ВЫЗОВЫ: БРОСАЙ ИЛИ ПРИНИМАЙ… - Студенческий научный форум

VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


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Challenge is not a new form of social activity. Its historical roots date back deeply to early periods of the humankind when there were classical duels, cruel and brutal contests, convoluted competitions. Their aim was to gain a victory at any price and be a leader, hero or champion after the challenge or save somebody’s life or promote awareness of an existed problem in society. Whereas, the reasons were various due to a specification of the challenge itself. In past usually men than women gave or took a dare and the forms varied from a childish fight with many bruises and torn endings of clothes up to dramatic duel with a lady’s mourning. Nowadays, we have the same defiance legally and illegally brought about by daredevils and the brave, or last time it became fashionably to accept or invite into a competition, fight, or contest. I can list some recent popular challenges in EU such as ice bucket challenge or ALS ice bucket challenge which is involving dumping a bucket of ice water on someone’s head to promote awareness of the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and encourage donations to research. It went viral on social media during July-August 2014. Consequently, many people in the USA and in the UK participate for the Association. The challenge encourages nominated participants to be filmed having a bucket of ice water poured on their heads for others to do the same. Another one is called Angry Birds Friends tournament for the Pangolins in which ‘Prince William plays Angry Birds to save endangered mammal’ in order to raise awareness of the critical threat to wildlife through illegal poaching of pangolins – a species of scaly ant-eaters living in Asia and Africa. The tournament will run on the 17th of November. Prince William said: ‘By spreading the message about poaching, I hope you can be part of a movement that says no to poached ivory and rhino horn, and many other animal parts. And with the help of Angry Birds, we have created an Angry Birds Friends tournament for the Pangolins, so you can have some fun while learning more about them and the wider issue of poaching.’ According to the IUCN, the animal is being ‘eaten to death’ in China. In a nutshell, we can conclude that challenge can be a type of enjoyment from one side and give a boost to efforts to stop the social cruelty or save the lives due to responsiveness, sympathy and sensitiveness.

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