VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


Есенгелді Н.С. 1, Ашимханова С.З. 1
1Карагандинский государственный университет им. Е.А. Букетова
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Proverbs convey a country’s cultural characteristic, and it exhibits a language’s character in a simplify way [1, l7]. So when we learn a new language the first thing we often what to learn is the proverbs, not only because it is interesting, but also each proverb can create unexpected effect when it is used properly. When talking about the proverbs the first kind of proverbs that occurred to us is that related to the animals. And in Kazakh we also use lots of proverbs that related to animals to describe something, because this kind of proverbs often full of emotional attitude. Animal figure is full of symbolizations and strong characteristics when it is used to describe a person, so people like to describe a man’s quality and disposition by animal proverbs. It may give the listener a kind of impression that you are a speaker who knows the person that you are talking very well. May be the animals in different language mean the same thing, but to large extent, the understanding of the same kind of animal may differ in thousands ways. So understanding the correct meaning of these proverbs is especially important.

The urgency of the research work: animal proverbs of the Kazakh language in comparison to the English language have not been a subject of the special research work yet. Nowadays animal proverbs as a part of phraseological units draw steadfast attention of researchers. However proverbs with zoonyms as an object of research in each of the given languages have not been investigated separately. Today there are no the researches comprehensively contemplating the given problem, and there is no comparative research devoted to two typologically and genetically unrelated languages as English and Kazakh are.

Standing on such ground, we would like to point out the aim of the work. The aim is the scientific systematization of the English and Kazakh animal proverbs, identification and description of their similarities and distinction.

The objects of the work are the English and Kazakh animal proverbs.

Methods of investigation: descriptive method and method of comparative analysis.

Proverbs are always results of social, cultural, historical and political values. Despite the universal features, there still be distinct features that differentiate one culture from another [2, 144]. Therefore, we can say that there are two types of proverbs: those with a common, universal morality, similar in most cultures, if not in the form, at least in the message; and those born from a historical fact, a local custom or a specific event in a particular culture. Proverbs and sayings related to animals in these two languages are different in their cultural connotations. And it causes a lot of difficulties for people from one country to learn the language of the other.

English and Kazakh have different concepts about the world, especially the animal world. Each culture highly values the animals that have more contribution to their life. That is why though two languages have proverbs using the images of dogs, horses, buffaloes; the messages carried are varied through cultures.

The English and Kazakh languages share the same kind of point of view over some of the animal proverbs. During the long history of human life English and Kazakh people may have the same idea of some kind of animals; for example, fox is the most common animal that the English and Kazakh culture share the same view. It is the symbol of duplicity and suspiciousness. So in Kazakh we often use «түлкідей қу, түлкідей айлакер» to describe a man who is cunning as well as clever, as in the traditional English history fox spirit symbolizing hypocrisy, e.g. Don’t set the fox to keep your geese. - Түлкіге қаз бақтырма [3, 21].

Also we use «кәрі қу түлкі» to describe some bully people by flaunting by other people’s power. And in the English language, the same kind of usage can also be seen, as we often say “he’s a sly old fox” and the proverbs «when the fox preaches, take care of your geese. – «Түлкі Құран оқығанда тауығыңды тық, Түлкі қайырымдылықты айтып қақсай берсе, қазыңа сақ бол».

Another kind of animal that we share the same view point is rat. Rat is a kind of animal that can be seen in every part of the world. They lead a dirty life and cowardice is their instinct so it is no wonder to hear «Суға батып бара жатқан кемеден көртышқан да қашады» [4, 34] in our Kazakh Language. And for the English people they often use rat to indicate someone who is not loyal. And ‘A rat leaving a sinking ship’ is used to say someone who cannot share adversity with.

What is more, we also have the common understanding over wolf. It is a kind of figure that stands for barbarity and greedy. In Kazakh we often say «Қасқырды қанша асырысаң да, орманға қарап ұлиды», «Қой терісін жамылған бөрі» as to express that man has an evil mind just like a dog and never changed this bad side, and in the English language wolf is also be consider to someone that is regarded as predatory, rapacious, and fierce. Take ‘wolf in sheep's clothing’ for example, it is used to describe one who feigns congeniality while actually holding malevolent intentions. So from this example we can see that although we have different culture background, we have the same feeling to some kind of animal and this can easily be seen from the two different languages.

Also the English and Kazakh languages share the same kind of point of view over the proverbs with zoonym of bee. In all three languages the bee is a universal symbol of industriousness and organization. The bee also considered to be a good symbol, is an exemplar of hard work. Among qualities attributed to the bee diligence,tireless work and chastity. For instance, As busy as a bee. - Арадай еңбекқор. A busy bee has no time for sorrow. - Шебер қол шет қалмайды. No bees, no honey. - Мал баққанға бітеді [3, 49].

The ass has also been considered a symbol of stubbornness, and in other circles a symbol of patience and folly in the English and Kazakh languages. The “patience” symbolism is possibly due to the fact that it can carry a heavy load. Jest with ass and he will flap you in the face with his tail. - Сиыр сипағанды білмейді, сұм сыйлығанды білмейді. If the ass (donkey) bray at you, don’t bray at him. - Кесірлімен керіспе, керме иықпен егеспе. All asses wag their ears. - Үндемегеннің бәрі данышпан емес. «Есек құлағының ұзындығына мақтанар, есалаң бетінің қызылдығына мақтанар» [3, 55].

We share completely different idea on the same kind of animal. And maybe this mainly cause by the culture back ground and their living habits. Their brilliant traditional culture variation may also play an important role in forming their point of view. Also way of taste of beauty, and different culture is considered to be a significant factor. And here is the example; the first kind of animal is dog.

Dog is a kind of animal that accompany us though the human history. English people think that dog is a kind of animal that stands for loyalty. In the English culture, dogs help human beings lots of work. They watch the houses, keep farm animals like sheep, goats and help hunting wild animals. Therefore, dogs are highly valued and are considered human’s best friend. There are many proverbs showing the importance of dogs such as: love me love my dog, every dog has its day: everyone can be successful at something at some time in their life, a man's best friend is his dog [5, 152].

But in Kazakh dog have another deep meaning in the proverb, and it is often use to say someone who is baseness and evil. Though dogs help watching houses, Kazakh people in general dislike the behavior of dogs. So, dog is used to describe the bad guys, those who are cruel and unscrupulous. We use “Итжанды адам” to say a man with a bad spirit, who is snobbery, and look down the common people. “Ит иттігін қылмай қоймас”, “Итке ерген үреді”, “Иттің боқ жемесе, басы ауырады”, “Ит құтырса иесін қабады” someone who is a bad natured, “Шөп үстінде ит жатыр, өзі де жемейді, өзгеге де бермейді” someone who is greedy. On the contrary, the English people people consider dog as their lovely pet, or their loyal friend. When your friend win a game it is very common to say “you won, you lucky dog”.

The culture differences of these two countries may create great obstacles when we are doing translation. Because considering the same kind of living things we have different points of view to accept it. For example, we all know that sheep is the common animal of Kazakh culture, it represent a calm man, and is used to describe a peaceful man, a man is considered to be cruel if beats the sheep because breeding sheep is productive, we Kazakh often say: Қой аузынан шөп алмас, Қойды соққан оңбаған, Мал өсірсең қой өсір, өнімі оның көл-көсір [6, 12].

But in the English language sheep is a not a good symbol. We know that sheep stands for the negative characteristics e.g. One scabbed sheep will mar a whole flock, and what is more, sometime they use sheep to indicate the defects e.g. Every family has a black sheep.

For these differences we should pay special attention to proverbs, and shouldn’t take animal proverbs just for granted. And we want to list some reasons for the variations.

One of the most important elements that differentiate the proverbs in English and Kazakh is the differences in culture. Firstly, both have different concepts about the world, especially the animal world. Each culture highly values the animals that have more contribution to their life. That is why though two languages have proverbs using the images of dogs, horses, buffaloes; the messages carried are varied through cultures. It should be noted that if English learners do not know about the custom of English culture they will encounter lots of difficulties in communicating, especially with proverbs. Nomads and farmers used the ground differently and it influences in it differently. In Steppe a way of life differs from English people’s life. The way of life defined harmonious system of sights at the world surrounding it. On the average world the person is in space between four sides of world. The underground world can be seen through fairy tales. There all to the contrary. Because of geographical position English and Kazakh people have different points of view over some animals.

Secondly, there is a big difference between the religion of English and Kazakh people. The Kazakh religion can be considered as Islam, while most English people believe in Christianity. That is why the concepts of people about some animals in two countries are different.

In short, English and Kazakh languages are rich in images and have a lot of proverbs. And among them proverbs using the images of animals take a large portion. Both cultures share the same capabilities of thought, the same laws of cognition and a common, universal morality. Moreover, some animals have the same important role in people’s lives in the two cultures, and have the same attributes and features. Therefore, we have a large number of similar proverbs and idioms related to animals, both in the form and in the message.

However, English and Kazakh people have different history, different customs and different religions. They have different connotations of some animals in life. Those proverbs born from the historical fact, local custom or specific religion convey different messages though they use the same images of animals.

Teaching and learning a language are teaching and learning a culture. These two elements cannot be separated. By teaching the proverbs, English teachers can help their student to penetrate to English culture excitingly and interestingly. Moreover, English language learners, often struggling with a limited vocabulary, find these memorable proverbs easy to learn and fun to use. Learning proverbs helps students to remember the structures and vocabularies carried in the proverbs easily.


1. Trench R.C. Proverbs and their lessons. New York: E.P. Dutton and Co., 1986.

2. Mieder W. Proverbs are never out of season. Popular wisdom in the modern age. New York: Oxford university press, 1993.

3. Кеңесбаева Ү. Ағылшын халқының мақал-мәтелдері. – Алматы: «Өлке», 2004ж. – 214б.

4. Қайдар Ә.Т. Халық даналығы (қазақ мақал-мәтелдерінің түсіндірме сөздігі және зерттеу). – Алматы: «Тоғанай Т» баспасы, 2004. – 560 бет.

5. Бес жүз ағылшын мақал-мәтелдері. – Алматы: «Көшпенділер» баспасы, 2003. – 160 бет.

6. Әлімбаев М. Халық – ғажап тәлімгер. – Алматы: Рауан, 1994. – 144 бет.

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