These preparations allowed us to identify and later on their basis present in the form of anatomical schemes, two main forms of variability of the structure of the main sources of innervation of the adrenal glands - abdominal plexus: dispersed and concentrated. Dispersible form of structure of the abdominal plexus was prevailed in our preparations (21 preparations). We identified the concentrated form of structure of the abdominal plexus in fewer (9 preparations). For disperse form of structure of the abdominal plexus is characterized the presence of 6 and more ganglions in polygonal shape that are placed asymmetrically on the right and left sides of the abdominal aorta. In this form of structure of the human abdominal plexus we additionally described two variants of structure of nerves of the adrenal glands. The first variant - 12 preparations (54% of cases) the prevalence of extraorganic nerves (10 or more trunks) of the left adrenal gland. The second variant - 9 preparations (46% of cases) the prevalence of outside organ nerves of the right adrenal gland. On preparations of concentrated form of structure of the abdominal plexus the last presented by 2 - 4 large ganglions that have semilunar shape. In this case, there is one variant of structure of nerves of the adrenal glands - the prevalence of number of extraorganic nerves of the left adrenal gland. Thus, analyzing the received materials of macro-microscopic anatomy of extraorganic nerves of adrenal glands of human, we can conclude that their anatomy depends on the shape of structure, quantity and features of their sources of blood supply, as well as the forms of structure of the main source of innervation - of the abdominal plexus.