ОСОБЕННОСТИ КУЛЬТУРЫ ИРЛАНДИИ - Студенческий научный форум

VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


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Ireland is known as the country of legends and fairy tales. It is often called the ‘land of saints and scholars’ referring to the golden age of monastic learning, or ‘the emerald isle’ referring to the green landscape. Ireland’s culture is rich in a large number of customs and national traditions.

Ireland was converted to Christianity by Saint Patrick in the V century. Thanks to it, one of the most important and main holidays is St. Patrick's Day. It is celebrated every year on March 17. The celebration of this day is a special event for Irish. People on this holiday put on green clothes which symbolize ancient Gaelic traditions of Ireland, arrange parties with music and dances. Each Irish dance is a certain work of art. Dance is a peculiar feature of Irish and visible in everything.

The Irish national music is very various: from lullabies to drinking songs, from slow instrumental melodies to fast incendiary dances. Even today Irish use national tools in music, such as a flute TinWhistle, the Irish Fiddle, Bodhran, Uilleann pipes, the Irish harp and others. It is the example when the tradition is becoming popular.

Irish people have the reputation of being very friendly. Generally people shake hands when they meet for the first time. Friends hug each other or just say hello. Sometimes people kiss the cheek if they know each other well. People generally make eye contact because it is a sign of trust and that you are interested in what they are saying [1].

Thanks to the unique geographical position, Ireland could save a large quantity of Paleolithic monuments. One of the most famous - dolmens, massive tribasic constructions, were erected 4-5 thousand years ago. Picturesque Irish coast is mute witness of thousand-year history. There are ancient defensive castles which are loved by travelers of the whole world.


1. Ильина, Ю.В. Обращение как способ установления межъязыковой профессиональной коммуникации / Ю. В. Ильина // Современные научные исследования. Выпуск 2 / Под ред. П. М. Горева и В. В. Утёмова. – Концепт. – 2014.

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