VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


Баташова А.М. 1, Авдеева Н.А. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых
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According to recent researches, teachers working with children at school or students at college and university know that learners nowadays think and behave differently than those from previous generations. The conflict between different generations forces teachers and employers to search for new methods of working with the youth. The older generation often has to overcome stereotypes and learn to teach and work in a new way.

Nowadays it’s more obvious that the traditional ways of motivation are not suitable for the new generation of students. Studies and work are not at all the main activities in their life. What should be done in this situation – re-educate the youth or teachers?

This generation was born in the period from 1980 till 2000 and was named the Millennials, Net Gen or Generation Y. Its representatives are confident and technologically advanced. They grew in the world of IT technologies. Young people are more interested in Internet activities and communication with peers, they prefer multitasks to boring and monotonous learning. At present, teachers have to adapt training to the needs and interests of students. Therefore, educators should search for innovative strategies to engage Gen Y in the classroom.

The older generation is surprised by the youth having no authorities, stating their opinion on every subject. For example, students frequently dispute accepted methods of teaching and approved educational procedures.

It should be noted that they are under the influence of social networks which create for them the space, in which everything that the others do is opened and known, and people prefer to represent themselves improved, to show off and prove to be only at the success moments.

This distorted reality leaves to a young man the wrong feeling that everyone around is more successful, and causes envy, disappointment, irritation and doubt in their own possibilities. Thus, socialization through the virtual world interferes socialization in the real world. Members of Generation Y prefer to trust the Internet and social networks, but not real life. In view of susceptibility of young people to numerous outside influences, frequent change of mood and outlooks are common for them.

How can young people be aware of their generation features and use them for the organization of effective studies and work?

As belonging to Generation Y is curious for the youth teachers should pay their students’ attention to formation and understanding of their own educational requirements. There is no doubt it’ll change their approach to study. They realize it is necessary to be more responsible and to find something interesting for them in educational process. Moreover, students begin to understand the main educational purpose - to seize a profession and to get a good job.

Not surprisingly, our Generation Y isn't interested in studies. Therefore, we can offer teachers to make educational process challenging and fascinating. It seems to me that it can be reached by technical means adored by the youth. It’s necessary to include Internet-based activities in class or for homework. Teachers should use video training, Power Point presentations, pictures, schemes, on-line programs and courses, interactive activities. Playing games would be of great help and interest. Here it is possible to do quizzes, various quests, intellectual games, role plays as they are visual and involve learning by doing. After all, our generation perceives better the visualized information, than usual boring textbooks. Evidently, teachers need to change as well.

Studying of their own generation helps young people to understand themselves better and even to reconsider their outlooks. They can take a detached view of themselves, estimate their acts and thoughts, find out their weaknesses and strengths, decide on necessary changes. They can compare themselves to peers and older people and younger generation.

Generation Y is too self-confident and selfish. Should its members feel the necessity to listen to the other opinions (parents, teachers, older people) and reckon with them, perhaps, they will be able even to endow the interests for the sake of others.

Also, the eternal generation gap becomes clear to them. They understand that the conflict between people of different age happens because they belong to different generations, they have different views and priorities are placed too differently. It seems to change outlook of the person. We begin to look at the world in a different way, change our own dreams and plans.

It is not a secret that Generation Y is dependent on the Internet, video games and gadgets. Now we’ve understood that it is really a global problem of modern generation. It is necessary to convince the youth to pass from the online-world to the real one.

Young people nowadays can have unreal desires, more similar to dreams. I consider that everyone has to realize his opportunities and set the corresponding goals. We will be happy when we appreciate our little victories, which, undoubtedly, will develop into big results.

We are able to change the world and the environment. And first of all, we need to know ourselves and to direct our energy to the necessary course. We are responsible for our lives. I believe the future of next generations depends on us.


  1. Reilly P. Understanding and Teaching Generation Y. - English Teaching Forum. 2012. Number 1.

  2. Summit on educational games: Harnessing the power of video games for learning. Washington, DC: Federation of American Scientists, 2006. www.fas.org/gamesummit

  3. Urban T. Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy. http://waitbutwhy.com

  4. Матвеева А. Амбициозные и бессмысленные. http://expert.ru/expert/2014/03/ambitsioznyie-i-bessmyislennyie/


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