VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


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For English proverbs characterized by two types depending on the components: the constant and the constantly-variant. Because proverbs are not used alternants, konstantno-dependence variable and constant-variation-dependent variable in Proverbs is not found.

Proverbs with constant dependent components:

Proverbs with constant dependence of the components are most widespread. Examples similar proverbs can serve: birds of a feather flock together s fisherman feather flock from afar; a burnt child dreads the fire ← scalded milk, will blow on the water; a great ship asks deep waters ← large ship large swimming; if you run after two hares, you will catch neither – for chase two hares, you will catch neither, and others.

Proverbs with the constantly-variant dependent components:

Along with proverbs with constant dependent components exist proverbs with embodiments.

Lexical variants: every cloud has a (or its) silver lining ← blessing in disguise; fast (safe or sure) bind, fast (safe or sure) find ← stronger Forbidden rather find; rats desert (forsake or leave) a sinking ship- "rats fleeing a sinking ship." As these examples show, in Proverbs is possible to replace the various notional words notional as belonging to the same part of speech, and, in rare cases, significant trivial.

Grammatical variants: constant dropping wears away (or will wear away) a stone (morphological variants) - a drop hammer stone, not by force, and part of the fall (Wed patience and work little effort).

Quantitative options: In Proverbs occur only with truncated versions components: first catch your hare then cook him (= first catch your hare) ← not killing a bear, do not hide sell; there is no smoke without fire (= no smoke without fire) - there is no smoke without fire.

In English proverb is also found and combined variance, the presence of two types of variation. There are the following types of combined options:

Lexical and grammatical variants:

1) the one-structural options: crows do not pick crow's eyes out = hawks will not pick hawk's eyes out dog does not eat dog (lexical and morphological variation);

2) the different structural options: do in Rome as the Romans do (= when at Rome do as the Romans do) s in stranger monastery with its charter, not walk; it is a small flock that has not a black sheep (= there is a black sheep in every flock) ← family has its black sheep; still waters run deep (= still waters have deep bottoms) calm waters of the deep; ← still waters run deep.

In all these examples, there is the lexical and syntactic variation.

In the different structural variants in the presence of lexical and syntax-classical variance possible change in the type of offer, such as: what does the moon care if the dogs bark at her? (= The moon does not heed the barking of dogs) ← dog barks, the wind carries.

Lexical-position options: he must (or should) have (or he needs) a long spoon that sups with the devil = Not that sups with the devil needs (must have or should have) a long spoon ← contacted hell, blame yourself.

Quantitative-lexical variants: there are spots (even) in (or on) the sun - and the sun has spots.

These groups exhaust all the main types of variants of English proverbs, and lexical variants are the most common.

Emerging options tend to wither away. The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs - a kind

Cemetery of such options. Here are just a few examples: fine (mouth. Fair) words butter no parsnips ← words butter no parsnips; fine (mouth. fair) feathers make fine birds (mouth. fair fowls) clothing colors.

Rights; fortune favours the brave (mouth. the bold) - happiness favors the bold; = Courage city takes; two (mouth. many) heads are better than one - the mind is good, but two is better.

The number of similar examples could be increased, but the above is sufficient to illustrate the process of the withering away of the options in proverbs.

Список литературы: 1) Кунин А.В./Фразеология современного английского языка.

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