VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


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«I wrote what I wanted to read. People did not write, so I had to»

Clive Staples Lewis

Most of us are conversant with works of such significant and notable authors as John Ronald Reuel Tolkien and Clive Staples Lewis. There are friends, and Tolkien's art influenced on Clive's art anxiously. They wrotе various and diverse works, and I want present you two creations, which are not so popular and well-known as other cinematized works. There are Lewis's The Magician’s Nephew and Tolkien's Ainulindalë. Tolkien wrote Ainulindalë in autumn, 1929, and Lewis was the first reader and reviewer of this book. Lewis understood that he had observed birth of ingenious Writer, and he thought, that couldn't become so great. However, after War Lewis created his first books about Narnia and graded up to Professor, not as copyist but as neighbor peak .Both works has common features, such as fantastic plot, and two dimensionless worlds, which were diligently created by their demierges. These books narrate about creation of two mythical worlds – Narnia and Arda. They are created by а special method – by Music. Both Gods, Aslan and Eru Ilúvatar were performing song roulades, which formed all visible and invisible.

Ainulindalë is the first book in Silmarillion, Mid Earth Bible. This chapter of Mid Earth history has huge amount of events, heroes and characteristics of Gods, which are intertwisting into compound net. Plot is eventful and composition has implication to Christian Bible and pagan faith. Eru Ilúvatar, Melcor and Valar are analogues to Yahve, angels and devil. Style of narration is rather sharpen and informative. Ainulindalë attracts with it's evenful storyline, but not with a fertility of using artistic devices. The Magician’s Nephew has the same content but it was framed differently It has the certain Christian context, but it is expressed more cloudy. Aslan is the Lion and Holy Lamp – as a prototype of Jesus, Son of God. This is a fairy tale, it is not cosmogonical foundational history. There are a lot of bright and emotional scenes there, which made us empathize to main heroes. Plot is elegant and certain for all generations, but it hides eternal dinkum. This is the reason of book's popularity. In spite of deceitfully same features, these books are totally different.

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