VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


Рыженкова И.В. 1, Микулина А.А. 1
1Харьковский национальный медицинский университет
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Relevance of the subject. In medicine there are many cases of development of a mouth. Some of them influence an esthetic look, and some and a state of health. From oral cavity diseases concerning influence on function of voice speech production anomalies of development of bodies of an articulation – lips, a hard and soft palate, language, jaws and teeth have the greatest practical value.

The most frequent anomalies of development of lips and the sky are the slot-hole defects of an upper lip and the sky arising owing to a delay of merge of the embryonic rudiments forming these parts of an oral cavity. The easiest option – a unilateral crevice of a lip ("cleft lip"), the heaviest – full splitting of a lip, an alveolar shoot and sky ("wolf mouth"). Are among congenital defects of an oral cavity also shortening of a soft palate; shortening or total absence of a uvula; narrow, too high ("Gothic") sky.

The most expressed defects of the speech, undoubtedly, are connected with "a wolf mouth": the speech gets a nasal shade, becomes deaf and insufficiently distinct, violation in a pronunciation as concordants, and vowels (a full nasalization) is observed. At other congenital anomalies of a lip and the sky their manifestation is less expressed in the speech, though is noticeable.Language – the principal articulation organ and defects of its development significantly reduce possibilities of development of sound education. First of all, its total absence, or an aglossia belongs to anomalies of development of language; language underdevelopment (mikroglossiya) or abnormally big language (makroglossiya). Rather frequent defect of development is congenital shortening of a bridle of language. At this defect of the movement of language can be complicated since too short bridle pulls it to a mouth floor, breaking its articulation function.Splitting of language which is sometimes combined with splitting of lips and the sky belongs to number of rare anomalies. Defects of development of jaws and tooth alignment are most often shown in the form of anomalies of a bite. Understand a relative positioning of the top and lower tooth alignments at close jaws as a bite. At a normal structure of jaws and tooth system, the top tooth arch is slightly lower so at an occlusion of jaws, the lower foreteeth are slightly covered top, and all teeth of a forward row adjoin to teeth of the lower row. The wrong sound pronunciation, especially at children, is caused by various defects of a structure of jaws which conduct to anomalies of a bite, such as a prognatiya, the pro-genius, an open forward bite, a lateral bite.

To the wrong pronunciation also conducts lack of these or those teeth in a tooth alignment, changes of a form or deformation of their edges, big crevices between teeth. Anomalies of a structure of a tooth alignment are shown in the form of slantwise the located teeth or teeth located out of a tooth alignment, excess teeth and so forth. All defects of a structure and arrangement of teeth most often are followed by violations of a pronunciation in the form of lisping. Violation of normal mobility of lips and cheeks are observed usually at damage of a facial nerve. One of the reasons of damage of a facial nerve is the inflammation of a middle ear since the facial nerve passes across the bone canal in close proximity to a drum cavity. From other reasons it should be noted its traumatic defeats and catarrhal influence. Paralysis of a facial nerve happens, as a rule, unilateral that we lead to asymmetric deformation of the person: on the party of defeat an eye isn't closed, the eyebrow doesn't rise, the corner of a mouth and a cheek are lowered from top to bottom, assignment of lips. Attempts to inflate cheeks or to publish whistle aren't successful since lips on the party of defeat aren't closed and air freely leaves through a wide crack. It is clear that in these conditions of possibility of a sound pronunciation significantly suffer, especially a pronunciation of lip concordants and the labialized (lip) vowels. Anomaly of development of teeth are frequent and diverse. Distinguish four main groups: the 1st - anomalies of number, the sizes and a form; the 2nd - violation of structure of teeth; the 3rd - anomalies of situation; the 4th - violations of terms of a prorezyvaniye and growth. The 1 – st group the full or partial edentia, accessory and accrete teeth, a mikrodentiya or a makrodentiya of teeth, and also anomalies of a form of a crown, a root or all departments of tooth belong. The 2nd group includes cases of an aplaziya, a hypoplasia, displazin enamels, and also a dentine. Retention and poluretention of teeth belong to the 3rd group; and, at last, to the 4th group - violations of growth in the form of the slowed-down or accelerated growth of teeth and also accelerated or the slowed-down teething. Hereditary forms of malformations of teeth often accompany syndromes of multiple defects, both monogenic, and chromosomal. Nature of treatment depends on a type of anomaly and can be conservative or quick. Some defects of teeth won't respond to treatment at all.

Thus, anomaly of development of a mouth influence a gastrointestinal tract; lack of teeth leads to change of a shape of a face and appearance; lack of language - on violations of the speech, sound education and a mandibular joint.

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