VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


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The problem of learning languages is very important today. Foreign languages are socially demanded, especially at the present time, when science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge and has contributed to an overflow of information. It is well know that our new life is highly affected by the era of information technology, and technology plays an important role in today’s human society development. With regards to this fact, it is indispensable to take advantage of the modern technological facilities in aiding the test of english language education

Learning english language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience [ Rodinadze & Zarbazoia, 2012].

Students trying to learn English as a second language need further language support. They need ago practice in hearing/listening language, reading language, speaking language(verbal interaction ) and writing language in order to develop their experience and skills [Ybarra & Green, 2003]. to make this process effective, they are in need of using various tools which can help them learn the language easily.

This article is about how english can be learned using all the necessary tools at your deposal at any moment and in any place you may find yourself. Sometimes the efforts of the learner depends how fast or how slow he can learn english language.

A revolution in language teaching philosophy took place towards the end of the late 1800s,that is seen by many as the dawn of modern foreign language teaching. Different methods appeared. e.g. Grammar Translation Method, The direct method, Audio- Lingual Method and others [Rodinadze & Zarbazoia, 2012]. Information technology helps the students as well as the teachers in studying the course material easily because of fast access. Studying the subjects with the help of online libraries and dictionaries has made grasping and increasing the knowledge easy for the students. The inclusion of information technology in the syllabus in schools, colleges and universities has helped them in grasping the subject well and getting their basics cleared. Since, many educational centres have the online grading system, it has been a boon for the parents of the children to keep a tab on their performances. Parents can also get the details of the attendance record of their child.

In recent years, the speedy, effective and global communication of knowledge has created a new foundation for co-operation and teamwork, both nationally and internationally. The increasing role played by information technology in the development of society calls for an active reaction to the challenges of the information society[ Rodinadze & Zarbazoia, 2012].

Information technology may assist in the facilitation of learning or serve as the actual educational structure allowing learning to occur. Information technology benefits both traditional education institutions and online educational models in fundamental ways. For example, multimedia presentations, knowledge-management software, video conferencing, cloud computing and collaborative document editing are notable information technology services benefiting education.

With more powerful software and applications, along with mobile devices such as tablet computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and laptops becoming more prevalent in the classroom, information technology offers many benefits to all aspects of education.Nowadays using of information technology at the English lessons is also very important.

Information technology provides teachers an endless choice of multimedia, software, applications and devices with which to create more exciting, interactive lessons. The traditional English lecture-based lesson, while effective to a point, does not stimulate every type of learner. By adding a dimension to their lessons, English teachers have the opportunity to engage more students and lead a more involved, energetic class

We are going to discuss how english can be learned in the classroom or at home using the available technology. As mentioned above we need a lot of practice to learn english.

First of all, we need listening or hearing language:

Listening is defined as the process of identifying and understanding the speech of the speakers. It involves understanding the speaker’s accent or pronunciation, speaker’s grammar and vocabulary, and comprehension of meaning [Saricoban, 1999]. The listener should be capable of doing these four things at the same time.

Listening is considered as a principal language skill. Through listening people can acquire a large portion of their education, their information, their ideas, and their understanding of the world.

There are several technical ways for improving the listening capability of the ELL (English Language Leaner ) student, which are summarised below.

Use of Computers

The use of computers in listening problems provides students with visual and voice inputs which can enhance their information and ideas, and develop their listening skills [Hoven, 1999]. Computer-based listening tests are very important in reinforcing the understanding skills of the listener. Flash-card based learning films can also provide significant advantages over the traditional methods. Finally, Internet voice chatting using the second language may also aid the communication capabilities of the student.

Listening to TV and radio educational language programs is also another technical way for developing the understanding ability. However,News satellite TV channels, like the BBC, are also useful for practicing with audio and video media.

The use of MP3-player devices is another modern tool for listening comprehension. MP3-players are electronic instruments used specifically to run audio files. Lectures and listening examinations can be saved on audio files for latter use by the ELL student. Nowadays, these MP3-players can be used as recording devices to record audio and later playback for the listener


Moreover, Reading is an important process in language development. Reading is the process of understanding a written text by the learner. It is an important skill which depends on the vocabulary and background knowledge of the learner in the second language [Constantinescu, 2007]. During the reading process, the English language learner can improve his vocabulary and terms, acquire new information and ideas, and enhance his real-world knowledge.

The ELL student can use Computer Reading-Based Programs .This can enable ELL students to increase their interaction with texts, pay their attention to individual needs, and enhance their abilities to read texts they would not otherwise be able to read [Ybarra & Green, 2003].

Computers can raise the interest of reading for learners by the use of simple and easy to understand text. Reading-based computer programs can be used to improve the word vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension of the students.Computers can also be used to correct answers for the learners, and to simulate tests in an easy to understand manner [AlKahtani, 1999].

In present days, computers are designed so simple and portable. It is now more convenient and possible to carry around with you devices such as iPads, PDAs, and other tablets making learning more interesting. The ELL can download pdfs onto these devices and can always refer to the documents anywhere he finds himself.

Browsing the internet is certainly a modern technological way for persons who have the hope to develop their English language skills. There are many Internet web sites prepared solely to enhance the reading abilities of English language learners. There are also a huge number of resources available in the form of newspapers, magazines, journals, electronic libraries, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and newsletters [Kenworthy, 2004]. Browsing these resources and sites will obviously enhance the learner's vocabulary and reading ability.


Human communication can take place between the speaker and the listener if only they understand each other. The leaner should try as much as possible to speak the language he is trying to learn. Speaking with people around you is a better way develop your language and not to forget what you have learned. Both speaker and listener have a positive function to perform in simple terms. The speaker has to convert his message into spoken language, while the listener has to understand the language of the speaker. Insertingtechnology in learning English language speaking can take several forms as the use of Internet Voice Chatting

Chatting is the process of voice communication between the speaker and the listener through the internet. This process may be very beneficial to the learner if the other side speaker is a native language talker.


The writing process can be very difficult for learners of English language as they must do tasks like generating ideas, organisation, and perfect use of grammar and vocabulary. Some of the technical ways for improving the writing skills for the ELL student are listed below.

Computers can be used to develop the writing skills of English language learners.Grammar skills can be improved with the aid of word processing programs. So, the use of the computer as a tool in studying grammar is much more motivating for the student than the process of traditional writing with a paper and a pencil [Ybarra & Green, 2003].

Writing E-mails

Electronic mail is a modern way for writing and transferring messages through the internet. Using e-mail can be a very effective means for improving writing skills. Students can use E-mails to learn how to respond to the incoming messages using some formal statements and meaningful language [Singhal, 1997].

Text chatting is another important technical method for developing writing ability. It provides an on-line and quick tool for writing and expressing thoughts, transferring ideas, and responding instantaneously with the other side writer. Nowadays there a lot of social networks where the ELL student can find friends who speak english language and text chat with them. This can also go a long way to developing the writing skills of the student.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The aid of technology in learning a second language has become a real necessity nowadays. It has been reviewed in this article briefly how technology can be utilised in developing the language skills of the learner. As a result, the following concluding remarks and recommendations can be recorded:

1. As technology has developed, the incorporation of this medium into the instruction process becomes necessary.

2. The computer is being viewed more as an integral part of the learning activity, and as a means by which skills are transferred to learners.

3. Theory and practice in second language learning can be matched together by the use of modern technology.

4. Modern technical ways should be followed for effective learning and teaching of the second language.

5. English language teachers should encourage their students to use technology in developing the language skills.


AlKahtani, S. (1999). Teaching ESL reading using computers. The Internet TESL Journal, 5(11). Retrieved from

Rodinadze & Zarbazoia, (2012). The Advantages of Information Technology inTeaching English Language

Constantinescu, A. I. (2007). Using technology to assist in vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension. The Internet TESL Journal, 13(2). Retrieved from

Davies, G., & Hewer, S. (2012). Introduction to new technologies and how they can contribute to language learning and teaching. Module 1.1 in Davies G. (ed.), Information and Communications Technology for Language Teachers (ICT4LT), Slough, Thames Valley University [Online]. Retrieved from

Hoven, D. (1999). A model for listening and viewing comprehension in multimedia environments. Language Learning & Technology, 3(1), 88-103. Retrieved from

Kenworthy, R. C. (2004). Developing writing skills in a foreign language via the internet. The Internet TESL Journal, 10(10). Retrieved from

Saricoban, A. (1999). The teaching of listening. The Internet TESL Journal, 5(12). Retrieved from

Seedhouse, P. (1994). Using newspapers on CD-ROM as a resource. TESL-EJ, 1(2). Retrieved from

Sharma, P. (2009, April 8). Controversies in using technology in language teaching. Retrieved from

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