin sooner left the house, but he felt the walls of the origins of the fate of the writer.

Museum located in the former home of the merchant Shlykova V., rebuilt on the foundation of the burned house, which belonged to the parents of the writer. The museum building is a single-storey wooden house

It posted a literary and cinema exhibition, which tells about the life and work of the writer.

Sources of exposure were P. Frolov (educator, scholar, author of "A. Kuprin and Penza Region"), Kugel N. (art, now the museum's director Meyerhold), it takes exposure installation.

The museum 992 storage units, of which 240 items of fixed assets. The exposition takes 6 smaller halls and tells the story of human life.

In the first hall – old photos, which speak about ancestors of the family Kuprin and photo Narovchat places of the 19th century. They create the feeling of a small town native.

The second room of the exhibition – a small-town living with domestic details and subtle psychological nuances formidable life Kuprin: piano, violin, lambertny table, tea set, reading lamps give the interior features a cozy house.

In the third hall of the cultural space of the house, hearth continues exposition area mother, who was the personification of the lost children Narovchat home. Among the many photos of the sisters and their families, the mother of widow's house, Sasha-cadet, cadet-Sasha - a central place became very favorite Kuprin portrait of a mother in old age, which has always stood on his desk. Small rooms can not contain all of life floods Kuprin.

In the fourth hall kaleidoscope alternate views of cities, photos of friends and acquaintances. And now, from a modest provincial Kuprin transformed into the infamous King of literary Petersburg, aided by his marriage to M. Davydovoy - daughter publisher of the magazine "World of God", A. Davydova.

Simple and laconic exposition tells about their family life. But a lot of space devoted to letters and portraits of contemporaries with whom Kuprin communicated at the beginning of his career.

The last room before the visitors life unfolds bright, beautiful and rich. The exhibits, including items, books, portraits – reflect Gatchinsky's period of life, literary connections, preferences and hobbies.

Naturally included numerous photographs in the exhibition, where Kuprin with his family, with friends. But after World War Kuprin with his family he left Russia. Started 18 years impoverished exile. Again, lots of pictures and letters that store contact and breathing of the author and the addressee.

In the role of the guides are the "revived" contemporaries of the nineteenth century, from the person whose story is told about life in family Kuprin Narovchat. It is an appeal to the Russian literary classics, in conjunction with the theatrical form, it gives the state museum A. Kuprina image of the popular cultural center.

Could you imagine a little hick Narovchat, lost among the steppes and woods middle of Russia, he will get up before the eyes of the old and sick writer Kuprin (1870-1938) mirage fabulous magical city, unattainable dreams - and where? Among the brilliant Paris, the center of art, fashion, the joys of life - cherished goal of many travelers!

Create a memorial Kuprin is museum presents considerable difficulties. The house is sold to merchants Shlykov mother a writer with the situation before leaving Narovchat in Moscow Widow's house burned down. And the life of the writer in Narovchat small and not to the period of his work. And then it was decided that he would be our guide Alexander Kuprin. We will show the parental home the way he remembered, became for him a symbol of Russia, the Motherland. The task was to preserve the authenticity of the atmosphere, topography, everyday realities, the story of the events, and so on.

So, rising by five wooden porch steps and passing the cold porch, we find ourselves in the first small room with no windows - the hallway. It introduces visitors to the world of childhood writer.

So fabulous edge native land appears in "The Tsar's guest of Narovchat", created in exile in 1933. This is all the more amazing when you know how short life was Kuprin in his hometown. From the walls of the room to the visitor looking villagers, we see a wide trading area, home of the Cathedral. From the opening of the next room you can see the window of the hall, facing the street Narovchat with geraniums and homemade curtains. It invites us to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the house, the family Kuprin.

At a small table in the window is a photo album. Pictures in frames on the walls of the room seemed to have gone with his sheets. Here comes the story of the history of the family and the family and family roots. On his father's side he came from a poor writer different environment, his grandfather was a surgeon's apprentice. According to family legend, the ancestors of the destruction occurred "because of violent temper, extravagant lifestyle and drinking."

The next big corner room, conventionally called "Narovchat living room" for registration and mood opposite to the previous one, information-rich. The exposition is not a memorial reproduces the situation, nor the information or things of which has been preserved, even though we know about the hard life of the family clerk Ivan Kuprin.

Living room depicts the atmosphere of his home, perhaps with decorated haze of time. Native house is the way he is remembered or dreamed in the stories of the mother, or come up and reflected in the work of the writer. Narovchat house became for him a symbol of the native warmth and comfort, love, and of security. Until the purchase of his house in Gatchina (already at the time of writing fame) life Kuprina held in state-owned schools, barracks, rented apartments. Single family home remained in Narovchat.

The icon of St. Alexander Nevsky recalls the circumstances of the birth of the last child Kuprin, the future writer. All boys born Lyubov, died in infancy. Then, on the advice of pious man, newly born baby she named in honor of the saint, the memory of which is celebrated on the same days and ordered dimensional icon (to the growth of the newborn). Baby Alexander was still alive. Violin and piano, is not common in the provincial house of rather poor, according to legend, come home Kuprin. Preserved memories of old-timers on the execution of the writer's father the violin romances and folk songs. In the house there were hospitable locals. Playing cards - they lie on the stand at the mirror, also originating from Kuprin's home. From a good view mirror desk in another corner room of the museum. This is a reminder of the young writer's future. The road to it was through a few years of study, Moscow provincial garrisons Petersburg.


  1. Наровчатская энциклопедия/ Гл. редактор А. Г. Сохряков. – Пенза, 2005. 180 с.

  2. [Режим доступа: http://inpenza.ru/narovchat/museum-kuprin.php].

  3. [Режим доступа: http://penzahroniki.ru/index.php/publikatsii/112-rasskazova-l-v/1123-novoe-o-narovchatskom-detstve-a ].

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