НЕФТЬ: ОТ ШАХТЫ ДО ПОТРЕБИТЕЛЯ - Студенческий научный форум

VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


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It's not a secret that refining industry plays leading and integral part in our economy, because all that surrounds us was made from oil or with the aid of it. We associate the oil with money, that's why it is called black gold.

But what we know about people who give us fuel for our cars, airplanes and ships? The word oilman is immediately associated with man in black suit and with serious focus on success who portrayed on the Forbes cover. But who they really are these people thanks to whom modern progress is possible. They are different, but they do common deal.

Geologists first meet oil, they explore the deposits, looking for shelves suitable for development. In modern conditions they search for oil fields using precise scientific methods, but a creative approach is required for their correct application and interpretation of the results.

Oil rig men are coming after them, they drill crust by drill stations. It is the most dangerous and difficult stage of mining, they face different conditions from hot deserts to the extreme north, or the cold and restless waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Then the oil enters the oil refinery through the pipes or tanks, where it is tested and verified, and sent for recycling. Facility operators monitor the processing, they watch indicators of pressure and temperature.

At the end laboratory technologists check the quality of products, because all petroleum products should correspond to European standards, people in white coats like doctors or scientists mixed reagents, conduct experiments and everything smells of petroleum products, the smell is of an acquired taste even if taking into account the fact that oil practically odorless.

And ready oil can go to the consumer, and then the most famous and wealthy oilmen-sellers come into play, they determine what profit the rest of the chain links will get. Nowadays most of the oil resources in the unprocessed form are sent abroad, and all the raw materials that go to primary and secondary refining distributed within countries.

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