The purpose of work: To study the influence of biological age and adaptation potential on the intellectual capabilities of students using the Eysenck IQ test.
1) To define the intellectual coefficient of the students
2) To calculate the AP of the students using formula of Bayevsky
3) To compare them with the results of biological age of the students
Materials and methods: There were 25 students of the 3rd course who were tested using several science directions, particularly, the Eysenck IQ-test and indication results of biological age, calculated biological age, adaptation potential. After the obtaining of the IQ results, they were subdivided into several groups depending on their intellectual capabilities. Further we compared the results of IQ test with BA, DBA and AP, and analyzed their connection.
Results: Among all tested students 96% showed the normal level of IQ-coefficient in the range of 75 to 125, and 4% is constituted by students who got more than 125 points. At the same time, 68% of the students with satisfactory level of IQ were marked as those who capable to study at universities and 28% had generally satisfactory indexes but insufficient for education. There wasn’t detected any students lagging behind intelligence development. The total average (all students) coefficient is 108,7 and standard average (students with satisfied level of IQ) coefficient is 106,5.
Comparing analysis of the biological age and IQ-coefficient revealed the following tendencies. 1) The lesser the biological age the higher the results of IQ test. It is confirmed by the graphs which clearly demonstrate this dynamics. 2) The higher the adaptive potential (the lesser the AP digits) of a student the higher his/her intellectual capacities.
1) The study revealed that 96 % of students have satisfactory results of IQ test.
2) 34,6 % of students have satisfactory results of AP
3) There is a reverse dependence between BA and IQ-coefficient
4) The reverse dependence of BA and AP was observed